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Last active June 28, 2020 18:32
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"groups": [
"data": [
"site": "Justice Department Charges Julian Assange in Superseding Indictment",
"url": ""
"site": "iOS14 reveals that TikTok may snoop clipboard contents every few keystrokes",
"url": ""
"site": "Krita 4.3.0 Released",
"url": ""
"site": "An even worse anti-encryption bill than EARN IT",
"url": ""
"site": "Street-Fighting Mathematics",
"url": ""
"site": "The largest city in each 10x10 degree latitude/longitude box",
"url": ""
"site": "Eastern European Movies",
"url": ""
"site": "A new licensing program to support the news industry",
"url": ""
"site": "Apple: Advancements in Game Controllers",
"url": ""
"site": "Show HN: HN Deck – An alternative way to browse Hacker News",
"url": ""
"site": "Wirecard files for insolvency after financial hole laid bare",
"url": ""
"site": "Surgical Reading: How to Read 12 Books at Once",
"url": ""
"site": "Turns out Zoom isn't all that different to Skype after all",
"url": ""
"site": "GW-Basic Source Notes",
"url": ""
"site": "Those who exercise free speech should also defend it even when it’s offensive",
"url": ""
"site": "Michael Hawley of MIT's Media Lab has died",
"url": ""
"site": "How to write PureScript react components to replace JavaScript",
"url": ""
"site": "Perceptions of musical octaves are learned, not wired in the brain",
"url": ""
"site": "Alex: ML-enhanced range index, similar in functionality to a B+ Tree",
"url": ""
"site": "The Eviction Tracking System: Monitor the number of U.S. eviction cases",
"url": ""
"site": "Amazon Honeycode – build web and mobile apps without writing code",
"url": ""
"site": "Face ID and Touch ID for the Web",
"url": ""
"site": "Software reuse is more like an organ transplant than snapping Lego blocks (2011)",
"url": ""
"site": "C performance mystery: delete unused string constant",
"url": ""
"site": "Brazil Suspends WhatsApp Payments",
"url": ""
"site": "An experiment suggested by a PhD student may rewrite chemistry textbooks",
"url": ""
"site": "Facial Recognition Leads To False Arrest Of Black Man In Detroit",
"url": ""
"site": "Substack (YC W18) Is Hiring to Build a Better Business Model for Writing",
"url": ""
"site": "Show HN: Beautiful Visualisations with the Chord Package",
"url": ""
"site": "London tube map made from a working circuit board",
"url": ""
"data": [
"site": "I deleted my Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram accounts, and felt great since",
"url": ""
"site": "Can you 3D print Damascus steel? Pretty much, yeah",
"url": ""
"site": "No, Safari 14 does not block Google Analytics",
"url": ""
"site": "Amazon establishes new Counterfeit Crimes Unit",
"url": ""
"site": "Software Entropy",
"url": ""
"site": "Your Career in Computer Programming (2015)",
"url": ""
"site": "No code tools for each stage of application development",
"url": ""
"site": "HAMR-JR microrobot demonstrates dexterity",
"url": ""
"site": "Hapi.js project is reaching its conclusion",
"url": ""
"site": "Microsoft duplicates data from Firefox without asking",
"url": ""
"site": "Tesla lags auto industry in quality, finds new J.D. Power study",
"url": ""
"site": "“TikTok is a data collection service that is thinly-veiled as a social network.”",
"url": ""
"site": "Perl 7 is going to be Perl 5.32, mostly",
"url": ""
"site": "Can the Cult of Bang and Olufsen Last? (2011)",
"url": ""
"site": "On Liberty (1859) [pdf]",
"url": ""
"site": "Apple Acquires Fleetsmith",
"url": ""
"site": "New monkey species found hiding in plain sight",
"url": ""
"site": "Save Internet Freedom: Support the Open Technology Fund",
"url": ""
