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Created September 15, 2019 05:40
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R3F v3.0 A3W early conversion attempt
* Evalue régulièrement les conditions à vérifier pour autoriser les actions logistiques
* Permet de diminuer la fréquence des vérifications des conditions normalement faites
* dans les addAction (~60Hz) et donc de limiter la consommation CPU.
* Copyright (C) 2014 Team ~R3F~
* This program is free software under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
// Modified by AgentRev for A3Wasteland
_resetConditions =
R3F_LOG_action_deplacer_objet_valide = false;
R3F_LOG_action_detacher_valide = false;
R3F_LOG_action_charger_deplace_valide = false;
R3F_LOG_action_charger_selection_valide = false;
R3F_LOG_action_contenu_vehicule_valide = false;
R3F_LOG_action_remorquer_deplace_valide = false;
R3F_LOG_action_remorquer_selection_valide = false;
R3F_LOG_action_selectionner_objet_remorque_valide = false;
R3F_LOG_action_selectionner_objet_charge_valide = false;
R3F_LOG_action_heliporter_valide = false;
R3F_LOG_action_heliport_larguer_valide = false;
R3F_LOG_action_ouvrir_usine_valide = false;
_isMissionObject = { !local _object || {[":-", netId _object] call fn_findString == -1} };
_isUavAI = { !isNull _this && !isPlayer _this && {getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _this >> "simulation") == "UAVPilot"} };
sleep 2;
_allowLogistics = compile R3F_LOG_CFG_string_condition_allow_logistics_on_this_client;
_allowFactory = compile R3F_LOG_CFG_string_condition_allow_creation_factory_on_this_client;
while {true} do
_vehicle = vehicle player;
_cursorTarget_distance = call R3F_LOG_FNCT_3D_cursorTarget_distance_bbox;
_object = _cursorTarget_distance select 0;
if (_vehicle == player && !isNull _object && {!R3F_LOG_mutex_local_verrou && call _allowLogistics && call _isMissionObject &&
_cursorTarget_distance select 1 < 14}) then
R3F_LOG_objet_addAction = _object;
Object_canLock = !(_object getVariable ["objectLocked", false]);
_notDestroyed = alive _object;
_notDisabled = !(_object getVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", false]);
_movedBy = _object getVariable ["R3F_LOG_est_deplace_par", objNull];
_carrier = _object getVariable ["R3F_LOG_est_transporte_par", objNull];
_towedObject = _object getVariable ["R3F_LOG_remorque", objNull];
_notBeingMoved = (!alive _movedBy || !isPlayer _movedBy);
_notBeingCarried = isNull _carrier;
_notTowing = isNull _towedObject;
_seatsEmpty = ({!(_x call _isUavAI)} count crew _object == 0);
_noDriver = (isNull driver _object || _object call _isUavAI);
_velocity = vectorMagnitude velocity _object;
_movedObject = R3F_LOGplayer_deplace_objet;
_handsFree = isNull _movedObject;
_selectedObject = R3F_LOG_objet_selectionne;
_noSelection = isNull _selectedObject;
_otherObject = [_movedObject, 3.75] call R3F_LOG_FNCT_3D_cursorTarget_virtuel;
// Si l'objet est un objet déplaçable
if ({_object isKindOf _x} count R3F_LOG_CFG_can_be_moved_by_player > 0) then
// Condition action deplacer_objet
R3F_LOG_action_deplacer_objet_valide = (_notDisabled && {_handsFree && _noDriver && _notBeingMoved && _notBeingCarried});
// Si l'objet est un objet remorquable
if ({_object isKindOf _x} count R3F_LOG_CFG_can_be_towed > 0) then
// Et qu'il est déplaçable
if ({_object isKindOf _x} count R3F_LOG_CFG_can_be_moved_by_player > 0) then
// Condition action remorquer_deplace
R3F_LOG_action_remorquer_deplace_valide = (_notDisabled && {_noDriver && _movedObject == _object && alive _otherObject &&
!(_otherObject getVariable "R3F_LOG_disabled") &&
{{_otherObject isKindOf _x} count R3F_LOG_CFG_can_tow > 0} &&
isNull (_otherObject getVariable "R3F_LOG_est_transporte_par") &&
isNull (_otherObject getVariable "R3F_LOG_remorque") &&
vectorMagnitude velocity _otherObject < MAX_VELOCITY_CAR
// Condition action selectionner_objet_remorque
R3F_LOG_action_selectionner_objet_remorque_valide = (_notDisabled && {_handsFree && _noDriver && _notBeingMoved && _notBeingCarried && _notTowing && _noSelection});
// Condition action detacher
R3F_LOG_action_detacher_valide = (_notDisabled && {_handsFree && !isNull _carrier});
