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C:\Users\USER>adb logcat -s Unity
--------- beginning of main
05-21 15:43:38.397 21288 21341 I Unity : Card was clicked isClickEnabled? True : => member name: OnMouseDown : => source line number: 170
05-21 15:43:38.397 21288 21341 I Unity : Card was clicked Nine : => member name: OnMouseDown : => source line number: 178
05-21 15:43:38.397 21288 21341 I Unity : 0_tilged:: OnCardClick: networkID 108 cardRank Nine cardColor Red selected True isWildCard False isSpecialCard False isLocal True null? False : => member name: PrintLog : => source line number: 42
05-21 15:43:38.398 21288 21341 I Unity : NakamaController:: OnCardClick {"c":"{\"i\":108,\"c\":2,\"r\":9,\"w\":0}","s":true,"h":0,"i":-1} : => member name: PrintLog : => source line number: 42
05-21 15:43:38.721 21288 21341 I Unity : 0_tilged:: OnDiscardPileMeldClicked : => member name: PrintLog : => source line number: 42
05-21 15:43:38.721 21288 21341 I Unity : GameController:: GetServerIdFromLocalID localID 0 : => member name: PrintLog : => s
C:\Users\USER>adb logcat -s Unity
--------- beginning of system
--------- beginning of main
05-21 11:08:39.145 6542 6611 I Unity :
05-21 11:08:39.145 6542 6611 I Unity :
05-21 11:08:39.145 6542 6611 I Unity : NakamaController:: STC_HighlightDiscardPileTopCardOfLP enable False selectedDiscardPileIndex -1 : => member name: PrintLog : => source line number: 42
05-21 11:08:39.145 6542 6611 I Unity :
05-21 11:08:39.145 6542 6611 I Unity :
05-21 11:08:39.145 6542 6611 I Unity : 0_scruokneons:: HighlightDiscardPileTopCard enable? False selectedDiscardPileIndex -1 : => member name: PrintLog : => source line number: 42
C:\Users\USER>adb logcat -s Unity:* AndroidRuntime:E -v color
--------- beginning of system
--------- beginning of crash
--------- beginning of main
05-20 17:46:49.433 20358 20391 I Unity : TimerElapsed Cancel: TimerOnJoinedRoom
05-20 17:46:49.797 20358 20391 I Unity :
05-20 17:46:49.797 20358 20391 I Unity :
05-20 17:46:49.797 20358 20391 I Unity : SafeArea Refreshed : => member name: ApplySafeArea : => source line number: 84
05-20 17:46:49.848 20358 20391 I Unity : Unity iOS Support: App Tracking Transparency status not checked, because the platform is not iOS.
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19045.4412]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Users\USER>adb logcat -s Unity:* AndroidRuntime:E -v color
--------- beginning of system
--------- beginning of crash
--------- beginning of main
05-20 16:57:46.443 20358 20391 I Unity : Sending Profile___[4]___: name: Dealer, chips: 500000, isLocal: False, isAI: True, isDealer: True, photoId: 0, actorNumber: -1, playFabId: , aiId: -1, isQuit: False, baseBet: (Bet: 0, Round: 0, Turn: 0, BjButton: MinBet, IsPaid: False), optionalBet: (Bet: 0, Round: 0, Turn: 0, BjButton: MinBet, IsPaid: False), canBet: False, precedingActorNum: -1
05-20 16:57:46.444 20358 20391 I Unity : Turn update: 589492605~3~9~-1,-1
05-20 16:57:46.444 20358 20391 I Unity : <color=white>RoomCustomProperties update sent 589482605</color>
05-17 11:09:42.063 4079 4186 I Unity : _______________________________________________________
05-17 11:09:42.063 4079 4186 I Unity : <color=yellow>RoomCP</color>: 2.14kb
05-17 11:09:42.063 4079 4186 I Unity : <i>_lastUpdate<color=red>*</color> </i>: 309399162, Sender ActorNumber: <b>3</b>, AiId: <b>-1<
C:\Users\USER>adb logcat -s Unity:* AndroidRuntime:E -v color
--------- beginning of main
05-16 15:59:09.260 17312 17394 I Unity : PlayOnlineRandom
05-16 15:59:09.260 17312 17394 I Unity :
05-16 15:59:09.260 17312 17394 I Unity :
05-16 15:59:09.260 17312 17394 I Unity : Load Level.............. : => member name: LoadGameScene : => source line number: 1637
05-16 15:59:09.397 17312 17446 W Unity : The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'InviteWindow') is missing!