"site": "Elevator.js – A “back to top” button that behaves like a real elevator",
"url": ""
"site": "PEP 622 – Structural Pattern Matching",
"url": ""
"site": "How to sell open source software: Guacamole case study",
"url": ""
"site": "Air conditioning's original purpose was to enable factory processes",
"url": ""
"site": "Text-Only Websites",
"url": ""
"site": "The new system architecture of Apple Silicon Macs [video]",
"url": ""
"site": "Brazilian authorities suspend WhatsApp payments",
"url": ""
"site": "New technology for aluminum production promises zero CO2 emission",
"url": ""
"site": "Twilio’s Dutch rival MessageBird plans an IPO",
"url": ""
"site": "DNS Push Notifications",
"url": ""
"site": "New Google default wipes users' location, web history after 18 months",
"url": ""
"site": "Stopping Computer Crimes (1989) [pdf]",
"url": ""
"data": [
"site": "OpenDiablo2",
"url": ""
"site": "Silq: A new high-level programming language for quantum computing",
"url": ""
"site": "The Senate’s new anti-encryption bill is even worse than EARN IT",
"url": ""
"site": "NASA names headquarters after first Black female engineer Mary W. Jackson",
"url": ""
"site": "Inside eBay’s bizarre campaign against a blog critic",
"url": ""
"site": "How People Read Online: New and Old Findings",
"url": ""
"site": "Mathematics in type theory",
"url": ""
"site": "iPhone 6S getting iOS 14 is like the Galaxy S6 getting Android 11",
"url": ""
"site": "Show HN: Runc – Compile and run C in one command",
"url": ""
"site": "What I learned from looking at every AI/ML tool I could find",
"url": ""
"site": "Impossibility of Distributed Consensus with One Faulty Process (1985) [pdf]",
"url": ""
"site": "Journalist’s phone hacked: all he had to do was visit any website",
"url": ""
"site": "Show HN: Splitgraph - Build and share data with Postgres, inspired by Docker/Git",
"url": ""
"site": "Robust Client-Side JavaScript (2017)",
"url": ""
"site": "Show HN: Re-Pixel – Recolor sprite art in seconds with a smart palette swapper",
"url": ""
"site": "Show HN: A Chrome extension to burst your filter bubble",
"url": ""
"site": "Open IPP Report – Exposed Printer Devices on the Internet",
"url": ""
"site": "A $35 keyboard for children transformed me into a novelist",
"url": ""
"site": "What vertical farming and ag startups don't understand about agriculture",
"url": ""
"site": "Syndicated rounds, for founders who can’t find a Series A lead",
"url": ""
"site": "Google Blew a Ten-Year Lead",
"url": ""
"site": "Show HN:, a tool to profile JVMs in production",
"url": ""
"site": "The Harm of Studying Abroad",
"url": ""
"site": "Onivim 2: Lightweight, Modal Code Editor",
"url": ""
"site": "Intel finally lost Apple because Skylake QA 'was abnormally bad'",
"url": ""
"site": "Object-Oriented Design Heuristics (2017) [slides]",
"url": ""
"site": "Why did the Washington Post get this woman fired?",
"url": ""
"site": "I Just Hit $100k/year On GitHub Sponsors",
"url": ""
"site": "One simple yet crucial thing I learned from YC's StartupSchool",
"url": ""
"site": "How to make an SMS bot with Google Sheets and Twilio",
"url": ""
"data": [
"site": "Tesla included in J.D. Power survey for the first time, and it’s bad",
"url": ""
"site": "You can't tell people anything (2004)",
"url": ""
"site": "Show HN: Deta – A cloud platform for building and deploying apps",
"url": ""
"site": "WireViz: Tool for documenting cables, wiring harnesses and connector pinouts",
"url": ""
"site": "Is WebP really better than JPEG?",
"url": ""
"site": "App Clips for iOS",
"url": ""
"site": "Microsoft Defender ATP for Linux is now generally available",
"url": ""
"site": "Tiny C Compiler",
"url": ""
"site": "Facebook accused of trying to decloak domain owners' personal Whois info",
"url": ""
"site": "GPT-3",
