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Created December 17, 2017 22:10
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echo: External Reset
Marlin 1.1.7
echo: Last Updated: 2017-12-15 12:00 | Author: (Bob Kuhn, Anet config)
echo:Compiled: Dec 17 2017
echo: Free Memory: 12070 PlannerBufferBytes: 1232
echo:V47 stored settings retrieved (774 bytes; crc 54390)
echo: G21 ; Units in mm
echo: M149 C ; Units in Celsius
echo:Filament settings: Disabled
echo: M200 D1.75
echo: M200 D0
echo:Steps per unit:
echo: M92 X100.00 Y100.00 Z400.00 E100.00
echo:Maximum feedrates (units/s):
echo: M203 X400.00 Y400.00 Z8.00 E50.00
echo:Maximum Acceleration (units/s2):
echo: M201 X2000 Y2000 Z100 E10000
echo:Acceleration (units/s2): P<print_accel> R<retract_accel> T<travel_accel>
echo: M204 P400.00 R1000.00 T1000.00
echo:Advanced: S<min_feedrate> T<min_travel_feedrate> B<min_segment_time_us> X<max_xy_jerk> Z<max_z_jerk> E<max_e_jerk>
echo: M205 S0.00 T0.00 B20000 X20.00 Y20.00 Z0.30 E5.00
echo:Home offset:
echo: M206 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00
echo:Auto Bed Leveling:
echo:echo: M420 S0 Z10.00
echo:Material heatup parameters:
echo: M145 S0 H190 B60 F0
echo: M145 S1 H240 B90 F0
echo:PID settings:
echo: M301 P21.00 I1.25 D86.00
echo:Z-Probe Offset (mm):
echo: M851 Z-1.21
echo:SD card ok
X:124.00 Y:151.00 Z:11.21 E:0.00 Count X:12400 Y:15100 Z:4484
current_position=(124.00, 151.00, 11.21) : >>> gcode_G29
Machine Type: Cartesian
Probe Offset X:-14 Y:-41 Z:-1.21 (Left-Front & Below Nozzle)
Auto Bed Leveling: BILINEAR (disabled)
current_position=(124.00, 151.00, 11.21) : sync_plan_position
current_position=(124.00, 151.00, 11.21) : set_probe_deployed
deploy: 1
>>> do_blocking_move_to(124.00, 151.00, 11.21)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(124.00, 151.00, 11.21) : setup_for_endstop_or_probe_move
>>> probe_pt(190.00, 15.00, no stow)
current_position=(124.00, 151.00, 11.21) :
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 56.00, 11.21)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(204.00, 56.00, 11.21) : set_probe_deployed
deploy: 1
current_position=(204.00, 56.00, 11.21) : >>> run_z_probe
current_position=(204.00, 56.00, 11.21) : >>> do_probe_move
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 56.00, -10.00)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(204.00, 56.00, 1.22) : sync_plan_position
current_position=(204.00, 56.00, 1.22) : <<< do_probe_move
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 56.00, 6.22)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
<<< probe_pt
>>> probe_pt(15.00, 15.00, no stow)
current_position=(204.00, 56.00, 6.22) :
>>> do_blocking_move_to(29.00, 56.00, 6.22)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(29.00, 56.00, 6.22) : set_probe_deployed
deploy: 1
current_position=(29.00, 56.00, 6.22) : >>> run_z_probe
current_position=(29.00, 56.00, 6.22) : >>> do_probe_move
>>> do_blocking_move_to(29.00, 56.00, -10.00)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(29.00, 56.00, 1.46) : sync_plan_position
current_position=(29.00, 56.00, 1.46) : <<< do_probe_move
>>> do_blocking_move_to(29.00, 56.00, 6.46)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
<<< probe_pt
>>> probe_pt(15.00, 170.00, no stow)
current_position=(29.00, 56.00, 6.46) :
>>> do_blocking_move_to(29.00, 211.00, 6.46)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(29.00, 211.00, 6.46) : set_probe_deployed
deploy: 1
current_position=(29.00, 211.00, 6.46) : >>> run_z_probe
current_position=(29.00, 211.00, 6.46) : >>> do_probe_move
>>> do_blocking_move_to(29.00, 211.00, -10.00)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(29.00, 211.00, 1.13) : sync_plan_position
current_position=(29.00, 211.00, 1.13) : <<< do_probe_move
>>> do_blocking_move_to(29.00, 211.00, 6.13)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
<<< probe_pt
>>> probe_pt(190.00, 170.00, no stow)
current_position=(29.00, 211.00, 6.13) :
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 211.00, 6.13)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 6.13) : set_probe_deployed
deploy: 1
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 6.13) : >>> run_z_probe
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 6.13) : >>> do_probe_move
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 211.00, -10.00)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 1.73) : sync_plan_position
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 1.73) : <<< do_probe_move
