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Last active February 3, 2024 00:45
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Duskers Backup Script: A simple(not simple at all) backup script for Duskers, written in Python.

Duskers Backup Script

by AgentLoneStar007


You need Python 3.4+ to run this script. It should be pre-installed on most Linux distros. Windows:


Linux(if you don't already have it somehow, check your distro's package manager first):


Upon either going to the main menu or exiting in Duskers, run this program. Follow any dialogues given for choosing the backup directory. If you want to make life easier, simply change the backupDir variable in this script(it's near the top) to your desired backup directory.


This should work on Windows, macOS, and Linux. I haven't tested it yet on Windows, however. And I cannot test it on macOS, so comment if you use macOS and you have any issues. I'll do my best to fix them.


Don't remove comments crediting me.

# Credit AgentLoneStar007 for writing this
# Log-naming system taken from my project PythonBasicUtils - go check that out
import os
from datetime import datetime
import platform
import zipfile
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
# Set some vars
operatingSystem = platform.system().lower()
currentUser = os.path.expanduser('~')
if 'windows' in operatingSystem:
saveLocation = f"{currentUser}/Documents/My Games/Duskers"
elif 'mac' in operatingSystem:
# Haven't tested macOS, so this could be wrong
saveLocation = f"{currentUser}/Library/Application Support/unity.Misfits Attic/Duskers"
saveLocation = f"{currentUser}/.config/unity3d/Misfits Attic/Duskers"
# Enter the directory you wish to store backups in here - use {currentUser} in the string to get your user directory.
# Example: f"{currentUser}/Documents/Duskers Backups/" <- the "f" at the beginning of the quotes is required
backupDir = None
def checkBackupDir(inpt):
# If the user hasn't bothered to set the backup directory string...
if not inpt:
# ...and if there is no persistent text file containing a path...
if os.path.exists('backupDirectory.txt'):
with open('backupDirectory.txt', 'r') as file:
backupDir =
if os.path.exists(backupDir):
return backupDir
print(f'Backup directory "{backupDir}" does not exist.')
a = input('Would you like to attempt to create it?')
if a.lower() == 'y' or a.lower() == '':
path = Path(backupDir)
return backupDir
except Exception as error:
print(f'Process failed with following error:\n{error}')
input('Press Enter to exit...')
input('Cannot continue without backup directory. Press Enter to exit...')
# ...give a bit of dialogue on creating a directory.
print('You haven\'t set a backup directory yet!')
print('Enter the backup directory you would like to use. Type the "~" char for your current user directory.')
x = input('> ')
# Replace the "~" in the string(if present) with the user's home directory
if '~' in x:
x = x.replace('~', currentUser)
# If the path given doesn't exist, attempt creation
if not os.path.exists(x):
print(f'Backup directory "{x}" does not exist.')
a = input('Would you like to attempt to create it?')
if a.lower() == 'y' or a.lower() == '':
# Try to create the directory given
path = Path(x)
# If failed, exit
except Exception as error:
print(f'Process failed with following error:\n{error}')
input('Press Enter to exit...')
# If the user denies path creation, exit
input('Cannot continue without backup directory. Press Enter to exit...')
print(f'New Backup Directory: {x}')
# Ask if the user wishes to save the path to a file to avoid this dialogue
y = input('Would you like to save this directory to a persistent file? <Y/n>')
if y.lower() == 'y' or y.lower() == '':
with open('backupDirectory.txt', 'a') as z:
return x
# If they deny, continue
print('Continuing without saving...')
return x
# Make sure the path given exists. If it does continue
if os.path.exists(inpt):
return inpt
# If the path doesn't exist, follow the regular dialogue to attempt its creation
print(f'Backup directory "{inpt}" does not exist.')
a = input('Would you like to attempt to create it?')
if a.lower() == 'y' or a.lower() == '':
path = Path(inpt)
return inpt
except Exception as error:
print(f'Process failed with following error:\n{error}')
input('Press Enter to exit...')
input('Cannot continue without backup directory. Press Enter to exit...')
# A simple file sorter for the given list of existing backups in the next function
def fileSort(inpt):
if '-' in inpt[25:]:
return int(inpt[inpt.index("-", 25) + 1:-4])
return 0
def getFileName(inpt):
# Set some vars
now =
date = now.strftime('%m-%d-%Y')
if inpt.endswith('/') or inpt.endswith('\\'):
inpt = inpt[:-1]
# Create a list of every backup in the backup directory.
existingBackups = []
for x in os.listdir(inpt):
if x.endswith('.zip'):
# Only add it if the first date given(month) is between 1 and 12. This will work even if the file
# doesn't have the correct naming scheme
if 1 <= int(x[8:10]) <= 12:
# If there are any backups in the backup folder...
if len(existingBackups) > 0:
# Create another array, and append all backups in the existingBackups array in it that have the same date
backupsWithCurrentDate = []
for x in existingBackups:
if date in x:
# If there is only one backup in the list, return the name with a backup number of 1
if len(backupsWithCurrentDate) == 1:
del existingBackups
del backupsWithCurrentDate
# Return the backup name and its location
backupName = f'Duskers {date}'
return backupName, f'{inpt}/{backupName}'
# Otherwise, return a backup name with a number one higher than the last log
elif len(backupsWithCurrentDate) > 1:
# Sort the array so that backups in the backupsWithCurrentDate array are ordered by their number at the end
# Create a var of the name of the last created backup
currentDateBackup = backupsWithCurrentDate[-1]
# Set the backup number to be appended at the end of the backup name to be plus one from the last backup
logNumber = f'{int(currentDateBackup[(currentDateBackup.index("-", 25) + 1):-4]) + 1}'
# Delete the arrays to save memory - pretty pointless because this program should run in under a second
del existingBackups
del backupsWithCurrentDate
backupName = f'Duskers {date} Backup-{logNumber}.zip'
# Return the backup name and its location
return backupName, f'{inpt}/{backupName}'
# See above comment for array deletion
del existingBackups
backupName = f'Duskers {date}'
# Return the backup name and its location
return backupName, f'{inpt}/{backupName}'
def zipFiles(directory_path, zip_path):
# For some reason, this function returns a ton of warnings, so I disabled errors for it
with warnings.catch_warnings():
# Create the zipfile object
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zipf:
# Walk the entire directory tree
for root, _, files in os.walk(directory_path):
# Zip all files...
for file in files:
file_path = os.path.join(root, file)
zipf.write(file_path, os.path.relpath(file_path, directory_path))
# ...and directories(even if they're empty).
for dir_name, _, _ in os.walk(directory_path):
dir_path = os.path.join(root, dir_name)
zipf.write(dir_path, os.path.relpath(dir_path, directory_path))
# Finally, the primary function
def main(inpt, saveLocation):
# Create the needed vars by running the functions above
backupDir = checkBackupDir(inpt)
backupName, backupLocation = getFileName(backupDir)
# Zip the files
zipFiles(saveLocation, backupLocation)
# Give a completion dialogue for confirmation, and a manual exit, so you can see the message
print(f'Zipped contents of "{saveLocation}" to "{backupName}" at "{backupLocation}".')
input('Press Enter to exit...')
# Pointless return statement
main(backupDir, saveLocation)
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