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Last active January 14, 2020 13:39
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Lean Automata
import data.fintype
structure dfa (alphabet : Type) [fintype alphabet] :=
(qq : Type) {is_finite : fintype qq} {has_decidable_eq : decidable_eq qq}
(δ : qq → alphabet → qq)
(init : qq)
(fin : qq → bool)
def language (alphabet : Type) [fintype alphabet] := list alphabet → bool
def δ' {alphabet : Type} [fintype alphabet] {Δ : dfa alphabet} :
Δ.qq → list alphabet → Δ.qq
| i [] := i
| i (x :: xs) := δ' (Δ.δ i x) xs
def language_of {alphabet : Type} [fintype alphabet] :
(dfa alphabet) → language alphabet
| Δ l := Δ.fin (δ' Δ.init l)
instance {α : Type} : monoid (list α) := ⟨list.append, list.append_assoc, list.nil, list.nil_append, list.append_nil⟩
structure monoid_recognizer (alphabet : Type) [fintype alphabet] :=
(m : Type) {is_finite : fintype m} {is_monoid: monoid m} {has_decidable_eq : decidable_eq m}
(fin : m → bool)
(h : monoid_hom (list alphabet) m)
instance is_monoid_recognizer {A} [fintype A] (M : monoid_recognizer A) : monoid M.m := M.is_monoid
def recognized_by {alphabet : Type} [fintype alphabet] :
(monoid_recognizer alphabet) → language alphabet
| M l := M.fin (M.h l)
instance monoid_of_endofunctions {α : Type} : monoid (α → α) :=
⟨ function.comp , function.comp.assoc, id, function.comp.left_id, function.comp.right_id ⟩
def dfa_to_recognizer {alphabet : Type} [fintype alphabet] (Δ : dfa alphabet) : monoid_recognizer alphabet := _ _
(Δ.qq → Δ.qq) (@pi.fintype Δ.qq _ Δ.is_finite Δ.has_decidable_eq (λ _, Δ.is_finite)) _ (@fintype.decidable_pi_fintype Δ.qq _ Δ.is_finite (λ _, Δ.has_decidable_eq))
(λ f, Δ.fin (f Δ.init))
⟨(λ xs q, δ' q xs), sorry, sorry⟩
def recognizer_to_dfa {alphabet : Type} [fintype alphabet] (M : monoid_recognizer alphabet) : dfa alphabet := _ _
M.m M.is_finite M.has_decidable_eq
(λ q a, q * (M.h [a]))
(M.h [])
theorem recognizer_to_dfa_works {alphabet : Type} [fintype alphabet] (l : language alphabet) :
∀ (M : monoid_recognizer alphabet), ∃ (Δ : dfa alphabet), ∀ σ, recognized_by M σ = language_of Δ σ :=
use (recognizer_to_dfa M),
theorem dfa_to_recognizer_works {alphabet : Type} [fintype alphabet] (l : language alphabet) :
∀ (Δ : dfa alphabet), ∃ (M : monoid_recognizer alphabet), ∀ σ, recognized_by M σ = language_of Δ σ :=
use (dfa_to_recognizer Δ),
induction σ,
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