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 211.00, 6.73)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
<<< probe_pt
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 6.73) : set_probe_deployed
deploy: 0
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 211.00, 11.21)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 211.00, 11.21)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 11.21) : > probing complete
Extrapolate [ 0+ 0+] (done)
Extrapolate [ 1- 0+] (done)
Extrapolate [ 0+ 1-] (done)
Extrapolate [ 1- 1-] (done)
Bilinear Leveling Grid:
0 1
0 +0.250 +0.013
1 -0.077 +0.518
G29 uncorrected Z:11.21
corrected Z:10.69
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 10.69) : clean_up_after_endstop_or_probe_move
<<< gcode_G29
X:204.00 Y:211.00 Z:10.69 E:0.00 Count X:20400 Y:21100 Z:4484
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 10.69) : sync_plan_position
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 10.69) : >>> gcode_G29
Machine Type: Cartesian
Probe Offset X:-14 Y:-41 Z:-1.21 (Left-Front & Below Nozzle)
Auto Bed Leveling: BILINEAR (enabled)
ABL Adjustment Z0.52
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 10.69) : sync_plan_position
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 10.69) : set_probe_deployed
deploy: 1
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 211.00, 11.21)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 211.00, 11.21)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 11.21) : setup_for_endstop_or_probe_move
>>> probe_pt(190.00, 15.00, no stow)
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 11.21) :
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 56.00, 11.21)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(204.00, 56.00, 11.21) : set_probe_deployed
deploy: 1
current_position=(204.00, 56.00, 11.21) : >>> run_z_probe
current_position=(204.00, 56.00, 11.21) : >>> do_probe_move
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 56.00, -10.00)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(204.00, 56.00, 0.73) : sync_plan_position
current_position=(204.00, 56.00, 0.73) : <<< do_probe_move
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 56.00, 5.73)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
<<< probe_pt
>>> probe_pt(15.00, 15.00, no stow)
current_position=(204.00, 56.00, 5.73) :
>>> do_blocking_move_to(29.00, 56.00, 5.73)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(29.00, 56.00, 5.73) : set_probe_deployed
deploy: 1
current_position=(29.00, 56.00, 5.73) : >>> run_z_probe
current_position=(29.00, 56.00, 5.73) : >>> do_probe_move
>>> do_blocking_move_to(29.00, 56.00, -10.00)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(29.00, 56.00, 0.95) : sync_plan_position
current_position=(29.00, 56.00, 0.95) : <<< do_probe_move
>>> do_blocking_move_to(29.00, 56.00, 5.95)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
<<< probe_pt
>>> probe_pt(15.00, 170.00, no stow)
current_position=(29.00, 56.00, 5.95) :
>>> do_blocking_move_to(29.00, 211.00, 5.95)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(29.00, 211.00, 5.95) : set_probe_deployed
deploy: 1
current_position=(29.00, 211.00, 5.95) : >>> run_z_probe
current_position=(29.00, 211.00, 5.95) : >>> do_probe_move
>>> do_blocking_move_to(29.00, 211.00, -10.00)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(29.00, 211.00, 0.64) : sync_plan_position
current_position=(29.00, 211.00, 0.64) : <<< do_probe_move
>>> do_blocking_move_to(29.00, 211.00, 5.64)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
<<< probe_pt
>>> probe_pt(190.00, 170.00, no stow)
current_position=(29.00, 211.00, 5.64) :
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 211.00, 5.64)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 5.64) : set_probe_deployed
deploy: 1
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 5.64) : >>> run_z_probe
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 5.64) : >>> do_probe_move
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 211.00, -10.00)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 1.20) : sync_plan_position
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 1.20) : <<< do_probe_move
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 211.00, 6.20)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
<<< probe_pt
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 6.20) : set_probe_deployed
deploy: 0
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 211.00, 11.21)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 211.00, 11.21)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 11.21) : > probing complete
