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Created December 21, 2014 13:35
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#Defaults always_set_home
# If enabled, sudo will set the HOME environment variable to the home directory of the target user
# (which is root unless the -u option is used). This effectively means that the -H option
# always_set_home is only effective for configurations where either env_reset is disabled or HOME is present
# in the env_keep list. Default: OFF
#Defaults authenticate
# If set, users must authenticate themselves via a password (or other means of authentication)
# before they may run commands. This default may be overridden via the PASSWD and NOPASSWD
#Defaults closefrom_override
# If set, the user may use sudo's -C option which overrides the default starting
# point at which sudo begins closing open file descriptors. Default: OFF
#Defaults compress_io
# If set, and sudo is configured to log a command's input or output, the I/O logs will be
# compressed using zlib. This flag is on by default when sudo is compiled with zlib support.
#Defaults env_editor
# If set, visudo will use the value of the EDITOR or VISUAL environment variables before falling back on the default
# editor list. Note that this may create a security hole as it allows th separated list of editors in the editor
# variable. visudo will then only use the EDITOR or VISUAL if they match a value specified in editor. On by default.
#Defaults env_reset
# If set, sudo will run the command in a minimal environment containing the TERM, PATH, HOME, MAIL, SHELL, LOGNAME,
# USER, USERNAME and SUDO_* variables. Any variables in the caller's env in the file specified by the env_file
# option (if any). The default contents of the env_keep and env_check lists are displayed when sudo is run by
# root with the -V option.
#Defaults fast_glob
# Normally, sudo uses the glob(3) function to do shell-style globbing when matching path names.
# However, since it accesses the file system, glob(3) can take a long time to complete for som (automounted).
# The fast_glob option causes sudo to use the fnmatch(3) function, which does not access the file system to do
# its matching. The disadvantage of fast_glob is that it is unable to ma names that include globbing characters
# are used with the negation operator, '!', as such rules can be trivially bypassed. As such, this option should
# not be used when sudoers contains rules that
#Defaults fqdn
# Set this flag if you want to put fully qualified host names in the sudoers file. I.e., instead of myhost you
# would use You may still use the short form if you wish (and sudo unusable if DNS stops
# working (for example if the machine is not plugged into the network). Also note that you must use the
# host's official name as DNS knows it. That is, you may not use a all aliases from DNS. If your machine's
# host name (as returned by the hostname command) is already fully qualified you should not need to set fqdn.
# Default: OFF
#Defaults ignore_dot
# If set, sudo will ignore '.' or '' (current dir) in the PATH environment variable; the PATH
# itself is not modified. Default: OFF
#Defaults ignore_local_sudoers
# If set via LDAP, parsing of /etc/sudoers will be skipped. This is intended for Enterprises that wish to prevent
# the usage of local sudoers files so that only LDAP is used. /etc/sudoers does not even need to exist.
# Since this option tells sudo how to behave when no specific LDAP entries have been matched, this sudo
# Option is only meaningful for the cn=default
#Defaults insults
# If set, sudo will insult users when they enter an incorrect password. Default: OFF
#Defaults log_host
# If set, the host name will be logged in the (non-syslog) sudo log file. Default: OFF
#Defaults log_input
# If set, sudo will run the command in a pseudo tty and log all user input. If the standard
# input is not connected to the user's tty, due to I/O redirection or because the command is part Input is logged
# to the directory specified by the iolog_dir option (/var/log/sudo-io by default) using a unique session ID that
# is included in the normal sudo log line, prefixed with TSID=. Note that user input may contain sensitive
# information such as passwords (even if they are not echoed to the screen), which will be stored in the log file
# unencrypted.
#Defaults log_output
# If set, sudo will run the command in a pseudo tty and log all output that is sent to the
# screen, similar to the script(1) command. If the standard output or standard error is not connec is also captured and
# stored in separate log files. Output is logged to the directory specified by the iolog_dir option (/var/log/sudo-io
# by default) using a unique session ID that is included in the normal sudo log line, prefixed with TSID=. The Output
# logs may be viewed with the sudoreplay(8) utility, which can also be used to list or search the available logs.
#Defaults log_year
