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Last active October 27, 2020 10:52
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(defonce styles (atom {})))
(defn gen-macro-css [stls]
(->> stls
(fn [acc k v]
(str acc "@import '" k "';\n"))
(spit (str "build/css/app/macro.css")))))
(defn add-static-style [css-name hash]
(-> (swap! styles assoc css-name hash)
(defmacro def-css
[css-name styles]
(let [file-path (str (str *ns*) "-" (name css-name) ".css")
class-name (keyword (str (name css-name) (hash styles)))]
(spit file-path (garden/css (into [(str "." class-name)] styles)))
(add-static-style file-path (hash styles))
`(def ~css-name ~class-name))))
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