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Created December 16, 2020 23:42
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cargo expand --no-default-features --target=wasm32-unknown-unknown
//! A smart contract which demonstrates behavior of the `self.env().transfer()` function.
//! It transfers some of it's balance to the caller.
use core::prelude::v1::*;
extern crate core;
extern crate compiler_builtins;
use ink_lang as ink;
pub mod give_me {
impl ::ink_lang::ContractEnv for GiveMe {
type Env = ::ink_env::DefaultEnvironment;
type Environment = <GiveMe as ::ink_lang::ContractEnv>::Env;
type AccountId =
<<GiveMe as ::ink_lang::ContractEnv>::Env as ::ink_env::Environment>::AccountId;
type Balance = <<GiveMe as ::ink_lang::ContractEnv>::Env as ::ink_env::Environment>::Balance;
type Hash = <<GiveMe as ::ink_lang::ContractEnv>::Env as ::ink_env::Environment>::Hash;
type Timestamp =
<<GiveMe as ::ink_lang::ContractEnv>::Env as ::ink_env::Environment>::Timestamp;
type BlockNumber =
<<GiveMe as ::ink_lang::ContractEnv>::Env as ::ink_env::Environment>::BlockNumber;
#[cfg(not(feature = "ink-as-dependency"))]
const _: () = {
impl<'a> ::ink_lang::Env for &'a GiveMe {
type EnvAccess = ::ink_lang::EnvAccess<'a, <GiveMe as ::ink_lang::ContractEnv>::Env>;
fn env(self) -> Self::EnvAccess {
impl<'a> ::ink_lang::StaticEnv for GiveMe {
type EnvAccess =
::ink_lang::EnvAccess<'static, <GiveMe as ::ink_lang::ContractEnv>::Env>;
fn env() -> Self::EnvAccess {
#[cfg(not(feature = "ink-as-dependency"))]
/// No storage is needed for this simple contract.
pub struct GiveMe {}
const _: () = {
impl ::ink_storage::traits::SpreadLayout for GiveMe {
const FOOTPRINT: u64 = [0u64, 0u64][(0u64 < 0u64) as usize];
const REQUIRES_DEEP_CLEAN_UP: bool = (false || false);
fn pull_spread(__key_ptr: &mut ::ink_storage::traits::KeyPtr) -> Self {
GiveMe {}
fn push_spread(&self, __key_ptr: &mut ::ink_storage::traits::KeyPtr) {
match self {
GiveMe {} => {}
fn clear_spread(&self, __key_ptr: &mut ::ink_storage::traits::KeyPtr) {
match self {
GiveMe {} => {}
#[cfg(not(feature = "ink-as-dependency"))]
const _: () = {
use ::ink_lang::{Env as _, StaticEnv as _};
#[cfg(not(feature = "ink-as-dependency"))]
const _: () = {
fn deploy() -> u32 {
<GiveMe as ::ink_lang::DispatchUsingMode>::dispatch_using_mode(
fn call() -> u32 {
if false {
::ink_lang::deny_payment::<<GiveMe as ::ink_lang::ContractEnv>::Env>()
.expect("caller transferred value even though all ink! message deny payments")
<GiveMe as ::ink_lang::DispatchUsingMode>::dispatch_using_mode(
impl ::ink_lang::DispatchUsingMode for GiveMe {
fn dispatch_using_mode(
mode: ::ink_lang::DispatchMode,
) -> core::result::Result<(), ::ink_lang::DispatchError> {
match mode { :: ink_lang :: DispatchMode :: Instantiate => { < < GiveMe as :: ink_lang :: ConstructorDispatcher > :: Type as :: ink_lang :: Execute > :: execute (:: ink_env :: decode_input :: < < GiveMe as :: ink_lang :: ConstructorDispatcher > :: Type > () . map_err (| _ | :: ink_lang :: DispatchError :: CouldNotReadInput) ?) } :: ink_lang :: DispatchMode :: Call => { < < GiveMe as :: ink_lang :: MessageDispatcher > :: Type as :: ink_lang :: Execute > :: execute (:: ink_env :: decode_input :: < < GiveMe as :: ink_lang :: MessageDispatcher > :: Type > () . map_err (| _ | :: ink_lang :: DispatchError :: CouldNotReadInput) ?) } }
pub struct __ink_Msg<S> {
marker: core::marker::PhantomData<fn() -> S>,
pub struct __ink_Constr<S> {
marker: core::marker::PhantomData<fn() -> S>,
impl ::ink_lang::FnInput for __ink_Msg<[(); 2566918985usize]> {
type Input = Balance;
impl ::ink_lang::FnSelector for __ink_Msg<[(); 2566918985usize]> {
const SELECTOR: ::ink_env::call::Selector =
::ink_env::call::Selector::new([73u8, 19u8, 0u8, 153u8]);