# If set, the four-digit year will be logged in the (non-syslog) sudo log file. Default: OFF
#Defaults long_otp_prompt
# When validating with a One Time Password (OTP) scheme such as S/Key or OPIE, a two-line
# prompt is used to make it easier to cut and paste the challenge to a local window
#Defaults mail_always
# Send mail to the mailto user every time a users runs sudo. Default: OFF
#Defaults mail_badpass
# Send mail to the mailto user if the user running sudo does not enter the correct password.
# Default: OFF
#Defaults mail_no_host
# If set, mail will be sent to the mailto user if the invoking user exists in the sudoers
# file, but is not allowed to run commands on the current host. Default: OFF
#Defaults mail_no_perms
# If set, mail will be sent to the mailto user if the invoking user is allowed to use sudo
# but the command they are trying is not listed in their sudoers file entry or is explicitly denied
#Defaults mail_no_user
# If set, mail will be sent to the mailto user if the invoking user is not in the sudoers file.
# Default: ON
#Defaults noexec
# If set, all commands run via sudo will behave as if the NOEXEC tag has been set, unless overridden
# by a EXEC tag. See the description of NOEXEC and EXEC below as well as the "PREVENTING SHE
#Defaults path_info
# Normally, sudo will tell the user when a command could not be found in their PATH environment
# variable. Some sites may wish to disable this as it could be used to gather information on t the executable is
# simply not in the user's PATH, sudo will tell the user that they are not allowed to run it, which can be confusing.
# Default: ON
#Defaults passprompt_override
# The password prompt specified by passprompt will normally only be used if the password prompt provided by
# systems such as PAM matches the string "Password:"
#Defaults preserve_groups
# By default, sudo will initialize the group vector to the list of groups the target
# user is in. When preserve_groups is set, the user's existing group vector is left unaltered.
#Defaults pwfeedback
# By default, sudo reads the password like most other Unix programs, by turning off echo
# until the user hits the return (or enter) key. Some users become confused by this as it appears to the user
# presses a key. Note that this does have a security impact as an onlooker may be able to determine the length of
# the password being entered. Default: OFF
#Defaults requiretty
# If set, sudo will only run when the user is logged in to a real tty. When this flag is set,
# sudo can only be run from a login session and not via other means such as cron(8) or cgi-bin
#Defaults root_sudo
# If set, root is allowed to run sudo too. Disabling this prevents users from "chaining" sudo
# commands to get a root shell by doing something like "sudo sudo /bin/sh". Note, however, that real additional
# security; it exists purely for historical reasons. Default: ON
#Defaults rootpw
# If set, sudo will prompt for the root password instead of the password of the invoking user.
# Default: OFF
#Defaults runaspw
# If set, sudo will prompt for the password of the user defined by the runas_default option
# (defaults to root) instead of the password of the invoking user. Default: OFF
#Defaults set_home
# If enabled and sudo is invoked with the -s option the HOME environment variable will be set
# to the home directory of the target user (which is root unless the -u option is used). So set_home is only
# effective for configs where either env_reset is disabled or HOME is present in the env_keep list. Default: OFF
#Defaults set_logname
# Normally, sudo will set the LOGNAME, USER and USERNAME environment variables to the name
# of the target user (usually root unless the -u option is given). However, since some programs ( may be desirable
# to change this behavior. This can be done by negating the set_logname option. Note that if the env_reset option
# has not been disabled, entries in the env_keep list will override
#Defaults set_utmp
# When enabled, sudo will create an entry in the utmp (or utmpx) file when a pseudo-tty is
# allocated. A pseudo-tty is allocated by sudo when the log_input, log_output or use_pty flags are e the tty, time,
# type and pid fields updated. Default: ON
#Defaults setenv
# Allow the user to disable the env_reset option from the command line via the -E option.
# Additionally, environment variables set via the command line are not subject to the restrictions impo variables
# in this manner. Default: OFF
#Defaults shell_noargs
# If set and sudo is invoked with no arguments it acts as if the -s option had been given.
# That is, it runs a shell as root (the shell is determined by the SHELL environment variable if is off by default.
#Defaults stay_setuid
# Normally, when sudo executes a command the real and effective UIDs are set to the target
# user (root by default). This option changes that behaviour such that the real UID is left as the systems that
# disable some potentially dangerous functionality when a program is run setuid. This option is only effective on
# systems with either the setreuid() or setresuid() function. This flag
#Defaults targetpw