// Si l'objet est un objet transportable
if ({_object isKindOf _x} count R3F_LOG_classes_objets_transportables > 0) then
// Et qu'il est déplaçable
if ({_object isKindOf _x} count R3F_LOG_CFG_can_be_moved_by_player > 0) then
// Condition action charger_deplace
R3F_LOG_action_charger_deplace_valide = (_notDisabled && {_seatsEmpty && _movedObject == _object && alive _otherObject &&
!(_otherObject getVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", false]) &&
{{_otherObject isKindOf _x} count R3F_LOG_classes_transporteurs > 0} &&
vectorMagnitude velocity _otherObject < MAX_VELOCITY_CAR
// Condition action selectionner_objet_charge
R3F_LOG_action_selectionner_objet_charge_valide = (_notDisabled && {_handsFree && _seatsEmpty && _notBeingCarried && _notTowing && _noSelection});
// Si l'objet est un véhicule remorqueur
if ({_object isKindOf _x} count R3F_LOG_CFG_can_tow > 0) then
// Condition action remorquer_deplace
R3F_LOG_action_remorquer_deplace_valide = (_notDisabled && {_notDestroyed && _notBeingCarried && _notTowing && _movedObject != _object && alive _movedObject &&
!(_movedObject getVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", false]) &&
{{_movedObject isKindOf _x} count R3F_LOG_CFG_can_be_towed > 0} &&
_velocity < MAX_VELOCITY_CAR;
// Condition action remorquer_selection
R3F_LOG_action_remorquer_selection_valide = (_notDisabled && {_handsFree && _notDestroyed && _notBeingCarried && _notTowing && _selectedObject != _object && alive _selectedObject &&
!(_selectedObject getVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", false]) &&
{{_selectedObject isKindOf _x} count R3F_LOG_CFG_can_be_towed > 0} &&
_velocity < MAX_VELOCITY_CAR;
// Si l'objet est un véhicule transporteur
if ({_object isKindOf _x} count R3F_LOG_classes_transporteurs > 0) then
// Condition action charger_deplace
R3F_LOG_action_charger_deplace_valide = (_notDisabled && {_notDestroyed && _movedObject != _object && !isNull _movedObject &&
!(_movedObject getVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", false]) &&
{{_movedObject isKindOf _x} count R3F_LOG_classes_objets_transportables > 0} &&
_velocity < MAX_VELOCITY_CAR;
// Condition action charger_selection
R3F_LOG_action_charger_selection_valide = (_notDisabled && {_handsFree && _notDestroyed && _selectedObject != _object && !isNull _selectedObject &&
!(_selectedObject getVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", false]) &&
{{_selectedObject isKindOf _x} count R3F_LOG_classes_objets_transportables > 0} &&
_velocity < MAX_VELOCITY_CAR;
// Condition action contenu_vehicule
R3F_LOG_action_contenu_vehicule_valide = (_notDisabled && {_handsFree && _notDestroyed && _velocity < MAX_VELOCITY_CAR});
// Condition action ouvrir_usine
R3F_LOG_action_ouvrir_usine_valide = (_notDisabled && {_handsFree && _notDestroyed &&
!(_object getVariable ["R3F_LOG_CF_disabled", false]) &&
_object getVariable ["R3F_LOG_CF_side_addAction", playerSide] == playerSide &&
{call _allowFactory}
call _resetConditions;
// Si le joueur est pilote dans un héliporteur
if ({_vehicle isKindOf _x} count R3F_LOG_CFG_can_lift > 0)
// On est dans le véhicule, on affiche pas les options de transporteur et remorqueur
call _resetConditions;
if (_vehicle != player && driver _vehicle == player && {!R3F_LOG_mutex_local_verrou && call _allowLogistics}) then
R3F_LOG_objet_addAction = _vehicle;
_notDisabled = !(_vehicle getVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", false]);
_airliftedObject = _vehicle getVariable ["R3F_LOG_heliporte", objNull];
_notAirlifting = isNull _airliftedObject;
_velocity = vectorMagnitude velocity _vehicle;
// Condition action heliporter
R3F_LOG_action_heliporter_valide = (_notDisabled && {_notAirlifting && _velocity < MAX_VELOCITY_HELI &&
{_x != _vehicle && !(_x getVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", false])} count nearestObjects [_vehicle, R3F_LOG_CFG_can_be_lifted, 15] > 0
// Condition action heliport_larguer
R3F_LOG_action_heliport_larguer_valide = (_notDisabled && !isNull _airliftedObject);
sleep 0.4;
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