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Created August 2, 2013 12:00
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class SliderControl
constructor: (@el) ->
# Setup references
@progbar = @el.find '.progress'
@handle = @el.find '.handle'
@progX = @el.offset().left
@progW = @el.width()
@percent = 0
@progress = 0
@isDragging = no
@mouseDown = no
# Bind events
@handle.on 'mousedown', @startDrag
@el.on 'scrubbing:tick', @updateProgress
@el.on 'click', @drag
$(window).on 'resize', self: this, @handleResize
startDrag: (e) =>
@isDragging = yes;
@mouseDown = yes; 'click'
$(window).on 'mousemove', @drag
$(window).on 'mouseup', @stopDrag
stopDrag: (e) =>
@mouseDown = no;
$(window).off 'mousemove', @drag
$(window).off 'mouseup', @stopDrag
setTimeout =>
@el.on 'click', @drag
, 500
drag: (e) =>
newPerc = (e.pageX - @progX) / @progW
# Round to 1 decimal. ie 68.3% instead of just 68%
newPerc = Math.round(newPerc * 1000) / 10
if newPerc < 0 then newPerc = 0
else if newPerc > 100 then newPerc = 100
if e.type is 'mousemove'
# User is scrubbing
@percent = newPerc; this, 0.5,
progress: newPerc
overwrite: 'all'
onComplete: =>
return if @mouseDown
@$isDragging = no
@el.trigger 'scrubbing:complete'
onUpdate: =>
@el.trigger 'scrubbing:tick', this.progress
ease: Power2.easeOut
# User clicked
@percent = newPerc this, 1.2,
progress: newPerc
overwrite: 'all'
onComplete: =>
@el.isDragging = false
@el.trigger 'scrubbing:complete'
onUpdate: =>
@el.trigger 'scrubbing:tick', this.progress
handleResize: (e) =>
@progX = @el.offset().left
@progW = @el.width()
updateProgress: =>
if @progress > 100 then @progress = 100
else if @progress < 0 then @progress = 0
@progbar.css 'width', @progress + '%'
@handle.css 'left', @progress + '%'
setProgress: (prog) ->
@progress = prog
getProgress: ->
destroy: ->
clearInterval @addedToStageListener
$(window).off 'resize', @handleResize
@progbar = null;
class introAnimation
constructor: ->
@page = $ '#main > article[id*=post-]'
@header = @page.find '> header'
@title = @header.find 'h1'
@subtitle = @header.find '.tagline'
@content = @page.find '> .post_content'
@contentChildren = @content.find '> *:not(#drag-me-boxes)'
@dragMe = @content.find '#drag-me-boxes'
@timeline = new TimelineLite(paused: yes, onComplete: @handleAnimationComplete)
@sliderVisible = no
setTimeout =>
, 500
animate: ->
tl = new TimelineLite (onComplete: =>
# Page animation
tl.from @title, 1.3, {css: {alpha: 0, y: "-50"}, ease:Power3.easeOut}
tl.from @subtitle, 0.7, {css: {alpha: 0, y: "-20"}, ease:Power3.easeOut}, -0.3
@contentChildren.each (i, el) =>
if i % 2 is 0 then x = 530 - window.innerWidth else x = window.innerWidth
tl.from $(el), 0.8,
alpha: 0, x: x,
rotation: Math.random() * 5 - 10
ease: Power3.easeOut
, -0.6 @page, 1.5, {css: {y: "+150"}, ease:Power2.easeInOut}, -1.5 @page, 1.1, {css: {y: 0, alpha: 1}, ease:Elastic.easeOut}, -0.5
tl.from @dragMe, 0.7, {css: {height: 0}, ease:Linear.easeNone}, -0.2
#Drag this: text animation
maxX = window.innerWidth
maxY = $(window).height()
@dragMe.find('.letter .pixel').each (i, el) =>
subTl = new TimelineLite(delay: i * 0.1)
subTl.from $(el), 1,
alpha: 0
x: Math.random() * maxX - (maxX / 2)
y: Math.random() * maxY - (maxY / 2)
ease: Power3.easeInOut $(el), 0.2, {css: {backgroundColor: "#111111"}, repeat: -1, repeatDelay: Math.random() * 40 + 3, yoyo: yes}
scaleTween = TweenMax.from $(el), 0.8, {css: {scale: Math.random() * 3, rotation: Math.random() * 360 - 180}}
subTl.insert(scaleTween, 0.8)
@timeline.insert subTl, 0
makeItemsVisible: ->
@header.css 'visibility', 'visible'
@content.css 'visibility', 'visible'
handleAnimationComplete: =>
return if @sliderVisible
@sliderVisible = yes
@slider = new SliderControl $('#drag-me-boxes .slider-control')
@slider.el.on 'scrubbing:tick', @updateTimeline
@slider.setProgress 100
obj = {progress: 1}
tl = new TimelineLite
delay: 0.4
onComplete: => obj, 2,
progress: 0.1,
onUpdate: =>
@slider.setProgress obj.progress * 100
@timeline.progress obj.progress
onComplete: ->
ease: Power2.easeInOut
repeat: 1
repeatDelay: 0.5
yoyo: true
@slider.el.find('.track .pixel').each (i, el) =>
$pixel = $(el)
tl.from $pixel, 0.3, {css: {alpha: 0}, ease: Linear.easeNone}, -0.28
@slider.el.find('.handle .pixel').each (i, el) =>
$pixel = $(el)
$pixel.css 'opacity', 1
tl.from $pixel, 0.6, {css: {scale: 0}, ease: Back.easeOut}, -0.5
@slider.el.css 'display', 'block'
updateTimeline: (e, progress) =>
@timeline.progress (progress / 100)
$ ->
new introAnimation()
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