# If set, sudo will prompt for the password of the user specified by the -u option (defaults to root) instead
# of the password of the invoking user. In addition, the timestamp file name will passwd database as an argument
# to the -u option. Default: OFF
#Defaults tty_tickets
# If set, users must authenticate on a per-tty basis. With this flag enabled, sudo will
# use a file named for the tty the user is logged in on in the user's time stamp directory.
#Defaults umask_override
# If set, sudo will set the umask as specified by sudoers without modification. This makes
# it possible to specify a more permissive umask in sudoers than the user's own umask and match user's umask and what
# is specified in sudoers. Default: OFF
#Defaults use_pty
# If set, sudo will run the command in a pseudo-pty even if no I/O logging is being gone.
# A malicious program run under sudo could conceivably fork a background process that retains to the u that impossible.
# Default: OFF
#Defaults utmp_runas
# If set, sudo will store the name of the runas user when updating the utmp (or utmpx) file.
# By default, sudo stores the name of the invoking user. Default: OFF
#Defaults visiblepw
# By default, sudo will refuse to run if the user must enter a password but it is not possible to disable echo on the
# terminal. If the visiblepw flag is set, sudo will prompt for a password even when it would be visible on the screen.
# This makes it possible to run things like "rsh somehost sudo ls" since rsh(1) does not allocate a tty. Default: OFF
#Defaults closefrom
# Before it executes a command, sudo will close all open file descriptors other than standard
# input, standard output and standard error (ie: file descriptors 0-2).
#Defaults passwd_tries
# The number of tries a user gets to enter his/her password before sudo logs the failure
# and exits. The default is 3.
#Defaults loglinelen
# Number of characters per line for the file log. This value is used to decide when to wrap
# lines for nicer log files. This has no effect on the syslog log file, only the file log.
#Defaults passwd_timeout
# Number of minutes before the sudo password prompt times out, or 0 for no timeout.
# The timeout may include a fractional component if minute granularity is insufficient, for example 2
#Defaults timestamp_timeout
# Number of minutes that can elapse before sudo will ask for a passwd again. The timeout
# may include a fractional component if minute granularity is insufficient, for example 2.5. timestamp will never expire.
# This can be used to allow users to create or delete their own timestamps via sudo -v and sudo -k respectively.
#Defaults umask
# Umask to use when running the command. Negate this option or set it to 0777 to preserve
# the user's umask. The actual umask that is used will be the union of the user's umask and the value o running
# a command. Note on systems that use PAM, the default PAM configuration may specify its own umask which will
# override the value set in sudoers.
#Defaults badpass_message
# Message that is displayed if a user enters an incorrect password. The default is Sorry,
# try again. unless insults are enabled.
#Defaults editor
# A colon (':') separated list of editors allowed to be used with visudo. visudo will choose
# the editor that matches the user's EDITOR environment variable if possible, or the first editor in
#Defaults iolog_dir
# The top-level directory to use when constructing the path name for the input/output log
# directory. Only used if the log_input or log_output options are enabled or when the LOG_INPUT or L directory.
# The default is "/var/log/sudo-io". The following percent (%) escape sequences are supported:
# %{seq} - expanded to base-36 sequence number, such as 0100A5, to form a new directory, e.g. 01/00/A5
# %{user} - expanded to the invoking user's login name
# %{group} - expanded to the name of the invoking user's real group ID
# %{runas_user} - expanded to the login name of the user the command will be run as (e.g. root)
# %{runas_group} - expanded to the group name of the user the command will be run as (e.g. wheel)
# %{hostname} - expanded to the local host name without the domain name
# %{command} - expanded to the base name of the command being run In addition, any escape sequences supported by
# strftime() function will be expanded. To include a literal % character, the string %% should be used.
#Defaults iolog_file
# The path name, relative to iolog_dir, in which to store input/output logs when the log_input or log_output options are
# enabled or when the LOG_INPUT or LOG_OUTPUT tags are present for a See the iolog_dir option above for a list of
# supported percent (%) escape sequences. In addition to the escape sequences, path names that end in six or more Xs will
