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Last active November 22, 2023 05:20
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Convoy Pattern + Sigma Types + Equations
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import Coq.Relations.Relation_Operators.
Require Import Coq.Wellfounded.Lexicographic_Product.
Require Import Coq.Arith.Wf_nat.
Require Import Arith.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import Coq.Init.Nat.
Require Import Lia.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Require Import Coq.Program.Wf.
Declare Scope regex_scope.
Open Scope regex_scope.
Section Regex.
Variable (A : Type).
Inductive Regex : Type :=
| Epsilon : Regex
| CharClass : (A -> bool) -> Regex
| Concat : Regex -> Regex -> Regex
| Union : Regex -> Regex -> Regex
| Star : Regex -> Regex
Definition ε := Epsilon.
Infix "·" := Concat (at level 60, right associativity) : regex_scope.
Infix "∪" := Union (at level 50, left associativity) : regex_scope.
Notation "r *" := (Star r) (at level 40, no associativity) : regex_scope.
Inductive parse_tree : Type :=
| parse_epsilon : parse_tree
| parse_charclass : parse_tree
| parse_concat : parse_tree -> parse_tree -> parse_tree
| parse_union_l : parse_tree -> parse_tree
| parse_union_r : parse_tree -> parse_tree
| parse_star_nil : parse_tree
| parse_star_cons : parse_tree -> parse_tree -> parse_tree
Inductive regex_struct : Regex -> Regex -> Prop :=
| regex_struct_concat_l : forall (r1 r2 : Regex),
regex_struct r1 (r1 · r2)
| regex_struct_concat_r : forall (r1 r2 : Regex),
regex_struct r2 (r1 · r2)
| regex_struct_union_l : forall (r1 r2 : Regex),
regex_struct r1 (r1 ∪ r2)
| regex_struct_union_r : forall (r1 r2 : Regex),
regex_struct r2 (r1 ∪ r2)
| regex_struct_star : forall (r : Regex),
regex_struct r (r *)
#[ global ] Instance WF_lt_regex : WellFounded regex_struct.
intros r. induction r; constructor; intros.
1, 2 : inversion H.
+ inversion H; subst; auto.
+ inversion H; subst; auto.
+ inversion H; subst; auto.
#[ global ] Instance length_lt_wf {X} : WellFounded (fun l1 l2 => @length X l1 < length l2).
intro l.
remember (length l) as n.
revert l Heqn.
induction n using lt_wf_ind; intros.
constructor. intros l' Hlen.
apply H with (m := length l').
- lia.
- reflexivity.
#[ global ] Instance decode_order_wf :
@WellFounded (Regex * list bool)
(slexprod _ _ regex_struct (fun l m => length l < length m)).
apply wf_slexprod.
- apply WF_lt_regex.
- apply length_lt_wf.
Fixpoint bitcode (t : parse_tree) : list bool :=
match t with
| parse_epsilon => []
| parse_charclass => []
| parse_concat t1 t2 => bitcode t1 ++ bitcode t2
| parse_union_l t => false :: bitcode t
| parse_union_r t => true :: bitcode t
| parse_star_nil => [true]
| parse_star_cons t1 t2 => false :: bitcode t1 ++ bitcode t2
Jason's Solution: Use with pattern in Equations instead of Convoy pattern.
Definition decode_aux_type (orb : Regex * list bool) :=
{ o : option (parse_tree * list bool) | (match o with | Some (t, btc) => length btc <= length (snd orb) | None => True end) }.
Equations decode_aux (ebtc : Regex * list bool) :
decode_aux_type ebtc
by wf ebtc (slexprod _ _ regex_struct (fun l m => length l < length m)) :=
decode_aux (Epsilon, btc) := exist _ (Some (parse_epsilon, btc)) _;
decode_aux (CharClass p, btc) := exist _ (Some (parse_charclass, btc)) _;
decode_aux (Union _ _, []) := exist _ None _;
decode_aux (Union e _, false :: btc) with decode_aux (e, btc) := {
| exist _ None _ := exist _ None _;
| exist _ (Some (t, btc')) _ := exist _ (Some (parse_union_l t, btc')) _
decode_aux (Union _ e, true :: btc) with decode_aux (e, btc) := {
| exist _ None _ := exist _ None _;
| exist _ (Some (t, btc')) _ := exist _ (Some (parse_union_r t, btc')) _
decode_aux (Concat e f, btc) with decode_aux (e, btc) := {
| exist _ None _ := exist _ None _;
| exist _ (Some (t1, btc')) _ with decode_aux (f, btc') := {
| exist _ None _ := exist _ None _;
| exist _ (Some (t2, btc'')) _ := exist _ (Some (parse_concat t1 t2, btc'')) _
decode_aux (Star _, []) := exist _ None _;
decode_aux (Star _, true :: btc) := exist _ None _;
decode_aux (Star e, false :: btc) with decode_aux (e, btc) := {
| exist _ None _ := exist _ None _;
| exist _ (Some (t1, btc')) _ with decode_aux (Star e, btc') := {
| exist _ None _ := exist _ None _;
| exist _ (Some (t2, btc'')) _ := exist _ (Some (parse_star_cons t1 t2, btc'')) _
Next Obligation.
left. constructor.
