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Created May 1, 2020 09:43
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JitsiMeetExternalAPI type definition
import EventEmitter from 'events'
declare class JitsiMeetExternalAPI extends EventEmitter {
domain: string,
options: {
/**The name of the room to join. */
roomName: string
/**Width of the iframe. Check parseSizeParam for format details*/
width?: string | number
/**Height of the iframe. Check parseSizeParam for format details.*/
height?: string | number
/** The node that will contain the iframe.*/
parentNode?: HTMLElement
/**Object containing configuration options defined in config.js to be overridden.*/
configOverwrite?: Object
/**Object containing configuration options defined in interface_config.js to be overridden.*/
interfaceConfigOverwrite?: Object
/**If the value is true https won't be used.*/
noSSL?: boolean
/**The JWT token if needed by jitsi-meet for authentication. */
jwt?: string
/**The onload function that will listen for iframe onload event.*/
onload?: Function
/**Array of objects containing information about new participants that will be invited in the call.*/
invitees?: Array<Object>
/**Array of objects containing information about the initial devices that will be used in the call.*/
devices?: Array<Object>
/**Object containing information about the participant opening the meeting.*/
userInfo: Object
* Creates the iframe element.
* @param {number|string} height - The height of the iframe. Check
* parseSizeParam for format details.
* @param {number|string} width - The with of the iframe. Check
* parseSizeParam for format details.
* @param {Function} onload - The function that will listen
* for onload event.
* @returns {void}
* @private
private _createIFrame (height: number | string, width: number | string, onload: Function): void
* Returns arrays with the all resources for the always on top feature.
* @returns {Array<string>}
private _getAlwaysOnTopResources (): Array<string>
* Returns the id of the on stage participant.
* @returns {string} - The id of the on stage participant.
private _getOnStageParticipant (): string
* Getter for the large video element in Jitsi Meet.
* @returns {HTMLElement|undefined} - The large video.
private _getLargeVideo (): HTMLElement | undefined
* Getter for participant specific video element in Jitsi Meet.
* @param {string|undefined} participantId - Id of participant to return the video for.
* @returns {HTMLElement|undefined} - The requested video. Will return the local video
* by default if participantId is undefined.
private _getParticipantVideo (participantId: string | undefined): HTMLElement | undefined
* Sets the size of the iframe element.
* @param {number|string} height - The height of the iframe.
* @param {number|string} width - The with of the iframe.
private _setSize (height: number | string, width: number | string): void
* Setups listeners that are used internally for JitsiMeetExternalAPI.
private _setupListeners (): void
* Returns the formatted display name of a participant.
* @param {string} participantId - The id of the participant.
* @returns {string} The formatted display name.
private _getFormattedDisplayName (participantId: string): string
* Adds event listener to Meet Jitsi.
* @param {string} event - The name of the event.
* @param {Function} listener - The listener.
* @returns {void}
* @deprecated
* NOTE: This method is not removed for backward comatability purposes.
addEventListener (event: string, listener: Function): void
* Adds event listeners to Meet Jitsi.
* @param {Object} listeners - The object key should be the name of
* the event and value - the listener.
* Currently we support the following
* events:
* {@code incomingMessage} - receives event notifications about incoming
* messages. The listener will receive object with the following structure:
* {{
* 'from': from,//JID of the user that sent the message
* 'nick': nick,//the nickname of the user that sent the message
* 'message': txt//the text of the message
* }}
* {@code outgoingMessage} - receives event notifications about outgoing
* messages. The listener will receive object with the following structure:
* {{
* 'message': txt//the text of the message
* }}
* {@code displayNameChanged} - receives event notifications about display
* name change. The listener will receive object with the following
* structure:
* {{
* jid: jid,//the JID of the participant that changed his display name
* displayname: displayName //the new display name
* }}
* {@code participantJoined} - receives event notifications about new
* participant.
* The listener will receive object with the following structure:
* {{
* jid: jid //the jid of the participant
* }}
* {@code participantLeft} - receives event notifications about the
* participant that left the room.
* The listener will receive object with the following structure:
* {{
* jid: jid //the jid of the participant
* }}
* {@code videoConferenceJoined} - receives event notifications about the
* local user has successfully joined the video conference.
* The listener will receive object with the following structure:
* {{
* roomName: room //the room name of the conference
* }}
* {@code videoConferenceLeft} - receives event notifications about the
* local user has left the video conference.
* The listener will receive object with the following structure:
* {{
* roomName: room //the room name of the conference
* }}
* {@code screenSharingStatusChanged} - receives event notifications about
* turning on/off the local user screen sharing.
* The listener will receive object with the following structure:
* {{
* on: on //whether screen sharing is on
* }}
* {@code dominantSpeakerChanged} - receives event notifications about
* change in the dominant speaker.
* The listener will receive object with the following structure:
* {{
* id: participantId //participantId of the new dominant speaker
* }}
* {@code suspendDetected} - receives event notifications about detecting suspend event in host computer.
* {@code readyToClose} - all hangup operations are completed and Jitsi Meet
* is ready to be disposed.
* @returns {void}
* @deprecated
* NOTE: This method is not removed for backward comatability purposes.
addEventListeners (listeners: object): void
* Removes the listeners and removes the Jitsi Meet frame.
