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Created June 11, 2019 15:46
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Week 8, Day 2 (no class on Monday, no Day 1)
Automated Testing (also known as regression testing)
Testing usually has a note that explains what the code does. Can improve the code written. Leads into TDD - Test Driven Development.
Can incorporate Rspec (stands for Ruby specs - we will use this). Doesn't come standard with rails.
mkdir rspec_exercises
require 'rspec'
calculator =
RSpec.describe Calculator do
describe '#add' do
# code that tests the add method
it 'should return the sum of two numbers' do # between it and do is a string
calculator = # must repeat this line to create a new instance of Calculator
result = calculator.add(1, 4)
expect(result).to eq(5) # could also combine these lines to: expect(calculator.add(1,4)).to eq(5)
describe '#subtract' do
# code that tests the subtract method
rspec calculator.rb
---> .
^ known as a 'pip', means it passed.
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