Next Obligation.
left. constructor.
Next Obligation.
Next Obligation.
left. constructor.
Next Obligation.
left. constructor.
Next Obligation.
left. constructor.
Next Obligation.
right. simpl.
Next Obligation.
Defined. (* What is happening when invoking this Defined?! *)
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import Coq.Relations.Relation_Operators.
Require Import Coq.Wellfounded.Lexicographic_Product.
Require Import Coq.Arith.Wf_nat.
Require Import Arith.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import Coq.Init.Nat.
Require Import Lia.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Require Import Coq.Program.Wf.
Declare Scope regex_scope.
Open Scope regex_scope.
Section Regex.
Variable (A : Type).
Inductive Regex : Type :=
| Epsilon : Regex
| CharClass : (A -> bool) -> Regex
| Concat : Regex -> Regex -> Regex
| Union : Regex -> Regex -> Regex
| Star : Regex -> Regex
Definition ε := Epsilon.
Infix "·" := Concat (at level 60, right associativity) : regex_scope.
Infix "∪" := Union (at level 50, left associativity) : regex_scope.
Notation "r *" := (Star r) (at level 40, no associativity) : regex_scope.
Inductive parse_tree : Type :=
| parse_epsilon : parse_tree
| parse_charclass : parse_tree
| parse_concat : parse_tree -> parse_tree -> parse_tree
| parse_union_l : parse_tree -> parse_tree
| parse_union_r : parse_tree -> parse_tree
| parse_star_nil : parse_tree
| parse_star_cons : parse_tree -> parse_tree -> parse_tree
Inductive regex_struct : Regex -> Regex -> Prop :=
| regex_struct_concat_l : forall (r1 r2 : Regex),
regex_struct r1 (r1 · r2)
| regex_struct_concat_r : forall (r1 r2 : Regex),
regex_struct r2 (r1 · r2)
| regex_struct_union_l : forall (r1 r2 : Regex),
regex_struct r1 (r1 ∪ r2)
| regex_struct_union_r : forall (r1 r2 : Regex),
regex_struct r2 (r1 ∪ r2)
| regex_struct_star : forall (r : Regex),
regex_struct r (r *)
#[ global ] Instance WF_lt_regex : WellFounded regex_struct.
intros r. induction r; constructor; intros.
1, 2 : inversion H.
+ inversion H; subst; auto.
+ inversion H; subst; auto.
+ inversion H; subst; auto.
#[ global ] Instance length_lt_wf {X} : WellFounded (fun l1 l2 => @length X l1 < length l2).
intro l.
remember (length l) as n.
revert l Heqn.
induction n using lt_wf_ind; intros.
constructor. intros l' Hlen.
apply H with (m := length l').
- lia.
- reflexivity.
#[ global ] Instance decode_order_wf :
@WellFounded (Regex * list bool)
(slexprod _ _ regex_struct (fun l m => length l < length m)).
apply wf_slexprod.
- apply WF_lt_regex.
- apply length_lt_wf.
Fixpoint bitcode (t : parse_tree) : list bool :=
match t with
| parse_epsilon => []
| parse_charclass => []
| parse_concat t1 t2 => bitcode t1 ++ bitcode t2
| parse_union_l t => false :: bitcode t
| parse_union_r t => true :: bitcode t
| parse_star_nil => [true]
| parse_star_cons t1 t2 => false :: bitcode t1 ++ bitcode t2
(* decode_aux_1 is intended to be an inverse of bitcode *)
Equations decode_aux_1 (ebtc : Regex * list bool) : option (parse_tree * list bool)
by wf ebtc (slexprod _ _ regex_struct (fun l m => length l < length m)) :=
decode_aux_1 (Epsilon, btc) := Some (parse_epsilon, btc);
decode_aux_1 (CharClass p, btc) := Some (parse_charclass, btc);
decode_aux_1 (Union _ _, []) := None;
decode_aux_1 (Union e _, false :: btc) :=
match decode_aux_1 (e, btc) with
| Some (t, btc') => Some (parse_union_l t, btc')
| None => None
decode_aux_1 (Union _ e, true :: btc) :=
match decode_aux_1 (e, btc) with
| Some (t, btc') => Some (parse_union_r t, btc')
| None => None
decode_aux_1 (Concat e f, btc) :=
match decode_aux_1 (e, btc) with
| Some (t1, btc') =>
match decode_aux_1 (f, btc') with
| Some (t2, btc'') => Some (parse_concat t1 t2, btc'')
| None => None
| None => None
decode_aux_1 (Star e, []) := None;
decode_aux_1 (Star e, true :: btc) := None;
decode_aux_1 (Star e, false :: btc) :=
match decode_aux_1 (e, btc) with
| Some (t1, btc') =>
match decode_aux_1 (Star e, btc') with
| Some (t2, btc'') => Some (parse_star_cons t1 t2, btc'')
| None => None
| None => Some (parse_star_nil, btc)
Next Obligation.
left. constructor.
