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Forked from beta-tester/menu.ipxe
Created June 11, 2024 20:50
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# 2021-01-19
# made by
# for project
iseq ${product} VirtualBox || goto end_ipxe_chainload_serverversion
set version_vbox 1.0.0+
iseq ${version} ${version_vbox} || goto end_ipxe_chainload_serverversion
echo download iPXE
iseq ${platform} efi && set ipxe_file ipxe.efi || set ipxe_file undionly.kpxe
imgfree ||
chain /${ipxe_file}
set base http://${next-server}/srv/nfs
set nfsroot ${next-server}:/srv/nfs
set language de
set layoutcode de
set variant German
set locale de_DE.UTF-8
set timezone Europe/Berlin
set keymap de-latin1-nodeadkeys
set kmap qwertz/de-latin1
# Figure out if client is 64-bit capable
cpuid --ext 29 && set archx x64 || set archx x86
cpuid --ext 29 && set arch amd64 || set arch i386
cpuid --ext 29 && set arch2 amd64 || set arch2 i686
cpuid --ext 29 && set bit_cpu 64 || set bit_cpu 32
# Figure out if BIOS, EFI32 or EFI64
iseq ${platform} efi && goto is_efi ||
set pxe_menu menu-bios
goto start
cpuid --ext 29 && set pxe_menu menu-efi64 || set pxe_menu menu-efi32
goto start
menu iPXE ${version}, ${platform}, ${archx}, ${next-server}, ${pxe_menu}
item --gap -- ------------------------- Live Operating systems -------------------------
item arch-netboot-x64 Boot Arch netboot x64
item debian-x64 Boot Debian x64
item devuan-x64 Boot Devuan x64
item fedora-x64 Boot Fedora x64
item mint-x64 Boot Linux Mint x64
item opensuse-x64 Boot openSUSE x64
item tinycore-x64 Boot Tiny Core x64
item ubuntu-x64 Boot Ubuntu x64
item --gap -- ------------------------- Pentesting systems ------------------------------
item blackarch-x64 Boot BlackArch x64
item kali-x64 Boot Kali x64
item parrot-full-x64 Boot Parrot x64
item pentoo-x64 Boot Pentoo x64
item --gap -- ------------------------- Virus scanner systems ---------------------------
item desinfect-x64 Boot Desinfec't x64
item desinfect-x86 Boot Desinfec't x86
item eset-rescue-x86 Boot ESET SysRescue Live x86
item kaspersky-rescue-x86 Boot Kaspersky Rescue Disk x86
item --gap -- ------------------------- Other systems ----------------------------------
item clonezilla-x64 Boot Clonezilla x64
item dragonos-x64 Boot DragonOS x64
item gnuradio-x64 Boot GNU Radio x64
item knoppix-x86 Boot Knoppix x86
item opensuse-rescue-x64 Boot openSUSE Rescue x64
item rpdesktop-x86 Boot Raspberry Pi Desktop
item systemrescue-x64 Boot System Rescue x64
item ubuntu-studio-x64 Boot Ubuntu Studio x64
item --gap -- ------------------------- Windows systems ----------------------------------
item windows-iso-x64 Boot Windows PE x64 (ISO via http)
item windows-iso-x86 Boot Windows PE x86 (ISO via http)
item windows-pxe-x64 Boot Windows PE x64 (PXE via tftp)
item windows-pxe-x86 Boot Windows PE x86 (PXE via tftp)
item windows-wim-x64 Boot Windows PE x64 (WIM via http)
item windows-wim-x86 Boot Windows PE x86 (WIM via http)
item --gap -- ------------------------- Broken systems ----------------------------------
item tails-x64 Boot Tails x64
item --gap -- ------------------------- Tools and utilities ----------------------------
item --key p pxelinux Boot PXE Linux
item --gap -- ------------------------- Advanced options -------------------------------
item --key c config Configure settings
item shell Drop to iPXE shell
item reboot Reboot computer
item poweroff Power off computer
item --gap -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
item --key x exit Exit iPXE and continue BIOS boot
choose os || goto cancel
echo ${os}
goto ${os}
echo You cancelled the menu, dropping you to the shell
echo Type 'exit' to get the back to the menu
goto start
echo Action failed, dropping you to the shell
goto shell
reboot || goto failed
poweroff || goto failed
goto start
#imgselect || goto failed
imgselect ${base}/${os}/kernel || goto failed
imgexec || goto failed
goto start
### ubuntu based
set ext2 .gz
goto ubuntu
set ext2 .lz
goto ubuntu
set ext1 .efi
set ext2 .lz
goto ubuntu
goto ubuntu
#set custom -- debian-installer/locale=${locale} debian-installer/language=${language} console-setup/layoutcode=${layoutcode} keyboard-configuration/layoutcode=${layoutcode} keyboard-configuration/variant=${variant}
