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Created June 4, 2021 21:24
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Require Import Program.Equality.
Require Import Relations.Relation_Operators.
Require Relations.Operators_Properties.
Require Import Vectors.Vector.
Import VectorDef.VectorNotations.
Module OP := Operators_Properties.
Definition binseq n := VectorDef.t bool n.
Notation "'b0'" := false.
Notation "'b1'" := true.
Fixpoint zeros n : VectorDef.t bool n :=
match n with
| 0 => nil bool
| S n => VectorDef.cons bool b0 n (zeros n)
Inductive step : forall n, binseq n -> binseq n -> Prop :=
| step_change_first {n} b bs : step (S n) (b :: bs) (negb b :: bs)
| step_change_next n {m} b bs : step (n + S (S m)) (zeros n ++ b1 :: b :: bs) (zeros n ++ b1 :: negb b :: bs)
Local Hint Constructors step : core.
Definition steps n := clos_refl_trans_1n (binseq n) (step n).
Lemma step_reachability_0_extension : forall {n bs0 bs1}
(subreachability : step n bs0 bs1),
steps (S n) (b0 :: bs0) (b0 :: bs1).
Proof with eauto.
destruct subreachability.
- do 3 try eapply rt1n_trans; try (now apply rt1n_refl); [| now apply (step_change_next 0) |]; now constructor.
- assert (one_more_zero : b0 :: zeros n = zeros (S n))...
repeat rewrite append_comm_cons, one_more_zero.
now apply OP.clos_rt1n_step, (step_change_next (S n)).
Lemma steps_reachability_0_extension : forall {n bs0 bs1}
(subreachability : steps n bs0 bs1),
steps (S n) (b0 :: bs0) (b0 :: bs1).
Proof with eauto.
induction subreachability as [bs | bs0 bs1 bs2 step_subreachability _ subreachability_IH];
try (now constructor).
apply step_reachability_0_extension in step_subreachability.
eapply OP.clos_rt_rt1n_iff, rt_trans; apply OP.clos_rt_rt1n_iff...
Lemma steps_reachability_extension : forall {n} b {bs0 bs1}
(subreachability : steps n bs0 bs1),
steps (S n) (b :: bs0) (b :: bs1).
Proof with eauto using rt1n_refl, rt1n_trans.
destruct b; intros; try (now apply steps_reachability_0_extension)...
eapply rt1n_trans...
eapply OP.clos_rt_rt1n_iff, rt_trans; apply OP.clos_rt_rt1n_iff;
try eapply (steps_reachability_0_extension subreachability)...
Theorem steps_reachability : forall {n bs0 bs1},
steps n bs0 bs1.
Proof with eauto.
induction n as [| n IH];
dependent destruction bs0; dependent destruction bs1; try (now apply rt1n_refl).
rename h into h0, h0 into h1.
destruct h0, h1;
try apply steps_reachability_extension; eauto;
try eapply rt1n_trans; eauto;
now apply steps_reachability_extension.
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