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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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Arma 3 door locking action - proof of concept
// Arma 3 door locking action - proof of concept by AgentRev
fn_eyeIntersectGeom =
private ["_target", "_distance", "_eyePos"];
_target = _this select 0;
_distance = _this select 1;
_eyePos = eyePos player;
if (!surfaceIsWater _eyePos) then
_eyePos = ASLtoATL _eyePos;
[_target, "GEOM"] intersect [_eyePos, _eyePos vectorAdd ((eyeDirection player) vectorMultiply _distance)]
fn_isDoorUnlocked =
private ["_visible", "_target", "_selName", "_intersectDist"];
_visible = false;
_target = cursorTarget;
_selName = _x select 0;
//_intersectDist = _x select 1;
if (_selName select [0,5] == "door_" && {_target animationPhase (_selName + "_rot") < 0.001 && _target getVariable ["bis_disabled_" + _selName, 0] != 1}) exitWith
_visible = true;
} forEach ([_target, SCAN_DISTANCE] call fn_eyeIntersectGeom);
fn_lockDoor =
private ["_target", "_selName", "_intersectDist"];
_target = cursorTarget;
_selName = _x select 0;
//_intersectDist = _x select 1;
if (_selName select [0,5] == "door_") exitWith
_target setVariable ["bis_disabled_" + _selName, 1, true]; // 0 to unlock
} forEach ([_target, SCAN_DISTANCE] call fn_eyeIntersectGeom);
if (!isNil "lockDoorAction") then { player removeAction lockDoorAction };
lockDoorAction = player addAction ["Lock door", fn_lockDoor, [], 0.1, false, false, "", "call fn_isDoorUnlocked"];
// Debug console variable watcher: [cursorTarget, "GEOM"] intersect [ASLtoATL eyePos player, (ASLtoATL eyePos player) vectorAdd ((eyeDirection player) vectorMultiply 5)]
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