# have the Xs replaced with a unique combination of digits and letters, similar to the mktemp() function.
#Defaults mailsub
# Subject of the mail sent to the mailto user. The escape %h will expand to the host name of
# the machine. Default is *** SECURITY information for %h ***.
#Defaults noexec_file
# This option is no longer supported. The path to the noexec file should now be set in the /etc/sudo.conf file.
#Defaults passprompt
# The default prompt to use when asking for a password; can be overridden via the -p option or the SUDO_PROMPT
# environment variable. The following percent (%) escape sequences are supported:
# %H - expanded to the local host name including the domain (only if the host name is fqdn or fqdn option is set)
# %h - expanded to the local host name without the domain name
# %p - expanded to the user whose password is being asked for (respects the rootpw, targetpw and runaspw flags)
# %U - expanded to the login name of the user the command will be run as (defaults to root)
# %u - expanded to the invoking user's login name
# %% - two consecutive % characters are collapsed into a single % character
# The default value is Password:.
#Defaults runas_default
# The default user to run commands as if the -u option is not specified on the command line. This defaults to root.
#Defaults syslog_badpri
# Syslog priority to use when user authenticates unsuccessfully. Defaults to alert.
# alert, crit, debug, emerg, err, info, notice, and warning.
#Defaults syslog_goodpri
# Syslog priority to use when user authenticates successfully. Defaults to notice. See syslog_badpri for the priorities.
#Defaults sudoers_locale
# Locale to use when parsing the sudoers file, logging commands, and sending email.
# Note that changing the locale may affect how sudoers is interpreted. Defaults to "C".
#Defaults timestampdir
# The directory in which sudo stores its timestamp files. The default is /var/db/sudo.
#Defaults timestampowner
# The owner of the timestamp directory and the timestamps stored therein. The default is root.
#Defaults env_file
# The env_file option specifies the fully qualified path to a file containing variables to
# be set in the environment of the program being run. Entries in this file should either be of the f quotes.
# Variables in this file are subject to other sudo environment settings such as env_keep and env_check.
#Defaults exempt_group
# Users in this group are exempt from password and PATH requirements. The group name specified should not include
# a % prefix. This is not set by default.
#Defaults group_plugin
# A string containing a sudoers group plugin with optional arguments. This can be used to implement support for the
# nonunix_group syntax described earlier. The string should consist of configuration arguments the plugin requires.
# These arguments (if any) will be passed to the plugin's initialization function. If arguments are present, the
# string must be enclosed in double quote For example, given /etc/sudo-group, a group file in Unix group format,
# the sample group plugin can be used: Defaults group_plugin=" /etc/sudo-group"
# For more information see sudo_plugin(5).
#Defaults lecture
# This option controls when a short lecture will be printed along with the password prompt. The default value is once.
# It has the following possible values:
# always - Always lecture the user.
# never - Never lecture the user.
# once - Only lecture the user the first time they run sudo.
# If no value is specified, a value of once is implied. Negating the option results in a value of never being used.
#Defaults lecture_file
# Path to a file containing an alternate sudo lecture that will be used in place of the standard lecture if the named
# file exists. By default, sudo uses a built-in lecture.
#Defaults listpw
# This option controls when a password will be required when a user runs sudo with the -l option.
# It has the following possible values:
# all - All the user's sudoers entries for the current host must have the NOPASSWD set to avoid entering a pass.
# always - The user must always enter a password to use the -l option.
# any - At least one of the user's sudoers entries for the current host must have the NOPASSWD set to avoid pass.
# never - The user need never enter a password to use the -l option.
# If no value is specified, a value of any is implied. The default value is any.
#Defaults logfile
# Path to the sudo log file (not the syslog log file). Setting a path turns on logging to a file;
# negating this option turns it off. By default, sudo logs via syslog.
#Defaults mailerflags
# Flags to use when invoking mailer. Defaults to -t.
#Defaults mailerpath
# Path to mail program used to send warning mail. Defaults to the path to sendmail found at configure time.
#Defaults mailfrom
# Address to use for the "from" address when sending warning and error mail. The address should
# be enclosed in double quotes (") to protect against sudo interpreting the @ sign.
#Defaults mailto
# Address to send warning and error mail to. The address should be enclosed in double quotes
# (") to protect against sudo interpreting the @ sign. Defaults to root.
#Defaults secure_path
# Path used for every command run from sudo. If you do not trust the people running sudo to have a sane PATH environment
# variable you may want to use this. Another use is if you want to option are not affected by secure_path.
# This option is not set by default.
#Defaults syslog
# Syslog facility if syslog is being used for logging (negate to disable syslog logging). Defaults to auth.
# authpriv (if OS supports it), auth, daemon, user, local0, local1, local2, local3, local4, local5, local6, and local7.
#Defaults verifypw
# This option controls when a password will be required when a user runs sudo with the -v option.
# It has the following possible values:
# all - All the user's sudoers entries for the current host must have the NOPASSWD flag to avoid pw.
# always - The user must always enter a password to use the -v option.
# any - At least one of the user's sudoers entries for the current host must have NOPASSWD to avoid pw.
# never - The user need never enter a password to use the -v option
# If no value is specified, a value of all is implied. Negating the option results in a value of never being used.
# The default value is all.
#Defaults env_check
# Environment variables to be removed from the user's environment if the variable's value contains % or / characters.
# This can be used to guard against printf-style format vulnerabilities value without double-quotes. The list can be
# replaced, added to, deleted from, or disabled by using the =, +=, -=, and ! operators respectively. Regardless of
# whether the env_reset option is ena they pass the aforementioned check. The default list of environment variables
# to check is displayed when sudo is run by root with the -V option.
#Defaults env_delete
# Environment variables to be removed from the user's environment when the env_reset option is not in effect. The
# argument may be a double-quoted, space-separated list or a single value w +=, -=, and ! operators respectively.
# The default list of environment variables to remove is displayed when sudo is run by root with the -V option.
#Defaults env_keep
# Environment variables to be preserved in the user's environment when the env_reset option is in effect. This
# allows fine-grained control over the environment sudo-spawned processes will r quotes. The list can be replaced,
# added to, deleted from, or disabled by using the =, +=, -=, and ! operators respectively.
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