set custom -- debian-installer/locale=${locale} console-setup/layoutcode=${layoutcode} keyboard-configuration/layoutcode=${layoutcode} keyboard-configuration/variant=${variant}
set options ip=dhcp nfsroot=${nfsroot}/${os} ro netboot=nfs file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper memtest=4 rmdns
imgselect ${base}/${os}/casper/vmlinuz${ext1} ${options} ${custom} || goto failed
imgfetch ${base}/${os}/casper/initrd${ext2} || goto failed
imgexec || goto failed
goto start
### debian based
set version 4.19.0-13
set custom -- locales=${locale} keyboard-layouts=${layoutcode} timezone=${timezone} utc=no
set options ip=dhcp nfsroot=${nfsroot}/${os} ro netboot=nfs boot=live config
imgselect ${base}/${os}/live/vmlinuz-${version}-${arch} ${options} ${custom} || goto failed
imgfetch ${base}/${os}/live/initrd.img-${version}-${arch} || goto failed
imgexec || goto failed
goto start
set custom -- locales=${locale} keyboard-layouts=${layoutcode} timezone=${timezone} utc=no
set options ip=dhcp nfsroot=${nfsroot}/${os} ro netboot=nfs boot=live username=devuan config
imgselect ${base}/${os}/live/vmlinuz ${options} ${custom} || goto failed
imgfetch ${base}/${os}/live/initrd.img || goto failed
imgexec || goto failed
goto start
set custom -- locales=${locale} keyboard-layouts=${layoutcode} timezone=${timezone} utc=no
set options ip=dhcp nfsroot=${nfsroot}/${os} ro netboot=nfs boot=live config
imgselect ${base}/${os}/live/vmlinuz2 ${options} ${custom} || goto failed
imgfetch ${base}/${os}/live/initrd2.img || goto failed
imgexec || goto failed
goto start
set custom -- vconsole.font=latarcyrheb-sun16 vconsole.keymap=${keymap} locale.LANG=${locale}
set options ip=dhcp root=live:nfs://${next-server}/srv/nfs/${os}/LiveOS/squashfs.img ro rd.lvm=0 rd.luks=0 vga=794
imgselect ${base}/${os}/isolinux/vmlinuz ${options} ${custom} || goto failed
imgfetch ${base}/${os}/isolinux/initrd.img || goto failed
imgexec || goto failed
goto start
set aoe_if e0.1
goto opensuse
set aoe_if e1.1
goto opensuse
set custom --
set options ip=dhcp root=live:AOEINTERFACE=${aoe_if}
imgselect ${base}/${os}/boot/x86_64/loader/linux ${options} ${custom} || goto failed
imgfetch ${base}/${os}/boot/x86_64/loader/initrd || goto failed
imgexec || goto failed
goto start
set custom -- lang=en kmap=${kmap}
set options ip=dhcp nfsmount=${nfsroot}/${os} tce=/mnt/nfs/cde waitusb=5 vga=791 loglevel=3 noswap norestore
#set options ip=dhcp nfsmount=${nfsroot}/${os}.rw tce=/mnt/nfs/cde waitusb=5 vga=791 loglevel=3 noswap norestore
imgselect ${base}/${os}/boot/vmlinuz64 ${options} ${custom} || goto failed
imgfetch ${base}/${os}/boot/corepure64.gz || goto failed
imgexec || goto failed
goto start
set custom -- locales=${locale} keyboard-layouts=${layoutcode} timezone=${timezone} utc=no
set options ip=dhcp archiso_nfs_srv=${nfsroot}/${os} ro archisobasedir=blackarch copytoram=n
imgselect ${base}/${os}/blackarch/boot/x86_64/vmlinuz-linux ${options} ${custom} || goto failed
imgfetch ${base}/${os}/blackarch/boot/intel-ucode.img || goto failed
imgfetch ${base}/${os}/blackarch/boot/amd-ucode.img || goto failed
imgfetch ${base}/${os}/blackarch/boot/x86_64/initramfs-linux.img || goto failed
imgexec || goto failed
goto start
set custom -- locales=${locale} keyboard-layouts=${layoutcode} timezone=${timezone} utc=no
set options ip=dhcp archiso_nfs_srv=${nfsroot}/${os} ro archisobasedir=sysresccd copytoram=n
imgselect ${base}/${os}/sysresccd/boot/x86_64/vmlinuz ${options} ${custom} || goto failed
imgfetch ${base}/${os}/sysresccd/boot/intel_ucode.img || goto failed
imgfetch ${base}/${os}/sysresccd/boot/amd_ucode.img || goto failed
imgfetch ${base}/${os}/sysresccd/boot/x86_64/sysresccd.img || goto failed
imgexec || goto failed
goto start
set custom -- locales=${locale} keyboard-layouts=${layoutcode} timezone=${timezone} utc=no
set options ip=dhcp nfsroot=${nfsroot}/${os} ro netboot=nfs boot=live noconfig=sudo username=kali hostname=kali
imgselect ${base}/${os}/live/vmlinuz ${options} ${custom} || goto failed
imgfetch ${base}/${os}/live/initrd.img || goto failed