impl ::ink_lang::FnState for __ink_Msg<[(); 2566918985usize]> {
type State = GiveMe;
impl ::ink_lang::FnOutput for __ink_Msg<[(); 2566918985usize]> {
type Output = Result<(), Error>;
impl ::ink_lang::MessageMut for __ink_Msg<[(); 2566918985usize]> {
const CALLABLE: fn(
&mut <Self as ::ink_lang::FnState>::State,
<Self as ::ink_lang::FnInput>::Input,
) -> <Self as ::ink_lang::FnOutput>::Output =
|state, __ink_binding_0| <GiveMe>::give_me(state, __ink_binding_0);
impl ::ink_lang::FnInput for __ink_Msg<[(); 3199925962usize]> {
type Input = ();
impl ::ink_lang::FnSelector for __ink_Msg<[(); 3199925962usize]> {
const SELECTOR: ::ink_env::call::Selector =
::ink_env::call::Selector::new([202u8, 254u8, 186u8, 190u8]);
impl ::ink_lang::FnState for __ink_Msg<[(); 3199925962usize]> {
type State = GiveMe;
impl ::ink_lang::FnOutput for __ink_Msg<[(); 3199925962usize]> {
type Output = bool;
impl ::ink_lang::MessageRef for __ink_Msg<[(); 3199925962usize]> {
const CALLABLE: fn(
&<Self as ::ink_lang::FnState>::State,
<Self as ::ink_lang::FnInput>::Input,
) -> <Self as ::ink_lang::FnOutput>::Output = |state, _| <GiveMe>::was_it_ten(state);
impl ::ink_lang::FnInput for __ink_Constr<[(); 726762449usize]> {
type Input = ();
impl ::ink_lang::FnSelector for __ink_Constr<[(); 726762449usize]> {
const SELECTOR: ::ink_env::call::Selector =
::ink_env::call::Selector::new([209u8, 131u8, 81u8, 43u8]);
impl ::ink_lang::FnState for __ink_Constr<[(); 726762449usize]> {
type State = GiveMe;
impl ::ink_lang::Constructor for __ink_Constr<[(); 726762449usize]> {
const CALLABLE: fn(
<Self as ::ink_lang::FnInput>::Input,
) -> <Self as ::ink_lang::FnState>::State = |_| <GiveMe>::new();
const _: () = {
pub enum __ink_MessageDispatchEnum {
impl ::ink_lang::MessageDispatcher for GiveMe {
type Type = __ink_MessageDispatchEnum;
impl ::scale::Decode for __ink_MessageDispatchEnum {
fn decode<I: ::scale::Input>(
input: &mut I,
) -> ::core::result::Result<Self, ::scale::Error> {
match <[u8; 4] as ::scale::Decode>::decode(input)? {
[73u8, 19u8, 0u8, 153u8] => Ok(Self::__ink_Message_0x49130099(
<Balance as ::scale::Decode>::decode(input)?,
[202u8, 254u8, 186u8, 190u8] => Ok(Self::__ink_Message_0xCAFEBABE()),
_invalid => Err(::scale::Error::from(
"encountered unknown ink! message selector",
impl ::ink_lang::Execute for __ink_MessageDispatchEnum {
fn execute(self) -> ::core::result::Result<(), ::ink_lang::DispatchError> {
match self {
Self::__ink_Message_0x49130099(value) => ::ink_lang::execute_message_mut::<
<GiveMe as ::ink_lang::ContractEnv>::Env,
__ink_Msg<[(); 2566918985usize]>,
move |state: &mut GiveMe| {
< __ink_Msg < [() ; 2566918985usize] > as :: ink_lang :: MessageMut > :: CALLABLE (state , value)
Self::__ink_Message_0xCAFEBABE() => ::ink_lang::execute_message::<
<GiveMe as ::ink_lang::ContractEnv>::Env,
__ink_Msg<[(); 3199925962usize]>,
move |state: &GiveMe| {
< __ink_Msg < [() ; 3199925962usize] > as :: ink_lang :: MessageRef > :: CALLABLE (state , ())
const _: () = {
pub enum __ink_ConstructorDispatchEnum {
impl ::ink_lang::ConstructorDispatcher for GiveMe {
type Type = __ink_ConstructorDispatchEnum;
impl ::scale::Decode for __ink_ConstructorDispatchEnum {
fn decode<I: ::scale::Input>(
input: &mut I,
) -> ::core::result::Result<Self, ::scale::Error> {
match <[u8; 4] as ::scale::Decode>::decode(input)? {
[209u8, 131u8, 81u8, 43u8] => Ok(Self::__ink_Constructor_0xD183512B()),
_invalid => Err(::scale::Error::from(
"encountered unknown ink! constructor selector",
impl ::ink_lang::Execute for __ink_ConstructorDispatchEnum {
fn execute(self) -> ::core::result::Result<(), ::ink_lang::DispatchError> {
match self {
Self::__ink_Constructor_0xD183512B() => {
