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Last active July 29, 2019 16:29
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js-algorithms-and-data-structures-masterclass snippets/notes
linear search, bigO(n)
pivot point then look right and left if it was sorted!
Big O notation
the big o is mainly to analyze algorithems and
compare an algorithem to the other
many solutions that doese the job, compared by the Big O. Eg, reverse a string.
vocabulary to talk about the code and how it performs.
Which is better? counting the operations. f(n) could be linear, =1 , quadratic or worse..
Auxiliary Space Complexity.
just the general trends.
logs appear with the sorting, searching algo and the recursion
let instructor = {
firstName: "kelly",
isInstrcutor: true,
favoriteNumbers: [1,2,3,4]
insertion - o(1)
searching - o(n)
removal - o(1)
access - o(1)
access - o(1)
insertion last/first (push/pop)- o(1)
insertion with movements (shift/unshift) - o(n)
searching - o(n)
sort- o(N*log N)
Problem Solving
algorithem : set of steps to accomplish a certain task.
how to approach, how do you imprpove?
- devise a plan for solving problems.
- master common patterns.
PS strategies:
George Poly - How to solve it!
- understand the problem
1. own words (implement addition)
2. inputs (numbers? their length , the nmber in)
3. outputs (the sum)
4. enough information?
5. terminology of the data
num1,num2 to sum.
- explore concrete examples
sanity checks, you know the in/out.
- break it down
comments/thoughts on how you will approach it.
- solve/simplify
Solve a simpler problem.. don't get stuck with smth difficult. then handle it later!
// input string
// output object result that contains each char and it's count
function charCount(str){
var result = {};
for(var i = 0 ; i < str.length; i++){
var character = str[i].toLowerCase();
if( result.hasOwnProperty(character))
result[character] +=1;
result[character] = 1;
return result;
1: 1
2: 3
3: 1
e: 1
l: 1
r: 1
s: 4
t: 1
u: 1
- look back and refactor
there could be another solution, there could be an issue!
and maybe the performance, make it better! follow the style guide! rethink of another approach.
// only alphabets
var character = str[i].toLowerCase();
// only the alphanumeric ones.
if( result.hasOwnProperty(character))
result[character] +=1;
result[character] = 1;
// another refactor could be for (char of str)
for(char of str){
var character = char.toLowerCase();
// another fancier refactor
result[char] = ++result[char]||1; // check if the object has the char then +1
// another thing is to use some custom function instead of the regext since it's performance ain't so good!
// understand the problem
// explore the examples
// break it down
// solve/simplify
// refactor!
# 5. common patterns
- counter frequency pattern, simply create an object to profile your data.
#problem 5.1
arr1 = [1,3,5]
arr2 = [25,2,9]
function sameSquared(arr1, arr2){
for( var i of arr1)
if(!arr2.includes(i**2)) return false;
return true;
// arr1 = [1,2,2]
arr2 = [1,4,4,4,4]
// the second has the first ones squared. each has it's corresponding squared element.
// examples
// [1,2,3] & [5,7,9,4] false
// [1,3,3] & [1,4,4,9] false
// [1,3,2] & [1,4,4,9] true
// [] & [] true
function sameSquared(arr1, arr2){
if(arr1.length > arr2.length)
return false;
for(var i of arr1){
var index = arr2.indexOf(i**2);
if(index != -1 )
arr2.splice(index, 1);
return false
return true;
function sameSquaredFreq (arr1, arr2){
var a1 = {};
var a2= {};
for(var i of arr1)
a1[i**2] = a1[i**2]? ++a1[i**2]: 1;
for(var i of arr2)
a2[i] = a2[i]? ++a2[i]: 1;
for( var prop in a1){
if(a1[prop] != a2[prop])
return false;
return true
// same equal
arr1 = [1,2,2]
arr2 = [1,4,4]
sameSquaredFreq(arr1, arr2)
#problem 5.2
DONE!: solve the anagram problem
function validAnagram(o1, o2){
// add whatever parameters you deem necessary - good luck!
if(o1.length != o2.length)
return false;
var s1 = {}
var s2 = {}
for(var ch of o1)
s1[ch] = s1[ch]? ++s1[ch] : 1;
for(var ch of o2)
s2[ch] = s2[ch]? ++s2[ch] : 1;
for(var prop in s1){
if(s1[prop] != s2[prop])
return false;
return true;
#problem 5.3
DONE!: solve the MaxSupArraySum problem. w/z w/zout the slide window pattern:
// problem
// testing examples
// [1,2,5,2,8,1,5],2 -> 10 x
// [1,2,5,2,8,1,5] -> 4
// [4,2,1,6],1 -> 6
// [4,2,1,6,2],4 ->13 x
// question to be asked? are there any negatives? no!
// [], 4 -> null
/** A naive solution.
* loop over the array, loop over the span starting from ith {element} and ending with the span limit, then sum and compare to the max sum variable.
function maxSupArraySum(arr , span){
var len = arr.length;
if( !len){
return null;
var max = -Infinity ;
for(var i = 0 ; i < len- span+1 ; i++){
var sum = 0;
for(var j = i; j < span + i ; j++){
if(sum > max)
max = sum;
return max;
// maxSupArraySum([4,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,2],100)
/** The slide window approach
* - get the first span and add it to the max sum.
* - loop over the array, temp sum will equal the new span subtracted from the ith - span -1 element and added the ith +1 element
function maxSupArraySumSlide(arr , num){
let maxSum = 0;
let tempSum = 0;
let len = arr.length;
for(let i =0 ; i<num ; i++)
maxSum+= arr[i];
tempSum = maxSum;
for( let i = num; i < len ; i++){
tempSum = tempSum - arr[i - num] + arr[i];
maxSum = Math.max(tempSum, maxSum);
return maxSum;
maxSupArraySumSlide([4,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,2],10 ); // 13
maxSupArraySum([4,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,24,2,1,6,2],10 ) // 13
// analysis
// process2: 0.037109375ms totally faster!!
// process1: 0.2080078125ms
// same frequency problem1
function sameFrequency(a1, a2){
a1 = ''+a1;
a2 = ''+a2;
if(a1.length != a2.length)
return false;
var o1 = {} ;
for(var char of a1)
o1[char]? ++o1[char] : o1[char] = 1;
for(var char of a2){
var x = o1[char]? --o1[char] : false;
if(x === false)
return false;
return true;
// are there duplicates.
function areThereDuplicates(...args){
var o={};
for(var i of args){
o[i]? ++o[i]: o[i]=1;
for(var i in o){
if(o[i] > 1)
return true;
return false;
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