"url": ""
"site": "The Open Goldberg Variations",
"url": ""
"site": "Dungeon Scrawl: Old school maps in minutes",
"url": ""
"site": "White House ordered NIH to cancel coronavirus research funding, Fauci says",
"url": ""
"site": "Show HN: Whiteborb – Free shared whiteboard built on Fabric.js and",
"url": ""
"site": "Show HN: CodeStream in-IDE Code Review and workflow tool",
"url": ""
"site": "Ask HN: Thoughts on new GitHub layout?",
"url": ""
"site": "Archival Identifiers for Digital Files",
"url": ""
"site": "The Sin of Sloth – an external module system for C",
"url": ""
"site": "Synthetic Biology",
"url": ""
"site": "Haskell for a New Decade [pdf]",
"url": ""
"site": "Ad Boycott of Facebook Keeps Growing",
"url": ""
"site": "Exploration of Generative Art",
"url": ""
"site": "Apple Just Crippled IDFA, Sending an $80B Industry into Upheaval",
"url": ""
"site": "Writing, Reading, Writing",
"url": ""
"site": "Functional Language Features: Iterators and Closures",
"url": ""
"site": "Learning operating system development using Linux kernel and Raspberry Pi",
"url": ""
"site": "Mounting clues suggest the coronavirus might trigger diabetes",
"url": ""
"site": "How the Virus Won",
"url": ""
"site": "Sysinternals ProcDump for Linux",
"url": ""
"site": "My dream dating app has been banned by Apple",
"url": ""
"data": [
"site": "Nanoplastics accumulate in land-plant tissues: study",
"url": ""
"site": "Tolkien’s Mythic Plan for England",
"url": ""
"site": "Ask HN: How to avoid over-engineering software design for future use cases?",
"url": ""
"site": "The Problem with Git Flow",
"url": ""
"site": "A new social network that celebrates debate and critical thinking",
"url": ""
"site": "Tuvalu Makes $4M a Year",
"url": ""
"site": "Ask HN: I want to quit coding professionally but keep it as hobby. What now?",
"url": ""
"site": "Safari is adopting an extensions API similar to Firefox’s WebExtensions",
"url": ""
"site": "Show HN: Sidequest – A personal ticket system that lives inside Slack",
"url": ""
"site": "Show HN: Query 1.6B rows in milliseconds, live",
"url": ""
"site": "I Am Deleting the Blog",
"url": ""
"site": "Facebook’s dominance is built on anti-competitive behavior",
"url": ""
"site": "Show HN: Slingcode live-reloading web IDE to make, run, and share web apps P2P",
"url": ""
"site": "About the Rosetta Translation Environment",
"url": ""
"site": "Staring into the COM Abyss",
"url": ""
"site": "It’s unconstitutional for cops to force phone unlocking, court rules",
"url": ""
"site": "Oculus sunsets Go, will add easier Quest app distribution",
"url": ""
"site": " – Open-source ToDo app for Android with CalDAV sync",
"url": ""
"site": "Ancient yet Cosmopolitan",
"url": ""
"site": "Jepsen: Redis-Raft 1b3fbf6",
"url": ""
"site": "Show HN: Awk-JVM – A toy JVM in Awk",
"url": ""
"site": "CashRegister in PyQt5 with barcode logon and 32 programmable buttons",
"url": ""
"site": "The PVM – Python Virtual Machine",
"url": ""
"site": "Cade Metz Pulls a ‘Deep Capture’ on Slate Star Codex",
"url": ""
"site": "Prescriptions Are a Dead End",
"url": ""
"site": "The Team Edits Your Images: Aurora Borealis",
"url": ""
"site": "HEY's Gemfile",
"url": ""
"site": "A neutralizing human antibody binds to the Spike protein of SARS-CoV-2",
"url": ""
"site": "Show HN: IHP, a batteries-included web framework built on Haskell and Nix",
"url": ""
"site": "Goldman Sans",
"url": ""
"data": [
"site": "Household income surged in April despite record unemployment",
"url": ""
"site": "Show HN: Antimander – Optimize Congressional Districts with Genetic Algorithms",
"url": ""
"site": "macOS 11: copies of dynamic libraries are no longer present on the file system",
"url": ""
"site": "Charter seeks FCC OK to impose data caps and charge fees to video services",
