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Created September 30, 2021 20:05
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Sample XPlane Hello World plugin in Zig
const std = @import("std");
const xplm = @import("xplm");
var g_window: xplm.XPLMWindowID = std.mem.zeroes(xplm.XPLMWindowID);
pub export fn draw_hello_world(in_window_id: xplm.XPLMWindowID, in_refcon: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) void {
_ = in_refcon;
_ = in_window_id;
pub export fn dummy_mouse_handler(in_window_id: xplm.XPLMWindowID, x: c_int, y: c_int, is_down: c_int, in_refcon: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) c_int {
_ = in_window_id;
_ = x;
_ = y;
_ = is_down;
_ = in_refcon;
return 0;
pub export fn dummy_cursor_status_handler(in_window_id: xplm.XPLMWindowID, x: c_int, y: c_int, in_refcon: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) xplm.XPLMCursorStatus {
_ = in_window_id;
_ = x;
_ = y;
_ = in_refcon;
return xplm.xplm_CursorDefault;
pub export fn dummy_wheel_handler(in_window_id: xplm.XPLMWindowID, x: c_int, y: c_int, wheel: c_int, clicks: c_int, in_refcon: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) c_int {
_ = in_window_id;
_ = x;
_ = y;
_ = wheel;
_ = clicks;
_ = in_refcon;
return 0;
pub export fn dummy_key_handler(in_window_id: xplm.XPLMWindowID, key: u8, flags: xplm.XPLMKeyFlags, virtual_key: u8, in_refcon: ?*c_void, losing_focus: c_int) callconv(.C) void {
_ = in_window_id;
_ = key;
_ = flags;
_ = virtual_key;
_ = in_refcon;
_ = losing_focus;
pub export fn XPluginStart(outName: [*c]u8, outSig: [*c]u8, outDesc: [*c]u8) callconv(.C) c_int {
_ = xplm.strcpy(outName, "HelloWorld3Plugin");
_ = xplm.strcpy(outSig, "xpsdk.examples.helloworld3plugin");
_ = xplm.strcpy(outDesc, "A Hello World plug-in for the XPLM300 SDK.");
var params: xplm.XPLMCreateWindow_t = undefined;
params.structSize = @bitCast(c_int, @truncate(c_uint, @sizeOf(xplm.XPLMCreateWindow_t)));
params.visible = 1;
params.drawWindowFunc = draw_hello_world;
params.handleMouseClickFunc = dummy_mouse_handler;
params.handleRightClickFunc = dummy_mouse_handler;
params.handleMouseWheelFunc = dummy_wheel_handler;
params.handleKeyFunc = dummy_key_handler;
params.handleCursorFunc = dummy_cursor_status_handler;
params.refcon = @intToPtr(?*c_void, @as(c_int, 0));
params.layer = xplm.xplm_WindowLayerFloatingWindows;
params.decorateAsFloatingWindow = xplm.xplm_WindowDecorationRoundRectangle;
var left: c_int = undefined;
var bottom: c_int = undefined;
var right: c_int = undefined;
var top: c_int = undefined;
xplm.XPLMGetScreenBoundsGlobal(&left, &top, &right, &bottom);
params.left = left + @as(c_int, 50);
params.bottom = bottom + @as(c_int, 150);
params.right = params.left + @as(c_int, 200); = params.bottom + @as(c_int, 200);
g_window = xplm.XPLMCreateWindowEx(&params);
xplm.XPLMSetWindowPositioningMode(g_window, xplm.xplm_WindowPositionFree, -@as(c_int, 1));
xplm.XPLMSetWindowResizingLimits(g_window, @as(c_int, 200), @as(c_int, 200), @as(c_int, 300), @as(c_int, 300));
xplm.XPLMSetWindowTitle(g_window, "Sample Window");
return @boolToInt(g_window != @intToPtr(?*c_void, @as(c_int, 0)));
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