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Last active October 19, 2020 01:15
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Create UAV crew for specific side
// @file Name: fn_createCrewUAV.sqf
// @file Author: AgentRev
params [["_uav",objNull,[objNull]], ["_side",sideUnknown,[sideUnknown]]];
if (!unitIsUAV _uav) exitWith { grpNull };
private _vehCfg = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _uav;
private _crewCount = {round getNumber (_x >> "dontCreateAI") < 1 &&
((_x == _vehCfg && {round getNumber (_x >> "hasDriver") > 0}) ||
(_x != _vehCfg && {round getNumber (_x >> "hasGunner") > 0}))} count ([_uav, configNull] call BIS_fnc_getTurrets);
private _crewNotReady = {alive _uav && {alive _x && !isPlayer _x} count crew _uav < _crewCount};
private "_time";
while _crewNotReady do // bruteforce that shit up because createVehicleCrew is slow and unreliable
createVehicleCrew _uav;
_time = time;
waitUntil {!(time - _time < 1 && _crewNotReady)};
if (!alive _uav) exitWith { grpNull };
private _grp = group _uav;
if (_side != sideUnknown && side _uav != _side) then
_grp = createGroup _side;
(crew _uav) joinSilent _grp;
// <optional>
//if (_uav isKindOf "StaticWeapon") then { _uav setAutonomous false } else { _grp setCombatMode "BLUE" }; // hold fire
(crew _uav) doWatch objNull; // stop aiming turret at owner
_uav addRating 1e11; // forgive friendly fire
// </optional>
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Your script doesn't do anything other than building an array of strings... This is definitely not the location where you are supposed to use my code

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