"url": ""
"site": "Twitter bans and purges links to journalist org for publishing BlueLeaks",
"url": ""
"site": "Seasteading – a vanity project for the rich or the future of humanity?",
"url": ""
"site": "Facebook creates fact-checking exemption for climate deniers",
"url": ""
"site": "NASA to rename headquarters for Mary W. Jackson, first Black female engineer",
"url": ""
"site": "Pseudonymity as a Trivial Concession to Genius",
"url": ""
"site": "Former Wirecard CEO Markus Braun arrested",
"url": ""
"site": "A/B Street: A simulation game to fix Seattle's traffic",
"url": ""
"site": "Hot off the press: SF Symbols 2",
"url": ""
"site": "Safari now blocks Google Analytics on sites, new Privacy Report feature shows",
"url": ""
"site": "Bastions on demand in an AWS VPC",
"url": ""
"site": "Construction begins on world’s biggest liquid air battery",
"url": ""
"site": "We’ve decided to rename Riot",
"url": ""
"site": "The death of the private citizen?",
"url": ""
"site": "List of Lists of Lists – Wikipedia",
"url": ""
"site": "Engineers launched crash programs for ventilators. What will happen to them?",
"url": ""
"site": "A wild bug: 1970s Intel 8271 disc chip ate my data",
"url": ""
"site": "iOS 14 will give users the option to decline app ad tracking",
"url": ""
"site": "CERN approves plans for a $23B, 62-mile long super-collider",
"url": ""
"site": "Clara Immerwahr: Science’s Tragic and Surprisingly Modern Heroine",
"url": ""
"site": "Want to Live a Better Life? Change Your Habits",
"url": ""
"site": "Show HN: CloudSkew – Draw AWS, Azure, GCP, K8s architecture diagrams",
"url": ""
"site": "Segway ends production of its original scooter",
"url": ""
"site": "Tell HN: The National Theatre (UK) streams weekly – this week is brilliant",
"url": ""
"site": "Opinions I have formed about the “geospatial industry”",
"url": ""
"site": "Covid-19 Risks of Flying",
"url": ""
"site": "With YouTube Music, Google is holding my speakers for ransom",
"url": ""
"data": [
"site": "Eyes in the Sky",
"url": ""
"site": "PayPal, Venmo to Roll Out Crypto Buying and Selling",
"url": ""
"site": "Ask HN: What Is the Value of CockroachDB?",
"url": ""
"site": "Personal Branding as a Developer Your GitHub Profile Matters More Than You Think",
"url": ""
"site": "Experts warn parts of U.S. on verge of being overwhelmed by Covid-19 resurgence",
"url": ""
"site": "Ask HN: How to develop a growth mindset?",
"url": ""
"site": "Decades-Old Soviet Studies Hint at Coronavirus Strategy",
"url": ""
"site": "Show HN: – expose localhost with a public URL (built in Rust)",
"url": ""
"site": "Siberian town in arctic circle hits 101°F (38°C)",
"url": ""
"site": "The Cartoon Picture of Magnets That Has Transformed Science",
"url": ""
"site": "The Problem with Bill Gates",
"url": ""
"site": "What Comes After Zoom?",
"url": ""
"site": "How effective communication can be achieved in a digital work environment",
"url": ""
"site": "Hospitals Sued to Keep Prices Secret. They Lost",
"url": ""
"site": "Initial Covid-19 infection rate may be 80 times greater than originally reported",
"url": ""
"site": "Intel quietly launches 15TB Ruler SSDs",
"url": ""
"site": "Making Blurry Faces Photorealistic Goes Only So Far",
"url": ""
"site": "Roundup plaintiffs' attorneys plead guilty in $200M extortion scheme",
"url": ""
"site": "Law to blow the encryption house down with police backdoors",
"url": ""
"site": "Victory Boston Bans Government Use of Face Surveillance",
"url": ""
"site": "Support for hand-drawn diagrams with rough.js",
"url": ""
"site": "Chrysler's Radical Space Shuttle Design Was 50 Years Ahead of Its Time",
"url": ""
"site": "USA v David Correia: Devices sent from client to attorney not privileged [pdf]",
