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Last active September 5, 2016 04:16
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cltk-Stop words for Sanskrit(initial check)
*Created by Akhilesh Chobey
Pronouns_in_Sanskrit = {
#First Person
#Nominative Case
{'अहम्' # meaning 'I' (Singular)
'आवाम्' # meaning 'Two of us' // this is a special of duality which can be included but might cause redundancy (Dual)
'वयम्'}, # meaning 'We' (Plural)f
#Accusative Case
{'माम्, मा',
'अस्मान्, नः'} # नस् Pronounced as 'naḥ'
#Instrumental Case
#Dative Case
{'मह्यम्, मे',
'आवाभ्याम्, नौ',
'अस्मभ्यम्, नः'}
#Ablative Case
#Genitive Case
{'मम, मे',
'अस्माकम्, नः'}
#Locative Case
#Second Person
#Nominative Case
{'त्वम्' # meaning 'You'
'युवाम्' # meaning 'Both of you'
'यूयम्'} # meaning 'All of you'
#Accusative Case
{'त्वाम्, त्वा',
'युवाम्, वाम्',
'युष्मान्, वः'} # नस् Pronounced as 'naḥ'
#Instrumental Case
#Dative Case
{'तुभ्यम्, ते',
'युवाभ्याम्, वाम्',
'युष्मभ्यम्, वः'}
#Ablative Case
#Genitive Case
{'तव, ते',
'युवयोः, वाम्',
'युष्माकम्, वः'}
#Locative Case
#Third Person
#Nominative Case
{'सः', # meaning 'He'
'तौ', # meaning 'They both'
'ते'} # meaning 'They'
#Accusative Case
#Instrumental Case
#Dative Case
#Ablative Case
#Genitive Case
#Vocative Case
#Nominative Case
{'सा', # meaning 'She'
'ते', # meaning 'They both'
'ताः'} # meaning 'They'
#Accusative Case
#Instrumental Case
#Dative Case
#Ablative Case
#Genitive Case
#Vocative Case
#Nominative Case
{'तत्', # meaning 'It'
'ते', # meaning 'They both'
'तानि'} # meaning 'They'
#Accusative Case
#Instrumental Case
#Dative Case
#Ablative Case
#Genitive Case
#Vocative Case
#Demonstrative Pronouns
#Nominative Case
{'अयम्', # meaning 'This'
'इमौ', # meaning 'These two'
'इमे'} # meaning 'These'
#Accusative Case
#Instrumental Case
#Dative Case
#Ablative Case
#Genitive Case
#Locative Case
#Nominative Case
#Accusative Case
#Instrumental Case
#Dative Case
#Ablative Case
#Genitive Case
#Locative Case
#Nominative Case
#Accusative Case
#Instrumental Case
#Dative Case
#Ablative Case
#Genitive Case
#Locative Case
#Pronoun 'एतत्' for 'This'
{'एषः', # Singular
'एतौ', # Dual
'एते'} # Plural
{'एतम्, एनम्',
'एतौ, एनौ',
'एतान्, एनान्'}
{'एषा', # Singular
'एते', # Dual
'एताः'} # Plural
{'एताम्, एनाम्',
'एते, एने',
'एताः, एनाः'}
{'एतया, एनया',
'एतयोः, एनयोः',
'एतयोः, एनयोः',
{'एतत्, एतद्', # Singular
'एते', # Dual
'एतानि'} # Plural
{'एतत्, एतद्, एनत्, एनद्',
'एते, एने',
'एतानि, एनानि'}
{'एतेन, एनेन',
'एतयोः, एनयोः',
'एतयोः, एनयोः',
#More on 'This' with 'अदस्'
{'असौ', # Singular
'अमू', # Dual
'अमी'} # Plural
{'असौ', # Singular
'अमू', # Dual
'अमूः'} # Plural
{'अमु', # Singular
'अमुनी', # Dual
'अमूनि'} # Plural
#Interrogative Pronouns
#Masculine 'किम्'
{'कः', # Singular
'कौ', # Dual
'के'} # Plural
#Feminine 'किम्'
{'का', # Singular
'के', # Dual
'काः'} # Plural
#Neuter 'किम्'
{'किम्', # Singular
'के', # Dual
'कानि'} # Plural
#Pronoun 'भवत्' which is used to address someone respectfully
{'भवान्', # Singular
'भवन्तौ', # Dual
'भवन्तः'} # Plural
