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Last active November 23, 2020 12:49
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import mobase
import os
import pathlib
from typing import List
from pathlib import Path
from PyQt5.QtCore import QFileInfo, QDir, qWarning, QTimer, qDebug
from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMainWindow, QWidget, QDialogButtonBox, QMessageBox
class GrassPrecacher(mobase.IPluginTool):
_organizer: mobase.IOrganizer
_mainWindow: QMainWindow
_parentWidget: QWidget
def __init__(self):
def init(self, organizer: mobase.IOrganizer):
self._organizer = organizer
return True
def name(self) -> str:
return "GrassPrecacher"
def author(self) -> str:
return "AL"
def description(self) -> str:
return "Automatically restarts the game if it crashed on close (only works for meh321 PrecacheGrass mod)"
def version(self) -> mobase.VersionInfo:
return mobase.VersionInfo(1, 0, 0, mobase.ReleaseType.BETA)
def isActive(self) -> bool:
return self._organizer.pluginSetting(, "enabled") is True
def settings(self) -> List[mobase.PluginSetting]:
return [
mobase.PluginSetting("enabled", "enable this plugin", True)
def displayName(self):
return "Precache Grass "
def tooltip(self):
return "Runs the game in a loop while PrecacheGrass.txt exists in the game folder."
def icon(self):
return QIcon()
def setParentWidget(self, widget:QWidget):
self._parentWidget = widget
def _isGrassPluginPresent(self) -> bool:
grassPluginPath = "NetScriptFramework/Plugins/"
grassPlugin = "*GrassControl.dll"
result = self._organizer.findFiles(grassPluginPath, grassPlugin)
if result:
return True
return False
def display(self):
# When you press the option in the tools menu:
if not self._isGrassPluginPresent():
QMessageBox.critical(self._parentWidget,"GrassControl plugin is missing", "\"No Grass In Object\" mod not found. Please install the mod and refresh MO2.")
if QMessageBox.warning(self._parentWidget,"Start Grass Precaching?",
"""This operation can take a long time (1hour+).
The game is expected to crash multiple times during the operation, MO2 will restart it automatically until it's complete.""",
QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.Abort) == QMessageBox.Yes :
gameFolder : QDir = self._organizer.managedGame().gameDirectory()
cacheFile = gameFolder.absoluteFilePath("PrecacheGrass.txt")
# Create PrecacheGrass.txt in game folder
def _startGame_and_wait(self):
gameFolder : QDir = self._organizer.managedGame().gameDirectory()
sksePath = gameFolder.absoluteFilePath("skse64_loader.exe")
appHandle = self._organizer.startApplication(sksePath, ["-forcesteamloader"])
if appHandle == 0:
QMessageBox.critical(self._parentWidget,"Grass Precaching Error", "MO2 failed to restart the game, aborting Grass Precaching")
cacheFile = gameFolder.absoluteFilePath("PrecacheGrass.txt")
else :
#Application started successfully, wait until completion
# Application was closed or crashed
def _tryRestart(self):
gameFolder : QDir = self._organizer.managedGame().gameDirectory()
cacheFile = gameFolder.absoluteFilePath("PrecacheGrass.txt")
# check for PrecacheGrass.txt
if os.path.exists(cacheFile) :
# PrecacheGrass.txt exists so we restart if user doesn't abort in 8 seconds.
timedBox = QMessageBox(self._parentWidget)
timedBox.setWindowTitle("Restarting Game...")
timedBox.setText("""Grass Precacheing isn't finished yet, Mo2 will try restart the game automatically in 8 seconds...
(The game is expected to crash multiple times during this operation, so this is normal).""")
okButton = timedBox.button(QMessageBox.Ok)
if timedBox.clickedButton() == okButton :
#continue loop
#stop loop
QMessageBox.warning(self._parentWidget,"Grass Precaching Aborted", "The grass precaching operation was terminated before being completed.")
# The game terminated and the file is missing, assume operation completed successfully
QMessageBox.information(self._parentWidget, "Grass precaching completed.",
""" The grass caching operation was completed successfully.""", QMessageBox.Ok)
def createPlugin() -> mobase.IPlugin:
return GrassPrecacher();
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