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Forked from eybisi/index.ts
Created March 18, 2021 08:05
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Save AkshayJainG/f88874787ddc6873e63e2ab7f3b75585 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
frida script to find imposter (amongus 2020.9.9 arm64-v8a)
import { log } from "./logger";
import { AssertionError } from "assert";
const libil2cpp = Process.getModuleByName("");
const libil2cppb = libil2cpp.base;
const playerinfo_serialize = libil2cppb.add(0x6c2e30);
const playerinfo_deserialize = libil2cppb.add(0x6c316c);
console.log("Starting script..");
function readString(pointr:NativePointer){
let length = pointr.add(16).readInt()
const stringBytes = pointr.add(20).readByteArray(length*2)
if(stringBytes instanceof ArrayBuffer){
const view = new Uint16Array(stringBytes)
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null,[...view])
return "Cant read"
function processPlayerInfo(rawPlayer: NativePointer) {
const buffer = rawPlayer.readByteArray(0x41);
const playername_ptr = rawPlayer.add(0x18).readPointer()
const playername = readString(playername_ptr)
if (buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
const playerInfoView = new DataView(buffer);
const player = {
PlayerId: playerInfoView.getInt8(0x10),
PlayerName: playername, //0x18
ColorId: playerInfoView.getInt32(0x20, true),
HatId: playerInfoView.getInt16(0x24, true),
PetId: playerInfoView.getInt16(0x28, true),
SkinId: `0x${playerInfoView.getInt16(0x2c, true).toString(16)}`,
Disconnected: `0x${playerInfoView.getInt32(0x30, true).toString(16)}`,
Tasks: playerInfoView.getInt32(0x38, true),
IsImpostor: playerInfoView.getInt8(0x40),
console.log("[+] Player Serialize");
console.log(JSON.stringify(player,null,"-- "))
Interceptor.attach(playerinfo_serialize, {
onEnter: function (args) {
const rawPlayer = args[0];
// console.log(
// hexdump(rawPlayer.add(0x20), {
// offset: 0,
// length: 0x50,
// header: true,
// ansi: true,
// })
// );
onLeave: retval => {},
Interceptor.attach(playerinfo_deserialize, {
onEnter: function (args) {
//save playerInfo pointer
this.pInfo = args[0];
onLeave: function (retval) {
if(this.pInfo instanceof NativePointer){
//playerInfo deserialized into pInfo
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