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Last active November 3, 2018 17:54
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Testing colours printing on various console. Colours source:
# Testing colours printing on VisualStudio console and PowerShell to check how
# colours are represented. This is for choosing color scheme of logging library
# Constants source:
module Color
# Miscellaneous stuff
module Misc
# Embed in a String to clear all previous ANSI sequences. This *MUST* be
# done before the program exits!
CLEAR = "\e[0m".freeze
RESET = CLEAR # An alias for CLEAR.
ERASE_LINE = "\e[K".freeze # Erase the current line of terminal output.
ERASE_CHAR = "\e[P".freeze # Erase the character under the cursor.
BOLD = "\e[1m".freeze # The start of an ANSI bold sequence.
DARK = "\e[2m".freeze # The start of an ANSI dark sequence. (Terminal support uncommon.)
UNDERLINE = "\e[4m".freeze # The start of an ANSI underline sequence.
BLINK = "\e[5m".freeze # The start of an ANSI blink sequence. (Terminal support uncommon.)
REVERSE = "\e[7m".freeze # The start of an ANSI reverse sequence.
CONCEALED = "\e[8m".freeze # The start of an ANSI concealed sequence. (Terminal support uncommon.)
# Font colors
module Font
BLACK = "\e[30m".freeze # Set the terminal's foreground ANSI color to black.
RED = "\e[31m".freeze # Set the terminal's foreground ANSI color to red.
GREEN = "\e[32m".freeze # Set the terminal's foreground ANSI color to green.
YELLOW = "\e[33m".freeze # Set the terminal's foreground ANSI color to yellow.
BLUE = "\e[34m".freeze # Set the terminal's foreground ANSI color to blue.
MAGENTA = "\e[35m".freeze # Set the terminal's foreground ANSI color to magenta.
CYAN = "\e[36m".freeze # Set the terminal's foreground ANSI color to cyan.
WHITE = "\e[37m".freeze # Set the terminal's foreground ANSI color to white.
BRIGHT_RED = "\e[1;31m".freeze # Set the terminal's foreground ANSI color to bright red.
BRIGHT_GREEN = "\e[1;32m".freeze # Set the terminal's foreground ANSI color to bright green.
BRIGHT_YELLOW = "\e[1;33m".freeze # Set the terminal's foreground ANSI color to bright yellow.
BRIGHT_BLUE = "\e[1;34m".freeze # Set the terminal's foreground ANSI color to bright blue.
BRIGHT_MAGENTA = "\e[1;35m".freeze # Set the terminal's foreground ANSI color to bright magenta.
BRIGHT_CYAN = "\e[1;36m".freeze # Set the terminal's foreground ANSI color to bright cyan.
BRIGHT_WHITE = "\e[1;37m".freeze # Set the terminal's foreground ANSI color to bright white.
# Background color
module Back
ON_BLACK = "\e[40m".freeze # Set the terminal's background ANSI color to black.
ON_RED = "\e[41m".freeze # Set the terminal's background ANSI color to red.
ON_GREEN = "\e[42m".freeze # Set the terminal's background ANSI color to green.
ON_YELLOW = "\e[43m".freeze # Set the terminal's background ANSI color to yellow.
ON_BLUE = "\e[44m".freeze # Set the terminal's background ANSI color to blue.
ON_MAGENTA = "\e[45m".freeze # Set the terminal's background ANSI color to magenta.
ON_CYAN = "\e[46m".freeze # Set the terminal's background ANSI color to cyan.
ON_WHITE = "\e[47m".freeze # Set the terminal's background ANSI color to white.
ON_BRIGHT_RED = "\e[1;41m".freeze # Set the terminal's background ANSI color to bright red.
ON_BRIGHT_GREEN = "\e[1;42m".freeze # Set the terminal's background ANSI color to bright green.
ON_BRIGHT_YELLOW = "\e[1;43m".freeze # Set the terminal's background ANSI color to bright yellow.
ON_BRIGHT_BLUE = "\e[1;44m".freeze # Set the terminal's background ANSI color to bright blue.
ON_BRIGHT_MAGENTA = "\e[1;45m".freeze # Set the terminal's background ANSI color to bright magenta.
ON_BRIGHT_CYAN = "\e[1;46m".freeze # Set the terminal's background ANSI color to bright cyan.
ON_BRIGHT_WHITE = "\e[1;47m".freeze # Set the terminal's background ANSI color to bright white.
def color_text(text, color)
color_tag = Color::Font.const_get(color.to_s.upcase)
color_tag + text + Color::Misc::CLEAR
def color_back(text, color)
color_tag = Color::Back.const_get(color.to_s.upcase)
color_tag + text + Color::Misc::CLEAR
# Loop through font colours
Color::Font.constants.each do |c|
text = "This is a long long long text in #{c}"
puts color_text(text, c)
puts ""
# Loop through background colours
Color::Back.constants.each do |b|
text_white = "#{Color::Font::WHITE}This is a long long long text in white over #{b}#{Color::Misc::CLEAR}"
puts color_back(text_white, b)
puts ""
Color::Back.constants.each do |b|
text_black = "#{Color::Font::BLACK}TThis is a long long long text in black over #{b}#{Color::Misc::CLEAR}"
puts color_back(text_black, b)
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