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Last active March 3, 2019 16:00
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  • Save Alan-FGR/757558f9d481654ae618d7778cc119e4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Address Assembly Clockticks Instructions Retired CPI Rate Retiring Back-End Bound Front-End Bound
0x140005164 Block 1:
0x140005164 xor eax, eax
0x140005166 mov edx, 0xffffff
0x14000516b mov ecx, 0x1
0x140005170 mov r8d, 0x1
0x140005176 xor r9d, r9d
0x140005179 Block 2:
0x140005179 add eax, r9d 302500000 355000000 0.852113 0.0504836 0.0421662 0.0452612
0x14000517c sub eax, ecx 70000000 92500000 0.756757 0.00696326 0.00793034 0.00870407
0x14000517e cmp eax, ecx 505000000 917500000 0.550409 0.0452612 0.0595743 0.094004
0x140005180 jle 0x140005184 <Block 4> 275000000 147500000 1.86441 0.0121857 0.0350096 0.0609285
0x140005182 Block 3:
0x140005182 inc ecx 290000000 365000000 0.794521 0.0295939 0.0425531 0.0609285
0x140005184 Block 4:
0x140005184 cmp eax, ecx
0x140005186 jnl 0x14000518b <Block 6>
0x140005188 Block 5:
0x140005188 dec r8d
0x14000518b Block 6:
0x14000518b cmp eax, ecx 82500000 92500000 0.891892 0.0121857 0.00580267 0.0208898
0x14000518d jnz 0x140005195 <Block 8>
0x14000518f Block 7:
0x14000518f mov r8d, 0x5
0x140005195 Block 8:
0x140005195 dec edx 225000000 410000000 0.54878 0.0208898 0.00696313 0.0626693
0x140005197 cmp edx, r9d 287500000 885000000 0.324859 0.0365571 0.0189554 0.0678918
0x14000519a jnz 0x14000519e <Block 10>
0x14000519c Block 9:
0x14000519c inc ecx
0x14000519e Block 10:
0x14000519e inc r9d 522500000 495000000 1.05556 0.027853 0.0088972 0.0974856
0x1400051a1 cmp r9d, 0xffffff 25000000 7500000 3.33333 0.00174081 0.00618955 0.00174081
0x1400051a8 jl 0x140005179 <Block 2>
0x1400051aa Block 11:
0x1400051aa lea eax, ptr [rcx+r8*1]
0x1400051ae ret
0x1400051af Block 12:
0x1400051af nop


Address Assembly Clockticks Instructions Retired CPI Rate Retiring Back-End Bound Front-End Bound
0x140005198 Block 1:
0x140005198 xor eax, eax
0x14000519a mov edx, 0xffffff
0x14000519f mov ecx, 0x1
0x1400051a4 mov r8d, 0x1
0x1400051aa xor r9d, r9d
0x1400051ad Block 2:
0x1400051ad add eax, r9d 250000000 570000000 0.438596 0 0.171373 0.0176471
0x1400051b0 sub eax, ecx 0 0 0 0
0x1400051b2 cmp eax, ecx
0x1400051b4 jle 0x1400051b8 <Block 4>
0x1400051b6 Block 3:
0x1400051b6 inc ecx 210000000 627500000 0.334661 0.00352942 0.154118 0.00705883
0x1400051b8 Block 4:
0x1400051b8 cmp eax, ecx 60000000 240000000 0.25 0 0.0329412 0.0141177
0x1400051ba jnl 0x1400051bf <Block 6>
0x1400051bc Block 5:
0x1400051bc dec r8d
0x1400051bf Block 6:
0x1400051bf cmp eax, ecx 205000000 765000000 0.267974 0.00705883 0.146667 0.0105883
0x1400051c1 jnz 0x1400051c9 <Block 8>
0x1400051c3 Block 7:
0x1400051c3 mov r8d, 0x5
0x1400051c9 Block 8:
0x1400051c9 dec edx 272500000 885000000 0.30791 0 0.118431 0.0917648
0x1400051cb cmp edx, r9d 0 2500000 0 0 0 0
0x1400051ce jnz 0x1400051d2 <Block 10>
0x1400051d0 Block 9:
0x1400051d0 inc ecx
0x1400051d2 Block 10:
0x1400051d2 inc r9d 277500000 682500000 0.406593 0.0105883 0.189412 0.0247059
0x1400051d5 cmp r9d, 0xffffff
0x1400051dc jl 0x1400051ad <Block 2>
0x1400051de Block 11:
0x1400051de lea eax, ptr [rcx+r8*1]
0x1400051e2 ret
0x1400051e3 Block 12:
0x1400051e3 nop
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