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Created April 29, 2019 23:34
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Week 2, Day 1
Week 2, Day 1.txt
Main subject: APIs and the web
How does the web work?--Starts with a web request (where you type in the URL). Sends message from our computer through a series of tubes to the server.
http = hypertext transfer protocol
Responds primarily with html, css, and javascript (only responses from a web request)
When we type a URL into our browser, that is a GET request (we just don't see it).
GET http:// wiki/stuff
verb protocol domain URL
Common verbs: The browser doesn't understand these verbs, but our server does (where we may use them)
GET - reading
POST - changing
PATCH - for updating
DELETE - for removing
HTTP Response
status HTTP/1.1 200 OK
headers Date: <--date and time the web response is sent
Server: <--Type of server and its Operating System
Content-Type: <--type of content and character set used (English/UTF-8(?))
Content-Length: 131 <-(131 characters)
body <html>
<title>An Example Page</title>
json is a combination of strings, arrays, and hashes.
Status Codes: (always 3 digits long, first digit is important for error type)
100 - informational (fairly uncommon)
200 - Success (usually 200 OK)
300 - Redirect (301 - moved permanently; 302 - found)
400 - Client Error (your fault; 404 Page Not Found--going to a URL that doesn't exist; 403 Forbidden--You don't have authorization to do this particular web request; Twitter for a long time had 420 Enhance Your Calm--in response to sending 50,000+ web requests per second--servers can create their own)
500 - Server Error (my fault; 500 Internal Server Errror is most common; 503 Gateway Timeout (?))
bitly (?) takes a longer URL path and exchanges it for a shorter URL (useful for twitter with a 140 character limit)
APIs deliver data back in response to server request (as opposed to user friendly information like css, javascript, and html)
A gem is a library of ruby code.
subl . <- terminal command to open the current directory in Sublime
In URLs, spaces are encoded to be replaced with %20
URI is almost interchangable with URL. It is a package in Ruby that will encode for URLs. It is included when we use the gem "require 'http'" is useful for creating URLs to use for API
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