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Created March 27, 2023 17:44
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use std::error::Error;
enum MyGameResult {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
enum Shape {
Rock = 0,
Paper = 1,
Scissors = 2,
impl Shape {
fn get_winning_move_for_opponent(&self) -> Self {
let self_u8 = *self as u8;
Shape::try_from((&self_u8 + 2) % 3).unwrap()
fn get_losing_move_for_opponent(&self) -> Self {
let self_u8 = *self as u8;
Shape::try_from((self_u8 + 1) % 3).unwrap()
impl std::convert::TryFrom<u8> for Shape {
type Error = Box<dyn Error>;
fn try_from(value: u8) -> Result<Self, Self::Error>{
match value {
0 => Ok(Shape::Rock),
1 => Ok(Shape::Paper),
2 => Ok(Shape::Scissors),
_ => Err(format!("invalid shape: {}", value).into()),
fn vs(me: Shape, opponent: Shape) -> MyGameResult {
let winning_move_for_opponent = me.get_winning_move_for_opponent();
let losing_move_for_opponent = me.get_losing_move_for_opponent();
println!("me: {me:?}, opponent: {opponent:?}, winning_move_for_opponent: {winning_move_for_opponent:?}, losing_move_for_opponent: {losing_move_for_opponent:?}");
match opponent {
x if x == losing_move_for_opponent => MyGameResult::Lose,
x if x == winning_move_for_opponent => MyGameResult::Win,
x if x == me => MyGameResult::Tie,
_ => unreachable!()
fn main() {
// Wins
assert!(vs(Shape::Scissors, Shape::Paper) == MyGameResult::Win); // "Scissors cuts Paper"
assert!(vs(Shape::Paper, Shape::Rock) == MyGameResult::Win); // "Paper covers Rock"
assert!(vs(Shape::Rock, Shape::Scissors) == MyGameResult::Win); // "Rock crushes Scissors"
// Ties
assert!(vs(Shape::Rock, Shape::Rock) == MyGameResult::Tie);
assert!(vs(Shape::Paper, Shape::Paper) == MyGameResult::Tie);
assert!(vs(Shape::Scissors, Shape::Scissors) == MyGameResult::Tie);
// One Example Loss
assert!(vs(Shape::Scissors, Shape::Rock) == MyGameResult::Lose);
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