Extrapolate [ 0+ 0+] (done)
Extrapolate [ 1- 0+] (done)
Extrapolate [ 0+ 1-] (done)
Extrapolate [ 1- 1-] (done)
Bilinear Leveling Grid:
0 1
0 -0.262 -0.477
1 -0.570 -0.010
G29 uncorrected Z:11.21
corrected Z:10.69
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 10.69) : clean_up_after_endstop_or_probe_move
<<< gcode_G29
X:204.00 Y:211.00 Z:10.69 E:0.00 Count X:20400 Y:21100 Z:4484
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 10.69) : sync_plan_position
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 10.69) : >>> gcode_G29
Machine Type: Cartesian
Probe Offset X:-14 Y:-41 Z:-1.21 (Left-Front & Below Nozzle)
Auto Bed Leveling: BILINEAR (enabled)
ABL Adjustment Z0.52
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 10.69) : sync_plan_position
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 10.69) : set_probe_deployed
deploy: 1
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 211.00, 11.21)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 211.00, 11.21)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 11.21) : setup_for_endstop_or_probe_move
>>> probe_pt(190.00, 15.00, no stow)
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 11.21) :
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 56.00, 11.21)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(204.00, 56.00, 11.21) : set_probe_deployed
deploy: 1
current_position=(204.00, 56.00, 11.21) : >>> run_z_probe
current_position=(204.00, 56.00, 11.21) : >>> do_probe_move
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 56.00, -10.00)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(204.00, 56.00, 0.20) : sync_plan_position
current_position=(204.00, 56.00, 0.20) : <<< do_probe_move
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 56.00, 5.21)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
<<< probe_pt
>>> probe_pt(15.00, 15.00, no stow)
current_position=(204.00, 56.00, 5.21) :
>>> do_blocking_move_to(29.00, 56.00, 5.21)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(29.00, 56.00, 5.21) : set_probe_deployed
deploy: 1
current_position=(29.00, 56.00, 5.21) : >>> run_z_probe
current_position=(29.00, 56.00, 5.21) : >>> do_probe_move
>>> do_blocking_move_to(29.00, 56.00, -10.00)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(29.00, 56.00, 0.41) : sync_plan_position
current_position=(29.00, 56.00, 0.41) : <<< do_probe_move
>>> do_blocking_move_to(29.00, 56.00, 5.42)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
<<< probe_pt
>>> probe_pt(15.00, 170.00, no stow)
current_position=(29.00, 56.00, 5.42) :
>>> do_blocking_move_to(29.00, 211.00, 5.42)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(29.00, 211.00, 5.42) : set_probe_deployed
deploy: 1
current_position=(29.00, 211.00, 5.42) : >>> run_z_probe
current_position=(29.00, 211.00, 5.42) : >>> do_probe_move
>>> do_blocking_move_to(29.00, 211.00, -10.00)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(29.00, 211.00, 0.10) : sync_plan_position
current_position=(29.00, 211.00, 0.10) : <<< do_probe_move
>>> do_blocking_move_to(29.00, 211.00, 5.10)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
<<< probe_pt
>>> probe_pt(190.00, 170.00, no stow)
current_position=(29.00, 211.00, 5.10) :
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 211.00, 5.10)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 5.10) : set_probe_deployed
deploy: 1
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 5.10) : >>> run_z_probe
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 5.10) : >>> do_probe_move
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 211.00, -10.00)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 0.68) : sync_plan_position
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 0.68) : <<< do_probe_move
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 211.00, 5.68)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
<<< probe_pt
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 5.68) : set_probe_deployed
deploy: 0
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 211.00, 11.21)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 211.00, 11.21)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 11.21) : > probing complete
Extrapolate [ 0+ 0+] (done)
Extrapolate [ 1- 0+] (done)
Extrapolate [ 0+ 1-] (done)
Extrapolate [ 1- 1-] (done)
Bilinear Leveling Grid:
0 1
0 -0.795 -1.005
1 -1.112 -0.535
G29 uncorrected Z:11.21
corrected Z:10.69