"url": ""
"site": "Intel to use nanowire/nanoribbon transistors in volume ‘in five years’",
"url": ""
"site": "A high-coverage Neandertal genome from Chagyrskaya Cave",
"url": ""
"site": "California sets Covid-19 daily record, Bay Area cumulative total passes 20k",
"url": ""
"site": "Feedback Canvas: A tool for receiving honest feedback from your team",
"url": ""
"site": "Understand WebAssembly in 5 Minutes",
"url": ""
"site": "Republicans Who Don’t Understand Encryption Introduce Bill to Break It",
"url": ""
"site": "Why did Facebook acquire Mapillary?",
"url": ""
"data": [
"site": "The End of OS X",
"url": ""
"site": "Simulating Hydraulic Erosion",
"url": ""
"site": "My family saw a police car hit a kid, then I learned how NYPD impunity works",
"url": ""
"site": "Windows Fax and Scan",
"url": ""
"site": "How police unions became so powerful — and how they can be tamed",
"url": ""
"site": "Show HN: Node.js CRUD template with users, password resets and permissions",
"url": ""
"site": "Social Audio",
"url": ""
"site": "Republicans Push Bill Requiring Tech Companies Give Encrypted Data",
"url": ""
"site": "Go vs. Crystal Performance",
"url": ""
"site": "Trump suspends H1B, H4 visas till year end",
"url": ""
"site": "Lossless compression of English messages using GPT-2",
"url": ""
"site": "nCino S-1",
"url": ""
"site": "The Baffling World of Masayoshi Son's Presentations",
"url": ""
"site": "The Contentious History of the Passport (2017)",
"url": ""
"site": "Covid-19 has led to a pandemic of plastic pollution",
"url": ""
"site": "Red Hat reports security issue in Linux Kernel which was fixed 17 months prior",
"url": ""
"site": "Amazon Announces $2B Fund to Invest in Climate Tech Companies",
"url": ""
"site": "XDG Base Directory Specification",
"url": ""
"site": "Unreal Engine 4 .NET Core integration",
"url": ""
"site": "Frustration project: Automate data entry into PeopleSoft with Selenium",
"url": ""
"site": "What the SUN looks like over 10 years (NASA time lapse)",
"url": ""
"site": "Cheap tricks for high-performance Rust",
"url": ""
"site": "Washington state to require face masks after county runs out of hospital beds",
"url": ""
"site": "Containers the hard way: Gocker: A mini Docker written in Go",
"url": ""
"site": "FBI Expands Ability to Collect Cellphone Location Data, Monitor Social Media",
"url": ""
"site": "Ask HN: OOP vs FP?",
"url": ""
"site": "Ask HN: Switch to Java as Senior JavaScript Dev?",
"url": ""
"site": "Apple’s new iOS 14 home screen brings Windows Phone Live Tiles back to life",
"url": ""
"site": "Mathematicians urge colleagues to boycott police work in wake of killings",
"url": ""
"site": "What’s New in macOS Big Sur: Human Interface Guidelines",
"url": ""
"data": [
"site": "Show HN: VPN with automatic region routing, port-forwarding and custom filtering",
"url": ""
"site": "HashiCorp Cloud Platform",
"url": ""
"site": "Rust's Huge Compilation Units",
"url": ""
"site": "Twitter terminates DDoSecrets, falsely claims it may infect visitors",
"url": ""
"site": "Eating Thai Fruit Demands Serious Effort but Delivers Sublime Reward",
"url": ""
"site": "Snapchat adds free phone number verification to its list of SDK perks",
"url": ""
"site": "DHH: Hey's Monolith Stack RoR and TurboLink and MySQL and Elastic and Redis",
"url": ""
"site": "Article extraction benchmark: open-source libraries and commercial services",
"url": ""
"site": "Linux is Most Used OS in Microsoft Azure",
"url": ""
"site": "OneDev 3.2 – Self-Hosted All-in-One DevOps Platform",
"url": ""
"site": "Apple’s new ARM-based Macs won’t support Windows through Boot Camp",
"url": ""
"site": "The Internet Archive website lawsuit isn't as dire as you may have heard",
"url": ""
