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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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loadAccount.sqf - GearLevel for Mokey
// ******************************************************************************************
// * This project is licensed under the GNU Affero GPL v3. Copyright © 2014 *
// ******************************************************************************************
// @file Name: loadAccount.sqf
// @file Author: Torndeco, AgentRev
if (!isServer) exitWith {};
private ["_UID", "_bank", "_moneySaving", "_result", "_gearLevel", "_data", "_columns", "_dataTemp", "_ghostingTimer", "_secs"];
_UID = _this;
_bank = 0;
_moneySaving = ["A3W_moneySaving"] call isConfigOn;
if (_moneySaving) then
_result = ["getPlayerBankMoney:" + _UID, 2] call extDB_Database_async;
if (count _result > 0) then
_bank = _result select 0;
_gearLevel = (["getPlayerGearLevel:" + _UID, 2] call extDB_Database_async) param [0,0,[0]];
_result = ([format ["checkPlayerSave:%1:%2", _UID, call A3W_extDB_MapID], 2] call extDB_Database_async) select 0;
if (!_result) then
_data =
["PlayerSaveValid", false],
["BankMoney", _bank],
["GearLevel", _gearLevel]
// The order of these values is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!
_data =
if (_moneySaving) then
_data pushBack "Money";
_columns = "";
_columns = _columns + ((if (_columns != "") then { "," } else { "" }) + _x);
} forEach _data;
_result = [format ["getPlayerSave:%1:%2:%3", _UID, call A3W_extDB_MapID, _columns], 2] call extDB_Database_async;
_data set [_forEachIndex, [_data select _forEachIndex, _x]];
} forEach _result;
_dataTemp = _data;
_data = [["PlayerSaveValid", true], ["GearLevel", _gearLevel]];
_ghostingTimer = ["A3W_extDB_GhostingTimer", 5*60] call getPublicVar;
if (_ghostingTimer > 0) then
_result = [format ["getTimeSinceServerSwitch:%1:%2:%3", _UID, call A3W_extDB_MapID, call A3W_extDB_ServerID], 2] call extDB_Database_async;
if (count _result > 0) then
_secs = _result select 0;
if (_secs < _ghostingTimer) then
_data pushBack ["GhostingTimer", _ghostingTimer - _secs];
_data append _dataTemp;
_data pushBack ["BankMoney", _bank];
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