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 10.69) : clean_up_after_endstop_or_probe_move
<<< gcode_G29
X:204.00 Y:211.00 Z:10.69 E:0.00 Count X:20400 Y:21100 Z:4484
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 10.69) : sync_plan_position
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 10.69) : >>> gcode_G29
Machine Type: Cartesian
Probe Offset X:-14 Y:-41 Z:-1.21 (Left-Front & Below Nozzle)
Auto Bed Leveling: BILINEAR (enabled)
ABL Adjustment Z0.52
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 10.69) : sync_plan_position
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 10.69) : set_probe_deployed
deploy: 1
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 211.00, 11.21)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 211.00, 11.21)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 11.21) : setup_for_endstop_or_probe_move
>>> probe_pt(190.00, 15.00, no stow)
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 11.21) :
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 56.00, 11.21)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(204.00, 56.00, 11.21) : set_probe_deployed
deploy: 1
current_position=(204.00, 56.00, 11.21) : >>> run_z_probe
current_position=(204.00, 56.00, 11.21) : >>> do_probe_move
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 56.00, -10.00)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(204.00, 56.00, -0.30) : sync_plan_position
current_position=(204.00, 56.00, -0.30) : <<< do_probe_move
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 56.00, 4.70)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
<<< probe_pt
>>> probe_pt(15.00, 15.00, no stow)
current_position=(204.00, 56.00, 4.70) :
>>> do_blocking_move_to(29.00, 56.00, 4.70)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(29.00, 56.00, 4.70) : set_probe_deployed
deploy: 1
current_position=(29.00, 56.00, 4.70) : >>> run_z_probe
current_position=(29.00, 56.00, 4.70) : >>> do_probe_move
>>> do_blocking_move_to(29.00, 56.00, -10.00)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(29.00, 56.00, -0.11) : sync_plan_position
current_position=(29.00, 56.00, -0.11) : <<< do_probe_move
>>> do_blocking_move_to(29.00, 56.00, 4.90)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
<<< probe_pt
>>> probe_pt(15.00, 170.00, no stow)
current_position=(29.00, 56.00, 4.90) :
>>> do_blocking_move_to(29.00, 211.00, 4.90)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(29.00, 211.00, 4.90) : set_probe_deployed
deploy: 1
current_position=(29.00, 211.00, 4.90) : >>> run_z_probe
current_position=(29.00, 211.00, 4.90) : >>> do_probe_move
>>> do_blocking_move_to(29.00, 211.00, -10.00)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(29.00, 211.00, -0.41) : sync_plan_position
current_position=(29.00, 211.00, -0.41) : <<< do_probe_move
>>> do_blocking_move_to(29.00, 211.00, 4.59)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
<<< probe_pt
>>> probe_pt(190.00, 170.00, no stow)
current_position=(29.00, 211.00, 4.59) :
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 211.00, 4.59)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 4.59) : set_probe_deployed
deploy: 1
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 4.59) : >>> run_z_probe
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 4.59) : >>> do_probe_move
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 211.00, -10.00)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 0.15) : sync_plan_position
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 0.15) : <<< do_probe_move
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 211.00, 5.16)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
<<< probe_pt
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 5.16) : set_probe_deployed
deploy: 0
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 211.00, 11.21)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
>>> do_blocking_move_to(204.00, 211.00, 11.21)
<<< do_blocking_move_to
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 11.21) : > probing complete
Extrapolate [ 0+ 0+] (done)
Extrapolate [ 1- 0+] (done)
Extrapolate [ 0+ 1-] (done)
Extrapolate [ 1- 1-] (done)
Bilinear Leveling Grid:
0 1
0 -1.315 -1.510
1 -1.625 -1.055
G29 uncorrected Z:11.21
corrected Z:10.69
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 10.69) : clean_up_after_endstop_or_probe_move
<<< gcode_G29
X:204.00 Y:211.00 Z:10.69 E:0.00 Count X:20400 Y:21100 Z:4484
current_position=(204.00, 211.00, 10.69) : sync_plan_position
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