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Created June 6, 2013 13:33
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Save Akjir/5721503 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Creates a simple hex grid using JavaFX and Scala.
package ca.akjir.hex
import javafx.application.Application
import javafx.event.EventHandler
import javafx.scene.Group
import javafx.scene.Scene
import javafx.scene.canvas.Canvas
import javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext
import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent
import javafx.scene.paint.Color
import javafx.scene.paint.Paint
import javafx.stage.Stage
// Based on:
object HexGrid extends App {
Application.launch(classOf[HexGrid], args: _*)
class HexGrid extends Application {
def start(stage: Stage) {
val root = new Group
val scene = new Scene(root)
val stage = new Stage
val board = new HexBoard(8, 8, 40)
board.setHexCellHandler(new HexCellHandler {
def refresh(x: Int, y: Int, hg: HexGraphic) {
if (x > 3) {
hg.fill = if (y > 3) Color.ALICEBLUE else Color.CHOCOLATE
} else {
hg.fill = if (y > 3) Color.CORAL else Color.BISQUE
board.setHexCellHandler(new HexCellHandler {
def refresh(x: Int, y: Int, hg: HexGraphic) {
hg.fill = Color.DARKGREEN
stage.setTitle("Hex Field")
class HexBoard(val width: Int, val height: Int, radius: Int) extends Canvas with EventHandler[MouseEvent] {
private val hexGraphic = new HexGraphic(getGraphicsContext2D)
private val metrics = new HexMetrics(radius)
private val cornersX = new Array[Double](6)
private val cornersY = new Array[Double](6)
this.setWidth(((width * radius * 3) / 2) + (radius / 2))
this.setHeight(metrics.height * height + (if (height > 1) metrics.height / 2 else 0))
private var hexCellHandler: HexCellHandler = _
addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED, this)
def getHexCellHandler = hexCellHandler
def handle(event: MouseEvent) {
val index = metrics.indexByPoint(event.getX, event.getY)
if (isOnBoard(index._1, index._2)) repaintCell(index._1, index._2)
def isOnBoard(x: Int, y: Int) = x > -1 && x < width && y > -1 && y < height
def repaint = for (x <- 0 until width; y <- 0 until height) repaintCell(x, y)
def repaintCell(x: Int, y: Int) {
if (hexCellHandler != null) hexCellHandler.refresh(x, y, hexGraphic)
metrics.computeCorners(x, y, cornersX, cornersY)
hexGraphic.draw(cornersX, cornersY)
def setHexCellHandler(handler: HexCellHandler) = hexCellHandler = handler
trait HexCellHandler {
def refresh(x: Int, y: Int, hg: HexGraphic)
class HexGraphic(context: GraphicsContext) {
var fill: Paint = Color.WHITE
var border: Paint = Color.BLACK
private[hex] def draw(cX: Array[Double], cY: Array[Double]) {
context.fillPolygon(cX, cY, 6)
context.strokePolygon(cX, cY, 6)
class HexMetrics(val radius: Double) {
val width = radius * 2
val height = radius * Math.sqrt(3)
val side = radius * 3 / 2
private val cornersX = Array(radius / 2, side, width, side, radius / 2, 0)
private val cornersY = Array(0, 0, height / 2, height, height, height / 2)
def computeCorners(x: Int, y: Int, cX: Array[Double], cY: Array[Double]) {
var mX = x * side
var mY = height * (2 * y + (x % 2)) / 2
for (i <- 0 until 6) {
cX(i) = mX + cornersX(i)
cY(i) = mY + cornersY(i)
def indexByPoint(x: Double, y: Double) = {
val ci = Math.floor(x / side)
val cx = x - side * ci
val ty = y - (ci % 2) * height / 2
val cj = Math.floor(ty / height)
val cy = ty - height * cj
if (cx > Math.abs(radius / 2 - radius * cy / height)) (ci.toInt, cj.toInt)
else ((ci - 1).toInt, (cj + (ci % 2) - (if (cy < height / 2) 1 else 0)).toInt)
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