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Last active December 17, 2019 14:48
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Save Aidanvii7/97bc6804699ff6a9d728d81ae0a7b83c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A collection of extension functions for Android's SparseArray
package com.aidanvii.extensions
import android.util.SparseArray
import java.util.*
val SparseArray<*>.max: Int get () = size() - 1;
inline fun <V> SparseArray<V>.forEachValue(action: (V) -> Unit): SparseArray<V> {
for (index in 0..max) {
val key = keyAt(index)
val value = get(key)
return this
inline fun <V> SparseArray<V>.forEachPair(action: (Int, V) -> Unit): SparseArray<V> {
for (index in 0..max) {
val key = keyAt(index)
val value = get(key)
action(key, value)
return this
inline fun <V> SparseArray<V>.forEachValueThenRemove(action: (V) -> Unit): SparseArray<V> {
val toRemove = ArrayList<Int>()
for (index in 0..max) {
val key = keyAt(index)
val value = get(key)
toRemove.forEach { remove(it) }
return this
inline fun <V> SparseArray<V>.forEachPairThenRemove(action: (Int, V) -> Unit): SparseArray<V> {
val toRemove = ArrayList<Int>()
for (index in 0..max) {
val key = keyAt(index)
val value = get(key)
action(key, value)
toRemove.forEach { remove(it) }
return this
inline fun <V> SparseArray<V>.forEachValueThenMaybeRemove(action: (V) -> Boolean): SparseArray<V> {
val toRemove = ArrayList<Int>()
for (index in 0..max) {
val key = keyAt(index)
val value = get(key)
val removeEntry = action(value)
if (removeEntry) {
toRemove.forEach { remove(it) }
return this
inline fun <V> SparseArray<V>.forEachPairThenMaybeRemove(action: (Int, V) -> Boolean): SparseArray<V> {
val toRemove = ArrayList<Int>()
for (index in 0..max) {
val key = keyAt(index)
val value = get(key)
val removeEntry = action(key, value)
if (removeEntry) {
toRemove.forEach { remove(it) }
return this
inline fun <V> SparseArray<V>.filterOnKey(filterPredicate: (Int) -> Boolean): SparseArray<V> {
val filtered = SparseArray<V>()
for (index in 0..max) {
val key = keyAt(index)
val value = get(key)
if (filterPredicate(key)) {
filtered.put(key, value)
return filtered
inline fun <V> SparseArray<V>.filterOnValue(filterPredicate: (V) -> Boolean): SparseArray<V> {
val filtered = SparseArray<V>()
for (index in 0..max) {
val key = keyAt(index)
val value = get(key)
if (filterPredicate(value)) {
filtered.put(key, value)
return filtered
inline fun <V> SparseArray<V>.filterOnPair(filterPredicate: (Int, V) -> Boolean): SparseArray<V> {
val filtered = SparseArray<V>()
for (index in 0..max) {
val key = keyAt(index)
val value = get(key)
if (filterPredicate(key, value)) {
filtered.put(key, value)
return filtered
inline fun <V1, V2> SparseArray<V1>.map(mapper: (V1) -> V2): SparseArray<V2> {
val mapped = SparseArray<V2>()
for (index in 0..max) {
val key = keyAt(index)
val value = get(key)
mapped.put(key, mapper(value))
return mapped
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