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Created November 7, 2018 18:16
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Finding Frequent Words by Sorting
from collections import Counter
# ------ Pythonic solution
def alternative_solution(inp):
cntr = Counter([inp[i:i+2] for i in range(len(inp)-1)])
maxc = cntr.most_common(1)[0][1]
return [key for key,elem in cntr.items() if(elem==maxc)]
# ------- Given Solution
def get_index(inp):
index_ref = {'A':0, 'C':1, 'G':2, 'T':3}
count = 0
index = 0
for ch in reversed(inp):
index += pow(4,count) * index_ref[ch]
count += 1
return index
def given_solution(inp):
liste = []
most_frequents = []
# Populate tuple(kmer,index) list
for i in range(len(inp)-1):
kmer = inp[i:i+2]
index = get_index(kmer)
# Sort the list with respect to index
liste.sort(key=lambda tupl:tupl[1])
# Get maximum
hist = {}
maxc = 0
count = 1
prev = liste[0]
for elem in liste[1:]:
if elem == prev:
count += 1
hist[prev] = count
if count > maxc:
maxc = count
count = 1
prev = elem
# Find kmers of maximum number of occurence
for key,val in hist.items():
if val == maxc:
return most_frequents
# ----- Simplified Solution
def simplified_solution(inp):
kmers = {}
result = []
# Populate kmers dictionary/Map
for i in range(len(inp)-1):
kmer = inp[i:i+2]
if kmer in kmers:
kmers[kmer] += 1
kmers[kmer] = 1
# Find the maximum number of occurence
maxc = 0
for key, elem in kmers.items():
if elem > maxc:
maxc = elem
# Find the kmers of maximum occurence
for key, elem in kmers.items():
if elem == maxc:
return result
inp = input()
print("Given Solution")
print("Simplified Solution")
print("Alternative Solution")
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