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Created January 31, 2022 19:17
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Kubectl shortcuts
componentstatuses = cs
configmaps = cm
endpoints = ep
events = ev
limitranges = limits
namespaces = ns
nodes = no
persistentvolumeclaims = pvc
persistentvolumes = pv
pods = po
replicationcontrollers = rc
resourcequotas = quota
serviceaccounts = sa
services = svc
customresourcedefinitions = crd, crds
daemonsets = ds
deployments = deploy
replicasets = rs
statefulsets = sts
horizontalpodautoscalers = hpa
cronjobs = cj
certificiaterequests = cr, crs
certificates = cert, certs
certificatesigningrequests = csr
ingresses = ing
networkpolicies = netpol
podsecuritypolicies = psp
replicasets = rs
scheduledscalers = ss
priorityclasses = pc
storageclasses = sc
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