* @returns {void}
dispose (): void
* Executes command. The available commands are:
* {@code displayName} - Sets the display name of the local participant to
* the value passed in the arguments array.
* {@code subject} - Sets the subject of the conference, the value passed
* in the arguments array. Note: Available only for moderator.
* {@code toggleAudio} - Mutes / unmutes audio with no arguments.
* {@code toggleVideo} - Mutes / unmutes video with no arguments.
* {@code toggleFilmStrip} - Hides / shows the filmstrip with no arguments.
* If the command doesn't require any arguments the parameter should be set
* to empty array or it may be omitted.
* @param {string} name - The name of the command.
* @returns {void}
executeCommand (name: string, ...args): void
* Executes commands. The available commands are:
* {@code displayName} - Sets the display name of the local participant to
* the value passed in the arguments array.
* {@code toggleAudio} - Mutes / unmutes audio. No arguments.
* {@code toggleVideo} - Mutes / unmutes video. No arguments.
* {@code toggleFilmStrip} - Hides / shows the filmstrip. No arguments.
* {@code toggleChat} - Hides / shows chat. No arguments.
* {@code toggleShareScreen} - Starts / stops screen sharing. No arguments.
* @param {Object} commandList - The object with commands to be executed.
* The keys of the object are the commands that will be executed and the
* values are the arguments for the command.
* @returns {void}
executeCommands (commandList: object): void
* Returns Promise that resolves with a list of available devices.
* @returns {Promise}
getAvailableDevices (): Promise<any>
* Returns Promise that resolves with current selected devices.
* @returns {Promise}
getCurrentDevices (): Promise<any>
* Check if the audio is available.
* @returns {Promise} - Resolves with true if the audio available, with
* false if not and rejects on failure.
isAudioAvailable (): Promise<boolean>
* Returns Promise that resolves with true if the device change is available
* and with false if not.
* @param {string} [deviceType] - Values - 'output', 'input' or undefined.
* Default - 'input'.
* @returns {Promise}
isDeviceChangeAvailable (deviceType: 'output' | 'input' | undefined): Promise<boolean>
* Returns Promise that resolves with true if the device list is available
* and with false if not.
isDeviceListAvailable (): Promise<boolean>
* Returns Promise that resolves with true if multiple audio input is supported
* and with false if not.
isMultipleAudioInputSupported (): Promise<boolean>
* Invite people to the call.
* @param {Array<Object>} invitees - The invitees.
* @returns {Promise} - Resolves on success and rejects on failure.
invite (invitees: Array<object>): Promise<any>
* Returns the audio mute status.
* @returns {Promise} - Resolves with the audio mute status and rejects on
* failure.
isAudioMuted (): Promise<any>
* Returns the avatar URL of a participant.
* @param {string} participantId - The id of the participant.
* @returns {string} The avatar URL.
getAvatarURL (participantId: string): string
* Returns the display name of a participant.
* @param {string} participantId - The id of the participant.
* @returns {string} The display name.
getDisplayName (participantId: string): string
* Returns the email of a participant.
* @param {string} participantId - The id of the participant.
* @returns {string} The email.
getEmail (participantId: string): string
* Returns the iframe that loads Jitsi Meet.
* @returns {HTMLElement} The iframe.
getIFrame (): HTMLElement
* Returns the number of participants in the conference. The local
* participant is included.
* @returns {number} The number of participants in the conference.
getNumberOfParticipants (): number
* Check if the video is available.
* @returns {Promise} - Resolves with true if the video available, with
* false if not and rejects on failure.
isVideoAvailable (): Promise<any>
* Returns the audio mute status.
* @returns {Promise} - Resolves with the audio mute status and rejects on
* failure.
isVideoMuted (): Promise<any>
* Removes event listener.
* @param {string} event - The name of the event.
* @returns {void}
* @deprecated
* NOTE: This method is not removed for backward comatability purposes.
removeEventListener (event: string): void
* Removes event listeners.
* @param {Array<string>} eventList - Array with the names of the events.
* @returns {void}
* @deprecated
* NOTE: This method is not removed for backward comatability purposes.
removeEventListeners (eventList: Array<string>): void
* Passes an event along to the local conference participant to establish
* or update a direct peer connection. This is currently used for developing
* wireless screensharing with room integration and it is advised against to
* use as its api may change.
* @param {Object} event - An object with information to pass along.
* @param {Object} - The payload of the event.
* @param {string} event.from - The jid of the sender of the event. Needed
* when a reply is to be sent regarding the event.
* @returns {void}
sendProxyConnectionEvent (event: { data: Object; from: string }): void
* Sets the audio input device to the one with the label or id that is
* passed.
* @param {string} label - The label of the new device.
* @param {string} deviceId - The id of the new device.
* @returns {Promise}
setAudioInputDevice (label: string, deviceId: string): Promise<any>
* Sets the audio output device to the one with the label or id that is
* passed.
* @param {string} label - The label of the new device.
* @param {string} deviceId - The id of the new device.
* @returns {Promise}
setAudioOutputDevice (label: string, deviceId: string): Promise<any>
* Sets the video input device to the one with the label or id that is
* passed.
* @param {string} label - The label of the new device.
* @param {string} deviceId - The id of the new device.
* @returns {Promise}
setVideoInputDevice (label: string, deviceId: string): Promise<any>
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