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Created November 26, 2021 16:19
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  • Save AhmadMoussa/bdf07b0193673db40e4ca34a86507160 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AhmadMoussa/bdf07b0193673db40e4ca34a86507160 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import pandas as pd
file_path = 'path_to_your.csv'
if(file_path[-4:] == '.csv'):
df = pd.read_csv(file_path, sep=';')
df.to_excel (file_path[:-4] + '.xlsx', index = None, header=True)
file_path = file_path[:-4] + '.xlsx'
sheet = pd.read_excel(file_path, sheet_name='Sheet1')
sheet = sheet[sheet['Operation'] == 'transaction']
sheet = sheet.drop(['Received EUR', 'From address', 'Sent EUR', 'Fee XTZ', 'Fee EUR', 'To address', 'Explorer link', 'Block level', 'Operation'], axis=1)
sheet = sheet.fillna('')
import math
def applyFunc(s):
if s != '':
return 'XTZ'
return ''
def applyFunc2(s):
if s != '':
return 0
return ''
def applyFunc3(s):
if s != '':
return abs(float(s.replace(',','.')))
return ''
sheet["Received Currency"] = ""
sheet['Received Currency'] = sheet['Received XTZ'].apply(applyFunc)
sheet['Received XTZ'] = sheet['Received XTZ'].apply(applyFunc3)
sheet["Sent Currency"] = ""
sheet['Sent Currency'] = sheet['Sent XTZ'].apply(applyFunc)
sheet["Fee Amount"] = sheet['Sent XTZ'].apply(applyFunc2)
sheet["Fee Currency"] = sheet['Fee Amount'].apply(applyFunc)
sheet["Tag"] = ""
sheet['Sent XTZ'] = sheet['Sent XTZ'].apply(applyFunc3)
sheet = sheet.rename(columns={'Datetime': 'Date', 'Received XTZ': 'Received Quantity', 'Sent XTZ': 'Sent Quantity'})
sheet = sheet[['Date', 'Received Quantity', 'Received Currency', 'Sent Quantity', 'Sent Currency', 'Fee Amount', 'Fee Currency', 'Tag']]
sheet = sheet[sheet['Sent Quantity'] != 0.0]
sheet = sheet[(sheet['Received Quantity'] != '') | (sheet['Sent Quantity'] != '')]
sheet.to_csv('cointracker.csv', index=False)
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