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Created March 9, 2024 16:28
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wanna tell le AI models your project dir structure? solves this
import os
def generate_ascii_tree(directory, indent=''):
tree = ''
items = os.listdir(directory)
for i, item in enumerate(items):
if(item == 'node_modules'):
tree += f'{indent}{"└──" if is_last else "├──"}{item}/\n'
path = os.path.join(directory, item)
is_last = i == len(items) - 1
if os.path.isdir(path):
tree += f'{indent}{"└──" if is_last else "├──"}{item}/\n'
if is_last:
tree += generate_ascii_tree(path, indent + ' ')
tree += generate_ascii_tree(path, indent + '│ ')
tree += f'{indent}{"└──" if is_last else "├──"}{item}\n'
return tree
if __name__ == '__main__':
current_directory = os.getcwd()
ascii_tree = generate_ascii_tree(current_directory)
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