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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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jQuery Plugins Working for GitCandy
GitCandy is a Git platform based on ASP.NET MVC
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The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2014 Aimeast
; (function ($, undefined) {
'use strict';
queryString: {
parse: function (str) {
by Sindre Sorhus
MIT License
var set = typeof str === 'undefined';
if (set && $.queryString.parsed)
return $.queryString.parsed;
var segments = (set ? : str).replace(/^\?/, '').split('&');
var ret = {};
segments.forEach(function (param) {
var parts = param.replace(/\+/g, ' ').split('=');
var key = parts[0];
var val = parts[1];
if (!(key && val))
key = decodeURIComponent(key);
// missing `=` should be `null`:
val = typeof val === 'undefined' ? null : decodeURIComponent(val);
if (!ret.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
ret[key] = val;
} else if (Array.isArray(ret[key])) {
} else {
ret[key] = [ret[key], val];
var parsed = {
query: ret,
get: function (key, ignoreCase) {
var ign = !!ignoreCase;
if (ign)
key = key.toUpperCase();
var keys = Object.keys(ret);
for (var i in keys) {
var prop = keys[i];
if (ign && key === prop.toUpperCase()
|| !ign && key === prop) {
return ret[prop];
if (set)
$.queryString.parsed = parsed;
return parsed;
$.queryString.query = $.queryString.parse().query;
$.queryString.get = function (key, sensitive) {
return $.queryString.parse().get(key, sensitive);
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