- Name : Akash Mondal
- Project: Updates to Enrichment Table App
- Mentors: Alex Pico, Indraneel, Yihang Xin
Ring Charts
- Title: Icon actions to create ring visualizations of top 5 results. The number and chart type can be changed using chart settings.
- PR: cytoscape/enrichment-table-app#88
Redundancy filter
- Title: Remove redundancy in results using jaccard cutoff (defaults 0.5) to set minimum allowed redundancy.
- PR: cytoscape/enrichment-table-app#81
Evidence codes filter
- Title: g:Profiler provides evidence codes along with the results. These would be useful to filter by for users who want to focus on strong evidenced results, for example.
- PR: cytoscape/enrichment-table-app#81
Predict Gene Column And Species ID
- Title: Use network table to predict species of the network/pathways by processing certain columns. Use cytoscape APIs to predict gene id column.
- PR: cytoscape/enrichment-table-app#85
Reciprocal Node Selection
- Title: When users select nodes, the enrichment table should only show rows with selected intersecting genes.
- PR: cytoscape/enrichment-table-app#86
Enrichment Map generation functionality
- Title: Add functionlity to gene enrichment map from enrichment table of our app by clicking on enrichment map icon
- PR: cytoscape/enrichment-table-app#82
New Logging Mechanism
- Title: Implement new logging mechanism for users to provide error history from cytoscape task history that can be easily debugged by developers.
- PR: cytoscape/enrichment-table-app#78
User documentation
- Title: Add user documentation on how to use enrichment table using reveal.js
- PR: cytoscape/cytoscape-tutorials#67
- Site: https://cytoscape.org/cytoscape-tutorials/protocols/enrichmenttable-app/index.html
- Improve P-Value sorting and display as scientific notation
- Improve code style and error handling
- New github action to update jar in main branch on every push.
- Repository Link: Enrichment Table App
- PRs Links: Akash PRs