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Greg W Akkuma

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Akkuma / tailwind.ts
Last active March 20, 2024 13:48
Tailwind Width Type Magic
/* Widths */
type TailwindFractionalWidth = `w-${number}/${number}`;
export type TailwindWidth =
| `w-${number}`
| TailwindFractionalWidth
| 'w-full'
| 'w-auto'
| `w-[clamp(${string},${string},${string})]`;
export type TailwindMinWidth = `min-${Exclude<TailwindWidth, TailwindFractionalWidth>}`;
export type TailwindMaxWidth =
Akkuma / resume.json
Last active May 26, 2023 17:53
{"$schema":"","basics":{"name":"Gregory Waxman","label":"Leader & full stack engineer with 16 years of professional experience","image":"","email":"","phone":"","url":"","location":{"countryCode":"US","address":"South Carolina"},"profiles":[{"network":"LinkedIn","username":"greg-can-think","url":""},{"network":"Github","username":"Akkuma","url":""}]},"work":[{"name":"Intellimize","location":"Remote","position":"Staff Software Engineer","startDate":"2022-02-28","highlights":["Revamped the entire frontend, resulting in a 75% reduction in load time and significant productivity enhancements","Upgraded all tooling to the latest and greatest, replacing previous unmaintained and outdated tooling","Led and guided the development of Rules Based Personalization","Created and built fully functioning CI/CD pipelines to stream

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am Akkuma on github.
  • I am akkuma ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is E964 A5EF 899C 317F 74A4 BBFB 171A F05B B2B2 ABF8

To claim this, I am signing this object:

!function(t){if("object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module)module.exports=t();else if("function"==typeof define&&define.amd)define([],t);else{var e;e="undefined"!=typeof window?window:"undefined"!=typeof global?global:"undefined"!=typeof self?self:this,e.jiff=t()}}(function(){return function t(e,r,n){function o(i,u){if(!r[i]){if(!e[i]){var c="function"==typeof require&&require;if(!u&&c)return c(i,!0);if(a)return a(i,!0);var p=Error("Cannot find module '"+i+"'");throw p.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",p}var f=r[i]={exports:{}};e[i][0].call(f.exports,function(t){var r=e[i][1][t];return o(r?r:t)},f,f.exports,t,e,r,n)}return r[i].exports}for(var a="function"==typeof require&&require,i=0;i<n.length;i++)o(n[i]);return o}({1:[function(t,e,r){function n(t,e,r){return a(t,e,"",o(r,[])).patch}function o(t,e){return"object"==typeof t?{patch:e,hash:f(h,t.hash,b),makeContext:f(h,t.makeContext,l),invertible:!(t.invertible===!1)}:{patch:e,hash:f(h,t,b),makeContext:l,invertible:!0}}function a(t,e,r,n){return Array.isArray(
!function(r){if("object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module)module.exports=r();else if("function"==typeof define&&define.amd)define([],r);else{var e;e="undefined"!=typeof window?window:"undefined"!=typeof global?global:"undefined"!=typeof self?self:this,e.JSON8Patch=r()}}(function(){return function r(e,t,n){function o(a,s){if(!t[a]){if(!e[a]){var u="function"==typeof require&&require;if(!s&&u)return u(a,!0);if(i)return i(a,!0);var p=Error("Cannot find module '"+a+"'");throw p.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",p}var f=t[a]={exports:{}};e[a][0].call(f.exports,function(r){var t=e[a][1][r];return o(t?t:r)},f,f.exports,r,e,t,n)}return t[a].exports}for(var i="function"==typeof require&&require,a=0;a<n.length;a++)o(n[a]);return o}({1:[function(r,e){"use strict";var t=r("./lib/apply");e.exports.patch=t,e.exports.apply=t,e.exports.revert=r("./lib/revert"),e.exports.diff=r("./lib/diff"),e.exports.add=r("./lib/add"),e.exports.copy=r("./lib/copy"),e.exports.move=r("./lib/move"),e.exports.remove=r("./lib/remove"),e.exports
Akkuma / Is Capitalized ==
Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
Simple JavaScript functions to check if a string is capitalized
//Assumes that a string is made up of only letters
function isCapitalized(str) {
var char = str[0];
return char.toUpperCase() == char;
Akkuma / Mass Murder Analysis
Created December 15, 2012 02:55
Mass Murder Analysis
D = Democrat
R = Republican
D/R = Swing state, went D most recently
R/D = Swing state, went R most recently
# =
X = Murder in the 80's
I = Murder in the 90's
Y = Murder in the 00's
Z = Murder in the 10's
Akkuma / style.js
Created July 26, 2012 18:54
520 Style
//Comma first, used by both Isaac Z. Schlueter and TJ Holowaychuk
//modified with the opening bracket on the same line as declaration
//Variable assignment and object property value right aligned
var objectStyle = {
property1 : 'test'
, prop2 : 3
, property : 4
Akkuma / comma-first-var.js
Created July 26, 2012 16:19 — forked from isaacs/comma-first-var.js
A better coding convention for lists and object literals in JavaScript
// See comments below.
// This code sample and justification brought to you by
// Isaac Z. Schlueter, aka isaacs
// standard style
var a = "ape",
b = "bat",
c = "cat",
d = "dog",
Akkuma /
Created April 20, 2012 14:19
Tower.js Passport Example
passport = require 'passport'
googOID = require('passport-google').Strategy
steamOID = require('passport-steam').Strategy
passport.use new steamOID
returnURL: 'http://localhost:3000/auth/steam/return'
, realm: 'http://localhost:3000'
, () -> console.log arguments
passport.use new googOID