05-16 15:59:09.455 17312 17394 I Unity : UnityMainThreadDispatcher OnDestroy
05-16 15:59:09.528 17312 17394 I Unity : BlackjackPhotonManager instance set
05-16 15:08:57.914 557 1177 D AudioMixer: setDRCHandler, mStreamType: 3, device: 2
05-16 15:08:57.915 1515 2025 D MobileSignalController: onSignalStrengthsChanged: SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 ecno=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=2147483647 rsrp=-110 rsrq=-10 rssnr=62 cqi=0 ta=0 miuiLevel=3 level=2,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiSinr = 2147483647 ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 miuiLevel = 0 level = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthLte}, phoneId=0, mMtkLevel=-1, mMtkRsrpOnly=true, mMtkLteRsrpThreshold=null,
C:\Users\USER>adb logcat -s AndroidRuntime *
- waiting for device -
--------- beginning of system
05-16 11:27:25.837 886 886 D SFPerfTracer: layers: (3:8) (StatusBar#0 (0xae554000): 30:68631)* ( (0xae45a000): 0:285)* (DimLayerController/Stack=0#0 (0xae4e2000): 0:323)* (#0 (0xae6a2000): 0:2708) (#1 (0xae3aa000): 0:144) (#2 (0xae3e3000): 0:14)* (NavigationBar#0 (0xae479000): 0:5478)* ( (0xae3eb000): 0:15)*
05-16 11:27:39.438 886 886 I SFPerfTracer: triggers: (rate: 60:24680) (compose: 2:397) (post: 0:623) (render: 15:1104) (802:3047691 frames) (803:3070706)
05-16 11:27:39.438 886 886 D SFPerfTracer: layers: (3:8) (StatusBar#0 (0xae554000): 1:68632)* ( (0xae45a000): 0:285)* (DimLayerController/Stack=0#0 (0xae4e2000): 0:323)* (#0 (0xae6a2000): 0:2708) (#1 (0xae3aa000): 0:144) (#2 (0xae3e3000): 0:14)* (NavigationBar#0 (0xae479000): 0:5478)* (com.
C:\Users\USER>adb logcat -s AndroidRuntime *
--------- beginning of system
05-14 10:33:26.031 845 2253 E SchedPolicy: open of /dev/cpuctl/bg_non_interactive/tasks failed: No such file or directory
05-14 10:33:26.037 1941 1941 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 367 lines
05-14 10:33:26.058 1941 1980 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 4 lines
05-14 10:33:26.183 1941 2098 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 30 lines
05-14 10:33:26.540 1941 1985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 4 lines
05-14 10:33:26.586 1941 1983 I chatty : uid=1000(system) expire 16 lines
05-14 10:33:26.614 886 886 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger expire 14 lines
05-08 12:32:04.800 1127 1236 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat (UnityEngine.LogType,UnityEngine.Object,string,object[])
05-08 12:32:04.800 1127 1236 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log (UnityEngine.LogType,object)
05-08 12:32:04.800 1127 1236 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log (object)
05-08 12:32:04.800 1127 1236 I Unity : Blackjack21.Pun.Members:UpdateRoomCP (Blackjack21.Pun.RoomCP) (at D:/Unity_Projects/Projects/Blackjack21/Project/Blackjack21/Assets/Scripts/BlackJack/PunData.cs:640)
05-08 12:32:04.800 1127 1236 I Unity : Blackjack21.Pun.RoomCP:OnRoomCPUpdate (ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable,bool,string,int) (at D:/Unity_Projects/Projects/Blackjack21/Project/Blackjack21/Assets/Scripts/BlackJack/PunData.cs:1463)
05-08 12:32:04.800 1127 1236 I Unity : BJ21PhotonManager:OnRoomPropertiesUpdate (ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable) (at D:/Unity_Projects/Projects/Blackjack21/Project/Blackjack21/Assets/Scripts/BlackJack/BJ2