Next Obligation.
left. constructor.
Next Obligation.
left. constructor.
Next Obligation.
left. constructor.
Next Obligation.
left. constructor.
Next Obligation.
(* we have lost the connection between btc' and btc *)
We need to make sure that two pieces of information are propagated, so that we can complete the proof:
(1) When using the match statement, [match decode_aux_1 (e, btc) with | Some (t, btc') => ... end], we need the equation saying [match decode_aux_1 (e, btc) = Some (t, btc')]
(2) We need to be able to propagate the information that if [decode_aux_1 (e, btc) = Some (t, btc')] then [length btc' < length btc]
For the first one, we will use the "convoy pattern", i.e, we will write something like this:
(match decode_aux (e, btc) as res return decode_aux (e, btc) = res -> ... with
| Some (t, btc') => fun Heq => ...
| None => fun Heq => ...
end) eq_refl.
For the second one, we will use Sigma types so that the information is carried around. So, instead of having
decode_aux_1 (ebtc : Regex * list bool) : option (parse_tree * list bool)
we will have
decode_aux (ebtc : Regex * list bool) :
{o : option (parse_tree * list bool) | match o with | Some (t, btc') => length btc' < length (snd ebtc) | None => True end }
Definition decode_aux_type (orb : Regex * list bool) :=
{ o : option (parse_tree * list bool) | (match o with | Some (t, btc) => length btc <= length (snd orb) | None => True end) }.
Fail Equations decode_aux (ebtc : Regex * list bool) :
decode_aux_type ebtc
by wf ebtc (slexprod _ _ regex_struct (fun l m => length l < length m)) :=
decode_aux (Epsilon, btc) := exist _ (Some (parse_epsilon, btc)) _;
decode_aux (CharClass p, btc) := exist _ (Some (parse_charclass, btc)) _;
decode_aux (Union _ _, []) := exist _ None _;
decode_aux (Union e _, false :: btc) :=
(match decode_aux (e, btc) as ebtc1 return decode_aux (e, btc) = ebtc1 -> decode_aux_type _ with
| exist _ (Some (t, btc')) _ => fun Heq => exist _ (Some (parse_union_l t, btc')) _
| exist _ None _ => fun Heq => exist _ None _
end) eq_refl;
decode_aux (Union _ e, true :: btc) :=
(match decode_aux (e, btc) as ebtc1 return decode_aux (e, btc) = ebtc1 -> decode_aux_type _ with
| exist _ None _ => fun Heq => exist _ None _
| exist _ (Some (t, btc')) _ => fun Heq => exist _ (Some (parse_union_r t, btc')) _
end) eq_refl;
decode_aux (Concat e f, btc) :=
(match decode_aux (e, btc) as ebtc1 return decode_aux (e, btc) = ebtc1 -> decode_aux_type _ with
| exist _ None _ => fun Heq => exist _ None _
| exist _ (Some (t1, btc')) _ =>
(match decode_aux (f, btc') as ebtc2 return decode_aux (f, btc') = ebtc2 -> decode_aux_type _ with
| exist _ None _ => fun Heq => exist _ None _
| exist _ (Some (t2, btc'')) _ => fun Heq => exist _ (Some (parse_concat t1 t2, btc'')) _
end) eq_refl
end) eq_refl;
decode_aux (Star e, []) := exist _ None _;
decode_aux (Star e, true :: btc) := exist _ None _;
decode_aux (Star e, false :: btc) :=
(match decode_aux (e, btc) as ebtc1 return decode_aux (e, btc) = ebtc1 -> decode_aux_type _ with
| exist _ None _ => fun Heq => exist _ None _
| exist _ (Some (t1, btc')) _ =>
(match decode_aux (Star e, btc') as ebtc2 return decode_aux (Star e, btc') = ebtc2 -> decode_aux_type _ with
| exist _ None _ => fun Heq => exist _ None _
| exist _ (Some (t2, btc'')) _ => fun Heq => exist _ (Some (parse_star_cons t1 t2, btc'')) _
end) eq_refl
end) eq_refl.
The above fails with the following error message:
(unable to find a well-typed instantiation for "?P": cannot ensure that
"match o0 with
| Some p => let (_, btc) := p in length btc <= length (snd (f, btc'))
| None => True
end" is a subtype of
"(fun o : option (parse_tree * list bool) =>
match o with
| Some p => let (_, btc) := p in length btc <= length (snd (f, btc'))
| None => True
end) (Some (t2, btc''))").
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