::ink_lang::execute_constructor::<__ink_Constr<[(); 726762449usize]>, _>(
move || {
< __ink_Constr < [() ; 726762449usize] > as :: ink_lang :: Constructor > :: CALLABLE (())
#[cfg(not(feature = "ink-as-dependency"))]
const _: () = { use :: ink_lang :: { Env , EmitEvent , StaticEnv } ; const _ : fn () = | | { { trait TypeEq { type This : ? Sized ; } impl < T : ? Sized > TypeEq for T { type This = Self ; } fn assert_type_eq_all < T , U > () where T : ? Sized + TypeEq < This = U > , U : ? Sized { } assert_type_eq_all :: < GiveMe , GiveMe > () ; } } ; impl GiveMe { # [doc = " Creates a new instance of this contract."] pub fn new () -> Self { Self { } } # [doc = " Transfers `value` amount of tokens to the caller."] # [doc = ""] # [doc = " # Errors"] # [doc = ""] # [doc = " - Returns `Error::InsufficientFunds` in case the requested transfer of"] # [doc = " `value` exceeds the contracts balance."] # [doc = " - Returns `Error::BelowSubsistenceThreshold` in case the requested transfer"] # [doc = " of `value` would have brought the contract\'s balance below the subsistence"] # [doc = " threshold."] # [doc = " - Returns `Error::TransferFailed` in case the transfer failed for another"] # [doc = " reason."] pub fn give_me (& mut self , value : Balance) -> Result < () , Error > { if value > self . env () . balance () { return Err (Error :: InsufficientFunds) } self . env () . transfer (self . env () . caller () , value) . map_err (| err | { match err { ink_env :: Error :: BelowSubsistenceThreshold => { Error :: BelowSubsistenceThreshold } _ => Error :: TransferFailed , } }) } # [doc = " Returns `true` if the token amount which the contract received"] # [doc = " with this call is exactly `10`."] # [doc = ""] # [doc = " # Note"] # [doc = ""] # [doc = " The method needs to be annotated with `payable`; only then it is"] # [doc = " allowed to receive value as part of the call."] pub fn was_it_ten (& self) -> bool { self . env () . transferred_balance () == 10 } } };
/// The error types.
pub enum Error {
/// Returned if the transfer failed.
/// Insufficient funds to execute transfer.
/// Transfer failed because it would have brought the contract's
/// balance below the subsistence threshold.
/// This is necessary to keep enough funds in the contract to
/// allow for a tombstone to be created.
impl ::core::fmt::Debug for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result {
match (&*self,) {
(&Error::TransferFailed,) => {
let mut debug_trait_builder = f.debug_tuple("TransferFailed");
(&Error::InsufficientFunds,) => {
let mut debug_trait_builder = f.debug_tuple("InsufficientFunds");
(&Error::BelowSubsistenceThreshold,) => {
let mut debug_trait_builder = f.debug_tuple("BelowSubsistenceThreshold");
impl ::core::marker::StructuralPartialEq for Error {}
impl ::core::cmp::PartialEq for Error {
fn eq(&self, other: &Error) -> bool {
let __self_vi = ::core::intrinsics::discriminant_value(&*self);
let __arg_1_vi = ::core::intrinsics::discriminant_value(&*other);
if true && __self_vi == __arg_1_vi {
match (&*self, &*other) {
_ => true,
} else {
impl ::core::marker::StructuralEq for Error {}
impl ::core::cmp::Eq for Error {
fn assert_receiver_is_total_eq(&self) -> () {
const _: () = {
extern crate scale as _parity_scale_codec;
impl _parity_scale_codec::Encode for Error {
fn encode_to<__CodecOutputEdqy: _parity_scale_codec::Output>(
__codec_dest_edqy: &mut __CodecOutputEdqy,
) {
match *self {
Error::TransferFailed => {
__codec_dest_edqy.push_byte(0usize as u8);
Error::InsufficientFunds => {
__codec_dest_edqy.push_byte(1usize as u8);
Error::BelowSubsistenceThreshold => {
__codec_dest_edqy.push_byte(2usize as u8);
_ => (),
impl _parity_scale_codec::EncodeLike for Error {}
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