{'भवती', # Singular
'भवत्यौ', # Dual
'भवत्यः'} # Plural
{'भवत्', # Singular
'भवती', # Dual
'भवन्ति'} # Plural
Interjections = {
'अये', #surprise , recollection , fatigue , fear
'अरे', #interjection of calling
'अरेरे', # interjection of calling to inferiors or of calling angrily
'असाधुना', #disapproval
'अस्तोभ', # without the interjection of the sound called stobha
'अहावस्' # an interjection said to sound like a flourish at the end of a sAman verse
'आम्', # interjection of assent or recollection
'इस्', # interjection of anger or pain or sorrow
'उम्', #an interjection of anger
'काम्', # an interjection used in calling out to another
'चमत्', # interjection of surprise
'टसत्', # an interjection imitating the sound of bursting
'धिक्', #reproach or displeasure
'पाट्', # interjection used in calling
'फाट्', # interjection of calling
'बत', # an interjection expressing astonishment or regret
'बाल् ', # onomatopoeical an interjection imitating the sound of a falling body
'वट्', # an interjection or exclamation used in sacrificial ceremonie
'व्यवस्तोभति ( व्यवस्तुभ् }', # interpose certain sounds or interjections in chanting the sAmavedas
'षाट्', # vocative particle or interjection of calling
'स्तोभ', # hurrah
'हुम्मा', # interjection in a sAman
'हूम्', # exclamation or interjection
Upasarga = {
'अति', #beyond, over, too much
'अधि', #above, on top, over
'अनु', #after, following
'अप', #off, away from
'अपि', #unto, close upon
'अभि', #toward, facing
'अव', #down, downward
'आ', #unto, towards
'उद्', #up, out, towards
'उप', #near, next to, beside
'नि', #into, down
'निर्', #out of, away from
'परा', #opposite, in reverse
'परि', #around, about
'प्र', #forth, forward, onward
'प्रति', #against, back to
'वि', #apart, distinct, different
'सम्' #together, along with
Conjunctions = {
'अथवा,उत ', #meaning 'Or'
'अन्यथा', #meaning 'Otherwise'
'इव', #meaning 'As' or 'As though'
'च', #meaning 'And'
'चेत्,यदि ', #meaning 'if'
'तु,परन्तु ', #meaning 'But'
'यतः,करणेन,हि,यतस्,यदर्थम्,यदर्थे,यर्हि,यथा,यत्कारणम्,येन,ही,हिन', #meaning 'because'
'यथा,यतस्', #meaning 'As soon as'
'यद्यपि', #meaning 'Although' or 'Even if'
'यात्,अवधेस्,यावति', #meaning 'As long as'
'येन प्रकारेण', #meaning 'As if'
'स्थाने' #meaning 'Instead of'
Nipata =
{'अह ', #meaning 'at least' or 'surely'
'एव ', #meaning 'really'
'एवम् ', #meaning 'thus'
'कच्चित् ',
'कुवित् ',
'कूपत् ',
'च ', #meaning 'And'
'चण् ', #meaning 'go'
'चेत् ', #meaning 'if'
'तत्र ', #meaning 'wherein' or 'then'
'नकिम् ', #meaning 'never' or 'not at all'
'नह ',
'नुनम् ', #meaning 'indeed'
'नेत् ',
'भूयस्', #meaning 'mostly' or 'generally'
'मकिम्', #meaning 'may'
'मकिर् ',
'यत्र ', #meaning 'if' or 'when'
'युगपत् ', #meaning 'Together'
'वा ', #meaning 'Or'
'शश्वत् ',
'सूपत् ',
'ह ',
'हन्त', #expressing wonder or sorrow
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Added third person and demonstratives.

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Added interjections and upasargas.

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