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Created March 23, 2023 22:48
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An example backup script for Minecraft servers on Linux. Requires the zip utility.
# Announce server backup in console
echo "Started server backup..."
# Get current date and create name variable
printf -v date '%(%m-%d-%Y)T'
export name="Server $date"
# Zip all files
echo "Zipping files..."
zip -r "$NAME" $PWD/*
# Test if backup folder exists. If it does, move the newly made backup to it.
# If it doesn't, create it then move the backup to it.
echo "Checking for backup directory..."
export DIR="$PWD/backups"
if [ -d "backups" ]; then
mv "$NAME" backups/
echo "Backups directory does not exist. Creating folder and moving file..."
mkdir -p backups
mv "$NAME" backups/
echo "Backup completed! File located at \"$DIR/$NAME\"."
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