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Last active May 1, 2019 18:54
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Week 2, Day 3
3. API CONTROLLER (gets data from MODEL) <-- subject for today
All Rails apps come pre-git init
rails new cookbook_app
cd cookbook_app
rake db:create
rails generate controller api/recipes <--recipes must be plural because all controller names must be plural
subl .
rails generate model Recipe title:string chef:string ingredients:string directions: string image_url:string prep_time:integer
^ Name of model should be upper camelcase and singular.
Everything following the name are attributes of the model.
You cannot change the migration file after migrate step
rake db:migrate Rails has prebuilt reader and writer methods.
rails console <-- IRB with the entire rails framework loaded into it
CRUD method: create, read, update, destroy
recipe = "Raw Egg", chef: "Josh", ingredients: "live chicken, rubber gloves", directions: "put on gloves, squeeze chicken lightly", prep_time: 5)
recipe.title = "Egg" <-- Will overwrite attribute "title"; you must still save though.
Recipe.all <-- will show all objects created within that model (which is class plus the database table)
Recipe.find_by(title: "Hand Sandwich") <--Usually you wil search by id
Recipe.find(2) <-- same as Recipe.find_by(id: 2) find_by(id: ) is so common that it has a shortcut.
recipe = Recipe.find(2)
recipe = _ <--underscore will give you the return value of the line above, so this would be the same
recipe.destroy <--will destroy the current object you are working on
rails server
command-control up/down moves the current line up or down in sublime
Separation of Concerns: Modular Programming
Separation of concerns is writing specific types of code in specific files, each of which has its own purpose. The value is simplifying development and maintenance of computer programs. Enables you to make changes to individual sections independently without having to understand the other sections of the full program.
MVC design is the specific convention of Rails (Model, View, Controller)
Model = stored data
defines how we interact with stored information
ORM - object relational mapping software -- translates Rails into SQL commands to interact with database.
View = interface
defines how the user sees and sends information to our application
In rails, usually json or html.
Controller = logic flow
the leader, analyzing and giving commands
Combines pieces together.
Usually involves if statements, filters, or CRUD operations.
SQL/relational database
• means it has columns and rows
NoSQL/non-relational database
• means does not have columns and rows
In a database:
rows are instances <-- these are interchangable when using databases
columns are attributes
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