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Created March 25, 2017 18:53
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Complete Binary Tree Implementation using C++.
C++ Program to create a Complete Binary Tree.
-Ajinkya Sonawane [AJ-CODE-7]
In a complete binary tree every level, except possibly the last, is completely filled,
and all nodes in the last level are as far left as possible.
It can have between 1 and 2h nodes at the last level h.
An alternative definition is a perfect tree whose rightmost leaves (perhaps all) have been removed.
Some authors use the term complete to refer instead to a perfect binary tree as defined above,
in which case they call this type of tree an almost complete binary tree or nearly complete binary tree.
using namespace std;
class node
int data; //field to store the value of the element
node *left,*right; //link field to the child nodes
friend class cbt; //allowing class cbt to access private members of class node
class cbt
node *root,*temp; //root - Root pointer to the ROOT of the Tree, temp - Temporary node pointer pointing to the node to be inserted
inline node* get_root(){return root;} //getter method for accessing root
void accept(int); //method to accept values to be inserted
node* insert(node*,node*); //method to insert node in the binary tree
void display(node*); //method to display the tree in InOrder traversal
int height(node*); //method to get height of a given node
int bal(node*); /*method to get the balance factor of a given node
[Balance Factor = Height of Left Sub-Tree - Height of Right Sub-Tree] */
bool check(node*); //method to check any node with balance factor > 0
cbt :: cbt()
//initializing root node to NULL
root = NULL;
temp = NULL;
bool cbt :: check(node *r)
//traversing the nodes of the subtree to check any node with balance factor > 0
if(r == NULL)
return false;
bool x = check(r->left);
return true;
bool y = check(r->right);
return x||y; //If any node present with balance factor > 0
void cbt :: accept(int t)
for(int i=0;i<t;i++)
//creating a node to be inserted
temp = new node;
temp->left = NULL;
temp->right = NULL;
cout<<"\nEnter the element : ";
//inserting the current node in the tree
root = insert(root,temp);
node* cbt :: insert(node* r,node* t)
//Inserting a node in the tree
if(r == NULL)
return t;
else if(bal(r)==0 && check(r->right)) //Condition to insert node in the right sub-tree
r->right = insert(r->right,t);
else if(bal(r)==0) //condition to insert node in the left sub-tree
r->left = insert(r->left,t);
else if(bal(r)==1 && check(r->left)) //condition to insert node in the left sub-tree
r->left = insert(r->left,t);
else if(bal(r)==1)
r->right = insert(r->right,t); //condition to insert node in right sub-tree
return r;
void cbt :: display(node *r)
//Traversing the tree in InOrder way using recursion
if(r == NULL)
int cbt :: height(node *r)
if(r == NULL)
return 0;
int lheight = height(r->left)+1;
int rheight = height(r->right)+1;
return (lheight > rheight) ? lheight : rheight; //returns maximum height
int cbt :: bal(node *r)
if(r == NULL)
return 0;
int lheight = height(r->left)+1;
int rheight = height(r->right)+1;
return (lheight - rheight); //[Balance Factor = Height of Left Sub-Tree - Height of Right Sub-Tree]
cbt :: ~cbt()
delete root;
delete temp;
int main()
cbt c; //creating object of class cbt
int ch,t;
cout<<"\n\n\t| Complete Binary Tree |\n";
case 1:
cout<<"\nEnter the total number of elements : ";
case 2:
case 3:
if(c.get_root() == NULL)
cout<<"\n\t**** Tree doesn't exist *****\n";
cout<<"\n\t| Tree Elements |\n\n";
case 4:
cout<<"\n\t**** EXIT ****\n";
cout<<"\n\t**** Invalid Choice ****\n";
}while(ch != 4);
return 0;
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this can be used as a binary tree AVL, Right?

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