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Created September 7, 2016 14:44
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Modified redux/SimpleForm showing that not typed buttons behave as submit buttons
import React from 'react'
import { Field, reduxForm } from 'redux-form'
const SimpleForm = (props) => {
const { handleSubmit, pristine, submitting } = props
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<label>First Name</label>
<Field name="firstName" component="input" type="text" placeholder="First Name"/>
<label>Last Name</label>
<Field name="lastName" component="input" type="text" placeholder="Last Name"/>
<Field name="email" component="input" type="email" placeholder="Email"/>
<label><Field name="sex" component="input" type="radio" value="male"/> Male</label>
<label><Field name="sex" component="input" type="radio" value="female"/> Female</label>
<label>Favorite Color</label>
<Field name="favoriteColor" component="select">
<option value="ff0000">Red</option>
<option value="00ff00">Green</option>
<option value="0000ff">Blue</option>
<label htmlFor="employed">Employed</label>
<Field name="employed" id="employed" component="input" type="checkbox"/>
<Field name="notes" component="textarea"/>
<button type="submit" disabled={pristine || submitting}>Submit</button>
<button disabled={pristine || submitting} >Clear Values</button>
export default reduxForm({
form: 'simple' // a unique identifier for this form
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