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Created August 7, 2018 05:48
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Set up MiniProfiler - index page with the profiler UI bits
module Views
open Giraffe
open GiraffeViewEngine
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http
open StackExchange.Profiling
let index (ctx: HttpContext) =
// Just render the includes
let mp = MiniProfiler.Current.RenderIncludes(ctx)
// actual html starts here
html [] [
head [] [
meta [ _httpEquiv "Content-Type"; _content "text/html"; _charset "utf-8" ]
title [ ] [ encodedText "SAFE demo with MiniProfiler for .NET" ]
meta [ _name "viewport"; _content "width=device-width, initial-scale=1"]
link [ _rel "stylesheet"; _type "text/css"; _href "" ]
link [ _rel "stylesheet"; _type "text/css"; _href "" ]
link [ _rel "stylesheet"; _type "text/css"; _href "" ]
link [ _rel "shortcut icon"; _href "/Images/safe_favicon.png"; _type "image/png" ]
body [ ] [
div [ _id "elmish-app" ] []
// Include MiniProfiler script before your main js bundle, because MiniProfiler 'patches' XHR, fetch, etc to profile those requests...
rawText mp.Value
script [ _src "./js/bundle.js" ] [ ]
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