imgexec || goto failed
goto start
set custom -- locales=${locale} keyboard-layouts=${layoutcode} pkeys=${kmap} setxkbmap=${kmap} timezone=${timezone} utc=no
set options ip=dhcp nfsroot=${nfsroot}/${os} ro netboot=nfs boot=live config
imgselect ${base}/${os}/live/vmlinuz ${options} ${custom} || goto failed
imgfetch ${base}/${os}/live/initrd.img || goto failed
imgexec || goto failed
goto start
set custom --
set options ip=dhcp nfsroot=${nfsroot}/${os} ro real_root=/dev/nfs root=/dev/ram0 init=/linuxrc overlayfs looptype=squashfs loop=/image.squashfs cdroot nox secureconsole max_loop=256 dokeymap video=uvesafb:mtrr:3,ywrap,1024x768-16 console=tty0 scsi_mod.use_blk_mq=1 net.ifnames=0 ipv6.autoconf=0
imgselect ${base}/${os}/boot/pentoo ${options} ${custom} || goto failed
imgfetch ${base}/${os}/boot/pentoo.igz || goto failed
imgexec || goto failed
goto start
set custom -- lang=us setkmap=us
set options ip=dhcp netboot=nfs://${nfsroot}/${os} ro dostartx
imgselect ${base}/${os}/boot/grub/k-x86 ${options} ${custom} || goto failed
imgfetch ${base}/${os}/boot/grub/initrd.xz || goto failed
imgexec || goto failed
goto start
set custom -- locales=${locale} keyboard-layouts=${layoutcode} utc=no timezone=${timezone}
set options ip=dhcp nfsroot=${nfsroot}/${os} ro netboot=nfs boot=live config username=user hostname=clonezilla union=overlay components noswap edd=on nomodeset nodmraid ocs_live_run=ocs-live-general ocs_live_extra_param= ocs_live_batch=no net.ifnames=0 nosplash noprompt
imgselect ${base}/${os}/live/vmlinuz ${options} ${custom} || goto failed
imgfetch ${base}/${os}/live/initrd.img || goto failed
imgexec || goto failed
goto start
set custom -- lang=de
set options ip=dhcp nfsdir=${nfsroot}/${os} nodhcp ramdisk_size=100000 init=/sbin/init apm=power-off nomce loglevel=1 libata.force=noncq tz=localtime hpsa.hpsa_allow_any=1 BOOT_IMAGE=knoppix
imgselect ${base}/${os}/boot/isolinux/linux ${options} ${custom} || goto failed
imgfetch ${base}/${os}-miniroot-8.6.1.gz || goto failed
imgexec || goto failed
goto start
set custom -- keyboard-layouts=${lasyoutcode}
set options ip=dhcp BOOTIF=${hwaddr} fetch=${base}/${os}/live/filesystem.squashfs ro boot=live config live-media=removable ipv6.disable=1 nopersistence noprompt block.events_dfl_poll_msecs=1000 noautologin module=Tails slab_nomerge slub_debug=FZP mce=0 vsyscall=none page_poison=1 init_on_alloc=1 init_on_free=1 mds=full,nosmt timezone=Etc/UTC debug ignore_loglevel log_buf_len=10M print_fatal_signals=1 LOGLEVEL=8 earlyprintk=vga,keep sched_debug
imgselect ${base}/${os}/live/vmlinuz ${options} ${custom} || goto failed
imgfetch ${base}/${os}/live/initrd.img || goto failed
imgfetch ${base}/${os}-hotfix-pxe.cpio.xz || goto failed
imgexec || goto failed
goto start
set os win-pe-x64
goto windows-iso
set os win-pe-x86
goto windows-iso
imgselect memdisk iso raw || goto failed
imgfetch http://${next-server}/srv/iso/${os}.iso || goto failed
imgexec || goto failed
goto start
set os win-pe-x64
goto windows-wim
set os win-pe-x86
goto windows-wim
imgselect wimboot || goto failed
imgfetch ${base}/${os}/bootmgr bootmgr || goto failed
imgfetch ${base}/${os}/Boot/BCD BCD || goto failed
imgfetch ${base}/${os}/Boot/Fonts/wgl4_boot.ttf wgl4_boot.ttf || goto failed
imgfetch ${base}/${os}/Boot/boot.sdi boot.sdi || goto failed
imgfetch ${base}/${os}/sources/boot.wim boot.wim || goto failed
imgexec || goto failed
goto start
goto windows-pxe
goto windows-pxe
#set 67:string pxeboot.n12
#set 17:string ${pxe_menu}
iseq ${platform} efi && set boot-file bootmgr.efi || set boot-file pxeboot.n12
imgselect ${pxe_menu}/${boot-file} || goto failed
#imgselect ${pxe_menu}/pxeboot.n12 || goto failed
#imgselect http://${next-server}/srv/iso/Boot.amd64/PXE/ || goto failed
#imgselect http://${next-server}/srv/iso/Boot.amd64/PXE/bootmgr.exe || goto failed
#imgselect http://${next-server}/srv/iso/Boot.amd64/PXE/bootmgr.efi || goto failed
imgexec || goto failed
goto start
set 209:string /pxelinux.cfg/default
set 210:string ${pxe_menu}
imgselect ${210:string}/lpxelinux.0 || goto failed
imgexec || goto failed
goto start
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