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Forked from georgeteo/
Created March 10, 2021 09:59
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Hash Tables
class hashtable_chain(object):
'''Chain collision implemented hash table'''
def __init__(self, hash_array_size=11):
self.size = hash_array_size
self.key_values_pairs = [[]]*hash_array_size
def _hash_function(self, x):
''' Private hash function.
Convert x into a string.
For each letter in string, position * ord(letter)
which ensures that anagrams don't hash to the same value.
string_x = str(x)
sha = 0
for i, letter in enumerate(string_x, start=1): # Q: This is O(n) hash?
sha += i * ord(letter)
return sha%self.size
def add(self, key, value):
'''Add this key value pair'''
hash_index = self._hash_function(key)
this_hash_chain = self.key_values_pairs[hash_index]
already_in_hash = False
for k_v in this_hash_chain:
if k_v[0] == key:
k_v[1] = value
if already_in_hash == False:
key_value_pair = [key, value]
def get(self, key):
'''Get the key-value pair'''
hash_index = self._hash_function(key)
in_hash = False
for k_v_pair in self.key_values_pairs[hash_index]:
if k_v_pair[0] == key:
return k_v_pair
if in_hash == False:
return None
def delete(self, key):
''' Delete this keyed item'''
hash_index = self._hash_function(key)
in_hash = False
for i, k_v_pair in enumerate(self.key_values_pairs[hash_index]):
if k_v_pair[0] == key:
del self.key_values_pairs[hash_index][i]
class hashtable_openaddress(object):
'''Hash table implementation with open addressing implemented by linear probing + 1 rehash'''
def __init__(self, table_size=11):
self.size = table_size
self.key_value_pairs = [None]*table_size
def _hash_function(self, key):
return ord(str(key))%self.size
def _reshash_function(self, oldhash):
return oldhash+1%self.size
def add(self, key, value):
''' Q: What do we do if all slots are taken?'''
hash_index = self._hash_function(key)
kvpair = self.key_values_pairs[hash_index]
count = 0
while kvpair != None:
if count == self.size:
count += 1
if hash_kvpair[0] == key:
hash_kvpair[1] = value
hash_index = self._reshash_function(hash_index)
kvpair = self.key_values_pairs(hash_index)
def get(self, key):
hash_index = self._hash_function(key)
kvpair = self.key_values_pairs[hash_index]
count = 0
while kvpair != None:
if count == self.size:
count += 1
if hash_kvpair[0] == key:
return hash_kvpair
hash_index = self._reshash_function(hash_index)
kvpair = self.key_values_pairs(hash_index)
raise exception("Key Error")
def delete(self, key):
hash_index = self._hash_function(key)
kvpair = self.key_value_pairs[hash_index]
count = 0
while kvpair != None:
if count == self.size:
count += 1
if hash_kvpair[0] == key:
hash_kvpair = None #Q: does this work or do I need to do self.key_value_pairs[hash_index] = None?
hash_index = self._reshash_function(hash_index)
kvpair = self.key_values_pairs(hash_index)
raise exception("Key Error")
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