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Last active March 31, 2017 17:09
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C++ Program to convert BST to Pre-Order Threaded Binary Tree
C++ Program to covert BST to Pre-Order TBT.
- Ajinkya Sonawane [AJ-CODE-7]
Pre-Order : Root -> Left -> Right
/ \
/ \
2 /->7
/ \ | \
/ \ | \
1 --> 3 6
threads from 1->3, 3->7
Threaded Binary Tree can be traversed without using recursion or stack,hence saving space.
using namespace std;
class node
int data; //field to store data in the node
node *left,*right; //links to left and right child
bool rbit; //Flag used to check whether there exists a child or a thread |False if child & True if thread |
friend class tree; //Allow class tree to access private members of the node
class tree
node *root,*temp; //declaring root node and a temporary node
list<node*>q; //using STL List to store nodes in sequence
tree(); //constructor for initializing variables of the class
inline node* get_root(){return root;} //getter method to return the reference of the root node
void accept(int); //accepting total number of nodes to be inserted
node *insert(node*,node*); //method to insert the node in the tree as per the rules of BST
void display(); //method to display the tree in Pre-Order using threads
void putPre(node*); //method to pushing the references of the nodes in a list in Pre-Order manner
void thread(node*); //method to put threads using the references of the nodes present in the list
tree :: tree()
root = NULL; //initializing root node to NULL
void tree :: accept(int total)
//inserting the total number of nodes given by the user
for(int i=0;i<total;i++)
temp = new node;
cout<<"\nEnter the element : ";
temp->rbit = false;
temp->left = NULL;
temp->right = NULL;
root = insert(root,temp); //inserting nodes in the tree
//putting threads from nodes to their Pre-Order successor
node* tree :: insert(node* r,node* t)
//Inserting nodes in the binary search tree using recursion
if(r == NULL)
return t;
else if(r->data > t->data)
r->left = insert(r->left,t);
r->right = insert(r->right,t);
return r;
void tree :: display()
//To display we need to use threads and normal links....We do not use recursion or stack to print the tree.
node *cur = root; //set a pointer 'cur' on the root to traverse the tree
while(cur != NULL)
cout<<"\t"<<cur->data; //Print the data of the current node
if(cur->rbit) //if right thread is present traverse to the right thread
cur = cur->right;
else if(cur->left) //if left child is present and there is no right thread then traverse left child
cur = cur->left;
cur = cur->right; //if there is no right thread and no left child then traverse the right child
void tree :: putPre(node *r)
//traverse the tree recursively in pre-order manner and push the reference of the node in the list
if(r != NULL)
void tree :: thread(node *r)
bool check = false; //when check is true the operation has been completed
node *cur ; //pointer used to traverse the nodes in the list having the references of the nodes
putPre(r); //calling method 'putPre' to push the references of the nodes in the list
while(!check) //loop till the operation is not complete
cur = q.front(); //accessing the first reference in the list
if(q.empty()) //check if the list is empty
check = true;
q.pop_front(); //pop/remove the top reference from the list after accessing that reference
//if the node has no child the thread will be applied as in Pre-Order traversal the child is the immediate pre-order successor
if(!cur->right && !cur->left)
if(q.empty()) //check if the list is empty
cur->right = NULL; //the last node of the tree points to NULL or dummy node if created
cur->right = q.front(); //putting thread from the node whose reference is accessed to the next node present in the list
cur->rbit = true; //set the rbit to indicate presence of thread
int main()
//Menu driven program to chose between creating and displaying the tree
//Tree once created remains the same and the threads are applied to the created tree
tree t;
int ch,total;
cout<<"\n\t|| PORGRAM TO CONVERT BST TO Pre-Order TBT ||\n";
cout<<"\n1.Create Tree";
cout<<"\n2.Display Pre-Order";
case 1:
if(t.get_root() != NULL)
cout<<"\n\t***** Tree already exists... This program converts a binary tree to a threaded binary tree *****\n";
cout<<"\nEnter the total number of elements : ";
case 2:
cout<<"\n\t**** Tree doesn't exist ****\n";
cout<<"\n\t*** Nodes having threads are displayed succeeding with (T) ***\n";
cout<<"\n| Pre - Ordeer : |";
case 3:
cout<<"\nInvalid Choice\n";
return 0;
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