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Created March 3, 2024 21:36
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  • Save Aidan63/af79a3983a14212b6343d09c2c6f848f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Server version="8">
<!-- Host type (origin/edge) -->
<!-- Specify IP address to bind ("*" means all IPv4 IPs, "::" means all IPv6 IPs) -->
<!-- Uncomment the line below to enable IPv6 -->
<!-- <IP>::</IP> -->
To get the public IP address(mapped address of stun) of the local server.
This is useful when OME cannot obtain a public IP from an interface, such as AWS or docker environment.
If this is successful, you can use ${PublicIP} in your settings.
Currently OME only supports h2 like all browsers do. Therefore, HTTP/2 only works on TLS ports.
<!-- P2P works only in WebRTC and is experiment feature -->
<!-- disabled by default -->
<!-- Settings for the ports to bind -->
<!-- Enable this configuration if you want to use API Server -->
<!-- Uncomment the line below to use IPv6 ICE Candidate -->
<!-- <IceCandidate>[::]:10000-10004/udp</IceCandidate> -->
<!-- Uncomment the line below to use a link local address when specifying an address with IPv6 wildcard (::) -->
<!-- <EnableLinkLocalAddress>true</EnableLinkLocalAddress> -->
If you want to stream WebRTC over TCP, specify IP:Port for TURN server.
This uses the TURN protocol, which delivers the stream from the built-in TURN server to the player's TURN client over TCP.
<!-- TcpForce is an option to force the use of TCP rather than UDP in WebRTC streaming. (You can omit ?transport=tcp accordingly.) If <TcpRelay> is not set, playback may fail. -->
<!-- Uncomment the line below to use IPv6 ICE Candidate -->
<!-- <IceCandidate>[::]:10000-10004/udp</IceCandidate> -->
<!-- Uncomment the line below to use a link local address when specifying an address with IPv6 wildcard (::) -->
<!-- <EnableLinkLocalAddress>true</EnableLinkLocalAddress> -->
If you want to stream WebRTC over TCP, specify IP:Port for TURN server.
This uses the TURN protocol, which delivers the stream from the built-in TURN server to the player's TURN client over TCP.
<!-- TcpForce is an option to force the use of TCP rather than UDP in WebRTC streaming. (You can omit ?transport=tcp accordingly.) If <TcpRelay> is not set, playback may fail. -->
Enable this configuration if you want to use API Server
<AccessToken> is a token for authentication, and when you invoke the API, you must put "Basic base64encode(<AccessToken>)" in the "Authorization" header of HTTP request.
For example, if you set <AccessToken> to "ome-access-token", you must set "Basic b21lLWFjY2Vzcy10b2tlbg==" in the "Authorization" header.
<LongKeyFrameInterval />
<HasBFrames />
<!-- You can use wildcard like this to include multiple XMLs -->
<VirtualHost include="VHost*.xml" />
<!--Distribution is a value that can be used when grouping the same vhost distributed across multiple servers. This value is output to the events log, so you can use it to aggregate statistics. -->
<!-- Settings for multi ip/domain and TLS -->
<!-- <Origins>
</Origins> -->
In order to use OriginMap, you must enable OVT Publisher in Origin and OVT Provider in Edge.
This is only needed for the origin server and used to register the ovt address of the stream.
<!-- Default CORS Settings -->
<!-- Settings for applications -->
<!-- Application type (live/vod) -->
You can provide ABR with Playlist. Currently, ABR is supported in LLHLS and WebRTC.
You can play this playlist with
LLHLS : http[s]://<domain>[:port]/<app>/<stream>/<FileName>.m3u8
WebRTC : ws[s]://<domain>[:port]/<app>/<stream>/<FileName>
Note that the keywords "playlist" and "chunklist" MUST NOT be included in FileName.
<RTMP />
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