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Forked from emad-elsaid/ssh-server-inspect
Last active March 11, 2019 17:33
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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Prerequisite :
# - On local
# Ruby
# - On local
# Docker (Optional)
# iostat (Optional)
# Usage :
# ruby username /path/to/.ssh/key
require 'bundler/inline'
gemfile do
source ''
gem 'io-console', require: 'io/console'
gem 'net-ssh', require: 'net/ssh'
gem 'colorize', require: %w[colorize colorized_string]
def screen_size() IO.console.winsize end
def screen_height() screen_size[0] end
def screen_width() [DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH, screen_size[1]].min end
def line(size) '⎯' * size end
def header(s) puts "\n", (s.upcase + line(screen_width - s.length)).light_red end
def escape(s) s.gsub('$', '$$') end
def label(s, sep: ' ') print "#{s}:#{sep}".light_green end
def cmd(ssh, c) ssh.exec!(escape(c)) end
def run(ssh, c) puts cmd(ssh, c) end
def item(ssh, l, c, sep: ' ') label(l, sep: sep); run(ssh, c); end
ssh = Net::SSH.start(ARGV[0], ARGV[1], keys: ARGV[2])
header 'Machine'
item ssh, 'Hostname', 'hostname'
item ssh, 'Date', 'date'
item ssh, 'Uptime', 'uptime -p'
header 'CPU'
item ssh, 'Processor', 'uname --processor'
item ssh, 'Utilization', 'iostat -h -c | sed -n "3,$p"', sep: "\n"
run ssh, 'lscpu'
header 'System'
item ssh, 'Kernel', 'uname --kernel-name'
item ssh, 'Node name', 'uname --nodename'
item ssh, 'Kernel release', 'uname --kernel-release'
item ssh, 'Kernel version', 'uname --kernel-version'
item ssh, 'Machine', 'uname --machine'
item ssh, 'Operating system', 'uname --operating-system'
header 'Memory'
item ssh, 'Disk space', 'df -hl --no-sync /', sep: "\n"
item ssh, 'RAM/SWAP', 'free -h --total', sep: "\n"
item ssh, 'Disk utilization', 'iostat -h -d | sed -n "3,$p"', sep: "\n"
header 'Docker'
run ssh, 'docker ps --format "table {{.Image}}\t{{.Status}}\t{{.Ports}}"'
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