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Last active October 28, 2016 04:53
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Sublime keystroke settings to have the same mappings as Xcode
{ "keys": ["super+shift+["], "command": "prev_view" },
{ "keys": ["super+shift+]"], "command": "next_view" },
{ "keys": ["super+alt+left"], "command": "fold" },
{ "keys": ["super+alt+right"], "command": "unfold" },
{ "keys": ["super+alt+["], "command": "swap_line_up" },
{ "keys": ["super+alt+]"], "command": "swap_line_down" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+super+j"], "command": "goto_definition" },
{ "keys": ["super+shift+o"], "command": "goto_symbol_in_project" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+super+left"], "command": "jump_back" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+super+right"], "command": "jump_forward" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+super+up"], "command": "switch_file", "args": {"extensions": ["cpp", "cxx", "cc", "c", "hpp", "hxx", "hh", "h", "ipp", "inl", "m", "mm"]} },
{ "keys": ["control+shift+l"], "command": "expand_selection", "args": {"to": "line"} },
{ "keys": ["super+l"], "command": "show_overlay", "args": {"overlay": "goto", "text": ":"} }
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