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Created October 10, 2017 03:27
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2017.10.09 -- Aidan Nelson
A quick and dirty clone of the helicopter game as I remember playing it in
middle school math class on ebaumsworld -- circa 2002. For Intro to Computational
Media at ITP.
Questions that came up:
1. should helicopter controls go into helicopter class?
2. should the function returning an intersection go into the wall or helicopter
3. how to monitor an ongoing keypress?
4. can an object delete itself?
5. calling 'height' and 'width' from within class OK ?
6. how to space out walls properly with increasing speed?
//variable for helicopter object
let heli;
//variable for gamestate
let gameOver = false;
let isFirstGo = true;
//game speed and max speed
let speed = 0;
//empty array to hold the walls
let walls = [];
//wall parameters
let wallHeight = 200;
let wallWidth = 50;
//variable for background color
let bg_col;
//difficulty should be a value between 0 and 10, higher numbers being more difficult
let difficulty = 14;
let framesElapsed = 0;
function setup() {
createCanvas(600, 400);
//create the helicopter object
heli = new Heli();
//define background colors for normal gamestate
bg_col = color(119, 151, 198);
//start off with a set of short walls:
for (let x = 0; x < 50; x++) {
//top walls
let shortWallWidth = width / 50;
walls.push(new Wall(speed, x * shortWallWidth, 0, shortWallWidth, random(20, 30)));
//bottom walls
let wh = random(20, 30); // wall height
walls.push(new Wall(speed, x * shortWallWidth, height - wh, shortWallWidth, wh));
framesElapsed = 10;
function draw() {
//display the game
//update the game
function displayGame() {
if (isFirstGo) { //splash screen
//text box
fill(119, 151, 198);
rect(width / 2, height / 2, width, height);
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
text("HELICOPTER", width / 2, height / 2 - 10);
text("space to play", width / 2, height / 2 + 30);
} else if (gameOver) { //special parameters for game over state
//stop game and set color
speed = 0;
bg_col = color(255, 0, 0);
//text box
rect(width / 2, height / 2, width, 100);
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
text("GAME OVER", width / 2, height / 2 - 10);
text("space to resume", width / 2, height / 2 + 30);
} else { //play state
//display the background as bg_col;
//display the helicopter every frame;
//iterate through walls list backwards
for (let i = walls.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
//run the walls
//splice from the array those walls which are out of the screen
if (walls[i].isOut()) {
walls.splice(i, 1);
function updateGame() {
//check if the game is over:
if (isFirstGo) {
if (keyIsDown(32)) {
isFirstGo = false;
} else if (gameOver) { //check for gameover state
//space to resume game
if (keyIsDown(32)) {
} else { //game is not over!
// add a new wall on right of window every time a wall...
if (framesElapsed * speed >= wallWidth) {
framesElapsed = 0;
//check for keypresses!
if (keyIsDown(32)) {
heli.yspeed -= 1;
//move frame marker:
framesElapsed += 1;
function checkIfGameOver() {
//iterate throug walls list backwards, checking if ball is in each wall
for (let i = walls.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (heli.isIn(walls[i])) {
gameOver = true;
//add walls
function addWalls() {
//top walls
walls.push(new Wall(speed, windowWidth, 0, wallWidth, random(20, 10 * difficulty)));
//bottom walls
let wh = random(20, 10 * difficulty); // wall height
walls.push(new Wall(speed, windowWidth, height - wh, wallWidth, wh));
function resetGame() {
gameOver = false;
walls.splice(0, walls.length);
speed = 5;
bg_col = color(119, 151, 198);
//reset helicopter to starting state
//start off with a set of short walls:
for (let x = 0; x < 50; x++) {
//top walls
let shortWallWidth = width / 50;
walls.push(new Wall(speed, x * shortWallWidth, 0, shortWallWidth, random(20, 30)));
//bottom walls
let wh = random(20, 30); // wall height
walls.push(new Wall(speed, x * shortWallWidth, height - wh, shortWallWidth, wh));
framesElapsed = 10;
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