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Forked from floodsung/
Created February 4, 2017 01:23
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This solution is mainly from John Schulman's Deep Reinforcement Learning Lab script in Machine Learning Summer School 2016
import numpy as np
import gym
from gym.spaces import Discrete,Box
# -------------------------------------------
# Policies
# -------------------------------------------
class DeterministicDiscreteActionLinearPolicy(object):
def __init__(self,theta,ob_space,ac_space):
dim_ob:dimension of observations
n_actions: number of actions
theta: flat vector of parameters
dim_ob = ob_space.shape[0]
n_actions = ac_space.n
assert len(theta) == (dim_ob + 1) * n_actions
self.W = theta[0:dim_ob * n_actions].reshape(dim_ob,n_actions)
self.b = theta[dim_ob * n_actions : None].reshape(1,n_actions)
def act(self,ob):
y = + self.b
a = y.argmax()
return a
class DeterministicContinuousActionLinearPolicy(object):
def __init__(self, theta,ob_space,ac_space):
dim_ob: dimension of observations
dim_ac: dimension of action vector
theta: flat vector of parameters
self.ac_space = ac_space
dim_ob = ob_space.shape[0]
dim_ac = ac_space.shape[0]
assert len(theta) == (dim_ob + 1) * dim_ac
self.W = theta[0:dim_ob*dim_ac].reshape(dim_ob,dim_ac)
self.b = theta[dim_ob * dim_ac : None]
def act(self,ob):
a = np.clip( + self.b,self.ac_space.low,self.ac_space.high)
return a
def do_episode(policy,env,num_steps,render=False):
total_rew = 0
ob = env.reset()
for t in range(num_steps):
a = policy.act(ob)
(ob,reward,done,_info) = env.step(a)
total_rew += reward
if render and t%3 == 0: env.render()
if done: break
return total_rew
env = None
def noisy_evaluation(theta):
policy = make_policy(theta)
rew = do_episode(policy,env,num_steps)
return rew
def make_policy(theta):
if isinstance(env.action_space,Discrete):
return DeterministicDiscreteActionLinearPolicy(theta,env.observation_space,env.action_space)
elif isinstance(env.action_space,Box):
return DeterministicContinuousActionLinearPolicy(theta,env.observation_space,env.action_space)
raise NotImplementedError
# Task settings:
name = 'CartPole-v0'
env = gym.make(name)
outdir = '/tmp/' + name + '-results'
num_steps = 500 # maximum length of episode
# Alg settings:
n_iter = 100 # number of iterations of CEM
batch_size = 25 # number of samples per batch
elite_frac = 0.2 # fraction of samples used as elite set
if isinstance(env.action_space,Discrete):
dim_theta = (env.observation_space.shape[0] + 1) * env.action_space.n
elif isinstance(env.action_space,Box):
dim_theta = (env.observation_space.shape[0] + 1) * env.action_space.shape[0]
raise NotImplementedError
# Initialize mean and standard deviation
theta_mean = np.zeros(dim_theta)
theta_std = np.ones(dim_theta)
extra_std = 0.001 * np.ones(dim_theta)
std_decay_time = -1
# Now, for the algorithm
for iteration in xrange(n_iter):
# Sample parameter vectors
extra_var_multiplier = max((1.0-iteration/float(n_iter/2)),0)
sample_std = np.sqrt(theta_std + np.square(extra_std) * extra_var_multiplier)
thetas = [theta_mean + dth for dth in sample_std * np.random.randn(batch_size,dim_theta)]
rewards = [noisy_evaluation(theta) for theta in thetas]
# Get elite parameters
n_elite = int(batch_size * elite_frac)
elite_inds = np.argsort(rewards)[batch_size - n_elite:batch_size]
elite_thetas = [thetas[i] for i in elite_inds]
# Update theta_mean,theta_std
theta_mean = np.mean(elite_thetas,axis = 0)
theta_std = np.std(elite_thetas,axis = 0)
print "iteration %i. mean f: %8.3g. max f: %8.3g" % (iteration,np.mean(rewards),np.max(rewards))
print "theta_mean:",theta_mean
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