"site": "Ask HN: Thoughts on Applicant Tracking Systems?",
"url": ""
"site": "The Mac is not an Open Platform anymore",
"url": ""
"site": "Dynaglue: Make single-table designs in DynamoDB easier to query and update",
"url": ""
"site": "Google says it will no longer save a complete record of every search",
"url": ""
"site": "Best Free and Premium Bootstrap Themes, Templates and UI Kits",
"url": ""
"site": "Olympus to Exit Camera Business After 84 Years",
"url": ""
"site": "Silq: High-level strong static typed programming language for quantum computing",
"url": ""
"site": "A-Cloud PR/FAQ",
"url": ""
"site": "Ask HN: Is there an ORM as good as SQLAlchemy for TypeScript yet?",
"url": ""
"site": "Can I ask a potential employer for code samples and/or employee contacts?",
"url": ""
"site": "Why are Google and Apple dictating how European democracies fight coronavirus?",
"url": ""
"site": "Show HN: Log Owl – open-source, privacy-focused error tracking and analytics",
"url": ""
"site": "Why CoinDesk Respects Pseudonymity: A Stand Against Doxxing",
"url": ""
"site": "Rootless Containers",
"url": ""
"site": "The Value of Life",
"url": ""
"site": "What software that turns Obama white can (and can’t) tell us about AI bias",
"url": ""
"site": "When the CIA Interferes in Foreign Elections",
"url": ""
"site": "Ask HN: How do you look for your next opportunity?",
"url": ""
"data": [
"site": "Being an effective technical manager in 2020",
"url": ""
"site": "Acorn Computers: The “British Apple”",
"url": ""
"site": "Linux Touchpad Like a MacBook update: progress on multitouch",
"url": ""
"site": "Converting GW-BASIC to the Z80",
"url": ""
"site": "Starving to Health: Fasting-Mimicking Diet",
"url": ""
"site": "iOS 14 Notifies Users When an App or Widget Reads Your Clipboard",
"url": ""
"site": "Elon Musk and the Value of Localism-What We Should Do Instead of Going to Mars",
"url": ""
"site": "Western Digital adds “Red Plus” branding for non-SMR hard drives",
"url": ""
"site": "California seeks to enforce AB5, make Uber and Lyft drivers employees swiftly",
"url": ""
"site": "OpenJDK for Windows on ARM",
"url": ""
"site": "Some Work-at-Home Tips for FOSS Contributors",
"url": ""
"site": "Facebook accused of trying to bypass GDPR, slurp domain owners' Whois info",
"url": ""
"site": "Google’s 46-camera ‘light field videos’ let you change perspective",
"url": ""
"site": "FFFG: Freedom from Facebook and Google",
"url": ""
"site": "Adobe Flash Cut-Off Will Kill Millions of Websites",
"url": ""
"site": "IBM, Microsoft, and Amazon Halt Sales of Facial Recognition to Police",
"url": ""
"site": "New Blog post on Portainer 2.0 and upcoming features",
"url": ""
"site": "Chrome killed my extension and won’t tell me why",
"url": ""
"site": "Python Pickle’s Flaws",
"url": ""
"site": "Show HN: Tendies – My free, simple, stock screener",
"url": ""
"site": "Why did the world overlook Muslim Scientists' Contributions?",
"url": ""
"site": "Dell to Begin Shipping Ubuntu 20.04 LTS on Their Latest XPS Developer Edition",
"url": ""
"site": "Show HN: PHONK, Self-contained Creative coding toolbox for new and old Androids",
"url": ""
"site": "Ask HN: Should I buy Mac book Pro now or wait for arm",
"url": ""
"site": "Wrongfully Accused by an Algorithm",
"url": ""
"site": "U.S. Army Awards Pocket-Sized Drones $20.6M Contract",
"url": ""
"site": "Apple will require apps to have “Privacy Labels” summarizing data collection",
"url": ""
"site": "“'' will damage your computer. You should move it to the Trash.”",
"url": ""
"site": "Startup that 3D-prints rockets now has 2nd launch site at Vandenberg",
"url": ""
"site": "The Mac’s iconic startup chime is back in macOS Big Sur",
"url": ""
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