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Forked from muxuezi/
Created October 30, 2016 04:13
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Web crawler of Swift iOS&OSX
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Name: The-Swift-Programming-Language
# Purpose: Web crawler of Swift, Python is slow-------
# Author:
# Created: 10/27/2014
# Copyright: (c) muxuezi 2014
# Licence: <All licence>
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urllib2 import urlopen
import re
import time
import thread
allPageCnt = {}
mutex = thread.allocate_lock()
exitmutexes = [thread.allocate_lock() for i in range(37)]
baseUrl = ''
def cleanpage(url):
soup = BeautifulSoup(urlopen(url))
h2 = soup.find('ul', class_="list-bullet")
artHtml = str(soup.find('article', class_="chapter"))
styleChange = [('<ul', '<ol'), ('</ul>', '</ol>'), ('<h2', '<h1'), ('href=".+?#', 'href="#')]
artHtml = re.sub(re.compile('<section\sclass=""\sid="next_previous">.+?</section>', re.DOTALL), '', artHtml)
artHtml = re.sub(re.compile('<div\sid="mini_toc_button">+?</div>', re.DOTALL), '', artHtml)
for x, y in styleChange:
artHtml = re.sub(re.compile(x), y, artHtml)
fmt1 = lambda x: '<h3 class="section-name" tabindex="0">%s</h3>' % x
fmt2 = lambda x: '<h2 class="section-name" tabindex="0">%s</h2>' % x
h2All = map(lambda x: x.text.strip(), h2.findAll('a'))
except AttributeError:
for x in h2All:
x = str(x)
artHtml = artHtml.replace(fmt1(x), fmt2(x))
return artHtml
def getpage(idx, unit, mutex):
# web crawler
with mutex:
url, name = unit
url = baseUrl + url
page = cleanpage(url)
allPageCnt[idx + 1] = page
print idx + 1, name
def main():
# read all links
soup = BeautifulSoup(urlopen(baseUrl))
pageLable = soup.find('nav', class_="book-parts hideInXcode")
allLink = map(lambda x: (x.get('href'), x.text), pageLable.findAll('a'))
for idx, unit in enumerate(allLink):
thread.start_new_thread(getpage, (idx, unit, mutex))
while True:
if all(mutex.locked() for mutex in exitmutexes):
with open('swift.html', 'wb') as f:
styleChange = [('<ul', '<ol'), ('</ul>', '</ol>'), ('<h2', '<h1'), ('href=".+?#', 'href="#')]
pageLable = str(pageLable)
for x, y in styleChange:
pageLable = re.sub(re.compile(x), y, pageLable)
f.write(pageLable+'\n') # writes page titles
for k, apage in sorted(allPageCnt.items()):
print 'All done'
if __name__ == '__main__':
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