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Last active March 24, 2021 06:54
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/// <reference path="../../typings/ue.d.ts">/>
class MyCharacter extends Character {
CameraBoom: SpringArmComponent;
FollowCamera: CameraComponent;
* The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
* MyCharacter's Constructor
constructor(GWorld: World, Location: Vector) {
super(GWorld, Location);
this.bReplicates = true;
this.bReplicateMovement = true;
this.CapsuleComponent.SetCapsuleSize(42, 96, false);
this.bUseControllerRotationPitch = false;
this.bUseControllerRotationRoll = false;
this.bUseControllerRotationYaw = false;
this.CharacterMovement.bOrientRotationToMovement = true;
this.CharacterMovement.RotationRate = Rotator.MakeRotator(0, 0, 540);
this.CharacterMovement.JumpZVelocity = 600;
this.CharacterMovement.AirControl = 0.2;
this.CharacterMovement.MaxAcceleration = 2048;
this.CameraBoom = SpringArmComponent.CreateDefaultSubobject("CameraBoom");
this.CameraBoom.AttachParent = this.CapsuleComponent;
this.CameraBoom.TargetArmLength = 300;
this.CameraBoom.bUsePawnControlRotation = true;
this.FollowCamera = CameraComponent.CreateDefaultSubobject("FollowCamera");
this.FollowCamera.bUsePawnControlRotation = false;
this.FollowCamera.AttachParent = this.CameraBoom;
this.Mesh.SetSkeletalMesh(SkeletalMesh.Load('/Game/Mannequin/Character/Mesh/SK_Mannequin.SK_Mannequin'), true);
this.Mesh.K2_SetWorldLocation(Vector.MakeVector(0, 0, -97), false);
this.Mesh.K2_SetWorldRotation(Rotator.MakeRotator(0, 0, 270), false);
ReceiveBeginPlay() {
// Posses on spawn
@KEYBIND(BindAxis, "Turn")
Turn(value: float) {
if (value !== 0) {
@KEYBIND(BindAxis, "LookUp")
LookUp(value: float) {
if (value !== 0) {
@KEYBIND(BindAxis, "MoveForward")
MoveForward(value: float) {
if (value !== 0) {
const rotation = this.GetControlRotation();
rotation.Pitch = 0;
rotation.Roll = 0;
const forwardVector = rotation.GetForwardVector();
this.AddMovementInput(forwardVector, value, false);
@KEYBIND(BindAxis, "MoveRight")
MoveRight(value: float) {
if (value !== 0) {
const rotation = this.GetControlRotation();
rotation.Pitch = 0;
rotation.Roll = 0;
const rightVector = rotation.GetRightVector();
this.AddMovementInput(rightVector, value, false);
@UFUNCTION(Server, Unreliable)
Server_Attack() {
@KEYBIND(BindAction, "Attack", IE_RELEASED)
Attack() {
if(!this.HasAuthority()) {
new MyCharacter(GWorld, Vector.MakeVector(0, 0, 500);
export default MyCharacter;
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